The space of Shouhuan Tower is still empty and vast.

As soon as Lu Qing'an entered it, a piece of information flooded into his mind, describing the exchange rules of the Life Exchange Tower.

He had already learned about it last time, but he didn't expect that the information he got this time seemed to be more.

"This longevity exchange tower is of a low level and can only be exchanged for treasures worth more than 떘 of the 7th grade of immortals? However, it requires 20,000 life yuan to exchange for treasures of the 7th grade of immortals, and it cannot be redeemed at the moment. However, if you want higher-level treasures, you have to Looking for a higher-end Shouhuan Tower? "

Lu Qing'an took a deep breath and put this information aside for the time being.

His current lifespan is 1680,000 years.

To redeem the fifth-grade immortal treasures such as 떘 and the fifth-grade medium immortal treasures, you need to invest 180,000 life yuan. This means that after investing 180,000 life yuan, there is a probability that treasures such as the fifth-grade immortal 떘 and medium-grade immortal treasures will appear.

To exchange for the top-grade treasures of the fifth-grade immortal and the top-grade treasures of the fifth-grade immortal, you need to invest 꺘100,000 life yuan.

To exchange for treasures such as Immortal Sixth Grade 떘 and Immortal Sixth Grade medium treasures, you need to invest 500,000 life yuan!

To exchange for the top-quality treasures of the sixth-grade Immortal and the supreme treasures of the sixth-grade Immortal, you need to invest 10,000 life yuan!

"During my time in Panlong City, most of the highest-level treasures I saw were from fifth-level to sixth-level immortals. The highest flying boat was only Murong Yingxue's fifth-level immortal flying boat. The levels of the immortal swords were about the same. There are very few treasures at the sixth level of Immortal. Perhaps only a powerful person like Cheng Da can possess them, but only one or two."

"So, if 놖 can get one or two immortal sixth-grade treasures, he has become a top person here in Panlong City. And if he has a first-class immortal sixth-grade treasure or a sixth-grade immortal treasure, I am afraid that the level of the city 덿 A strong person in the Void Realm will be surprised when he sees it.”

After thinking about it for a while, Lu Qingan had already figured out how to use the 1,680,000 life yuan.

"You can invest 100,000 yuan of life first, then 500,000 yuan of life, and finally 180,000 yuan of life! It's perfect!"

"Okay, no nonsense, let's get started!"

Lu Qingan decisively invested 180,000 life yuan first.

떘For a moment, a ball of light emerged from the void. The ball of light dissipated, and a treasure appeared in front of him.

This item looks like a small tower.

The magic weapon is made of exquisite gems inlaid in a silver frame. The overall mirror surface is clear and translucent. The frame is delicate and exquisite. It is also decorated with exquisite patterns around it, exuding a mysterious light.

The full name is "Linglong Tower".

A fifth-level immortal magic weapon!

The purpose is that practitioners can use this magic weapon to reflect the flaws in the practitioner's mind and practice, reveal their true self, and help the practitioner understand the correct direction and goal of practice.

You can use it even before you reach the Xuanguang realm!

"In other words, it can assist immortal-level experts within the Mysterious Light Realm to quickly find problems in their cultivation and improve them to make their foundation more stable. It is a good magic weapon!"

Lu Qing'an decisively put the Linglong Tower away and continued the previous operations.

"Invest five hundred thousand yuan!"

He is looking forward to it more and more. The treasure exchanged this time will be a sixth-grade Immortal treasure!

Five hundred thousand years of life force were consumed in his body in an instant, and then a ball of light emerged from the void in the blink of an eye.

This ball of light was obviously twice the size of the previous one. The light dissipated and a treasure appeared in front of him.

"Ice mirror! What a guy! Just the treasure that 놖 wants!"

The appearance of the object that appeared was like a crystal clear small mirror, with cold air gushing out from the mirror. The mirror body was inlaid with exquisite silver edges, reflecting a slight blue light, exuding a mysterious atmosphere.

This magic weapon is a sixth-level immortal defensive magic weapon! !

It can perfectly withstand a full blow from a strong person in the middle and late stages of the Void Realm!

Moreover, while resisting, it can erupt with a terrifying ice attack to kill the enemy!

A strong person in the Xuji Realm can be immune to 꺘 attacks by a strong person.

"This means that if Cheng 덿 or Huang Jiajia 덿 use all their strength to kill 놖, then one of them will have to die! Perfect! This magic weapon is so perfect!"

It was rare for Lu Qingan to smile heartily.

This is not only a defensive treasure, but also an offensive treasure!

It is simply his dream treasure!

"The only pity is that the number of uses is limited!" Lu Qing'an carefully put away the ice mirror.

Then he held his breath and invested his last ten thousand yuan!


The lifespan in his body suddenly only lasted a few days.

A huge ball of light that needs to be surrounded by one person flies out of the void.

The intense light made his eyes narrow.

The light fades.

A metal ship model appeared in his field of vision.

"The sixth-grade immortal flying boat! This! I won the prize!!"

