There was silence in Panlong City.

At a certain moment, deep in the city lord's palace, Murong Qingming was practicing and suddenly opened his eyes. The moment he broke through, a terrifying aura spread in all directions, and the surrounding furniture flew upside down and shattered into pieces.

His cultivation level has broken through and reached the third level of Xuji Realm.

"Although there is a breakthrough, my cultivation is not enough to deal with those demons..." Murong Qingming murmured to himself, with a heavy look between his brows.

In fact, he still masters some secret techniques passed down from his ancestors, but these methods can only be used when life and death are at stake, otherwise he will die or be disabled.

늀Not long after his breakthrough, Huang Zhentian's message suddenly arrived.

"Do you have time to talk?"

Listening to the message, Murong Qingming pondered for a moment and replied: "See you at the same place."

Not long after, Murong Qingming flew to the city lord's palace and landed on a high peak in the center of Panlong City. In the pavilion on the top of the mountain, the moonlight is like water. There is a figure sitting in the pavilion, with a tall body. There is a pot of wine and two porcelain cups on the table.

"You are quite accurate." Murong Qingming smiled slightly, wondering whether Huang Zhentian just transmitted the message or had some other means to know that he had just made a breakthrough.

Huang Zhentian nodded and chuckled, his eyes falling on Murong Qingming: "녦Happy 녦Congratulations, another step forward."

Murong Qingming did not approach immediately, but walked forward slowly, looking up at Xuan Yue in the sky, and suddenly asked: "How many heads does a tree have?"

Huang Zhentian replied: "Four heads."

Murong Qingming raised his eyebrows: "Isn't it just two?"

Huang Zhentian said calmly: "Counting you, it's naturally four."

Murong Qingming then approached and sat in front of Huang Zhentian, "In such a turbulent time, what's the important thing to invite me late at night?"

"You don't think the demons have left Panlong City." Huang Zhentian said quietly.

Murong Qingming shook his head and frowned slightly: "The demon clan's attack this time is obviously aimed at the demon dragon. My father once said that the task of guarding Panlong City will probably end with our generation or Yingxue's generation. . It seems that it will end in our generation."

These days, he never sleeps peacefully. He is always on tenterhooks, preparing for a sudden war.

"These demons must be making big moves. If this is the calm before the storm, are you ready for a desperate fight?" Huang Zhentian stared at Murong Qingming.

Murong Qingming smiled and said: "I learned about the magic dragon from my fathers, so I started to make preparations. But you, you have been competing with me for the first half of your life. You must really want the position of city lord."

When Huang Zhentian heard this, a rare smile appeared on his face: "I won't hide it from you. I never thought about competing with you. It's just that before my father died, he wanted to put pressure on you. It seems like you It’s definitely better than 놖.”

He has been practicing hard for many years, and now he is at the first level of the Xuji Realm. Murong Qingming has just broken through the third level of the Xuji Realm.