Lu Qingan's eyes were beaming with excitement.

The sixth-grade immortal flying boat has the flying speed of a peak expert in the Void Realm. At the same time, the hull has the defensive attribute to withstand the attacks of a peak expert in the Void Realm!

In other words, with this flying boat, even if he offends a peak expert in the Void Realm, as long as he is given the opportunity to sacrifice the flying boat and enter the flying boat, he will be invincible in Panlong City!

Not to mention Cheng 덿 and Huang Jia Jia 덿 who have just broken through to the realm of emptiness and silence!

The attacks of these two people couldn't even shake a flying boat of this level! !

"This indicates that 놖 will have an unsolvable existence in Panlong City from now on!"

Most of the powerful people here in Panlong City are in the Xuanguang realm. They have ice mirrors and sixth-level immortal flying boats. He can walk sideways!


Feeling that his life span was exhausted, Lu Qingan took a deep breath, turned around and walked outside, the excitement on his face quickly subsided.

Come back when you have accumulated enough longevity money again!

With such confidence, I believe it will be much easier to save longevity in the future!

This is not the end, just the beginning, so wait for the next time with full expectations! !

"The Shouhuan Tower near Panlong City can only exchange for treasures of the seventh-grade immortal. After you have exchanged enough treasures of the sixth-grade immortal, you can then look for a secret realm of longevity that can exchange for treasures of the seventh-grade immortal or above. With the treasures of the sixth-grade immortal, you can With a sixth-grade treasure, you have enough confidence to go out and find a higher-level longevity exchange secret realm.”

Lu Qing'an has already thought of a plan. He will not wander around the fairy world until he has the terrifying ability to protect himself.

In a flash, he appeared outside the Shouhuan Tower.

At this time, a group of Xinghui Realm Shouquan were already waiting outside.

Lu Qing'an appeared quickly and did not arouse Huang Hongzhong's suspicion.

"Okay, hand over all the treasures you exchanged." Huang Hongzhong said solemnly.

A group of Shouquan sighed one after another and took out various fourth-level immortal treasures, most of which were fourth-level immortal and medium-level treasures.

However, two people did not take out the treasure.

A man with an unattractive appearance, and the other person is Lu Qingan.

After hesitating for a while, Lu Qingan took out a treasure.

It was the fourth-grade immortal airship that he used before.

Anyway, it has been updated to the level 6 immortal airship. Don't let the stable environment go wrong for a treasure. Just hand over this low-level one.

When Huang Hongzhong saw the fourth-grade immortal flying boat handed over by Lu Qingan, he was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed.

"Okay! You're lucky, kid!!"

The value of this flying boat is higher than all the other Shouquan treasures combined!

Lu Qing'an nodded quietly and said nothing.

"And you?" Huang Hongzhong turned his eyes to the last person.

The unattractive man bit it, and finally took out a treasure with great pain.

That's a red pendant.

A fourth-grade immortal treasure!

"Hmm?! OK, OK! Another fourth-grade immortal treasure!!" Huang Hongzhong excitedly snatched the pendant.

After studying it, he became even more excited.

"Good baby! This baby is so good!! Hahaha!!!"

Lu Qingan found that Huang Hongzhong was ten times more excited than when he got his flying boat.

"What's the use of this thing?" He couldn't help but be curious.

But he didn't bother to care about it, it was just a fourth-grade immortal treasure.

What he has to do now is to leave this secret realm safely, then return to the fairy mountain, find a safe time, and quietly leave the Huang family, so that he can completely break away from the shackles of the Huang family.

Therefore, what he has to do in front of him is to do nothing and just be a passerby quietly.

"Okay! Go back!"

Huang Hongzhong collected all the treasures and led the team away.

Everyone got on Huang Hongzhong's flying boat again and flew towards the Huang family.

The flying boat speeds through the sky, passing through the clouds and traveling through the night.

It's windy outside and the moon is high in the sky.

"It seems that Xu Qingying's intuition is sometimes wrong. Although he will get rid of the restrictions of Shouquan, he will not show his strength." Lu Qingjing looked at the night quietly, recalling what Xu Qingying said not long ago.

꺶 Show your strength, at least take action.

And tonight, he will finally spend it quietly.

However, just as he thought of this, an accident happened.

He stood quietly on the flying boat. At a certain moment, he saw Huang Hongzhong taking out the pendant to study again.

Not long after Huang Hongzhong put the pendant on his body, his eyes suddenly turned sharply and locked on him.

One moment he was feeling empty, and the next moment, the pores all over his body suddenly shrank.

His subconscious mind, which has been very sensitive to crises for many years, told him that something bad was going to happen!

"You still have treasures hidden in your body?!" Huang Hongzhong stared at Lu Qing'an unexpectedly and coldly.

These short words made Lu Qingan's face instantly harden.

Could it be that the purpose of the pendant is to find out whether other people have treasures on them? !

At this time, Xu Qingying's words came to his mind again.

"This girl! She's so evil!!"

He is really going to take action...

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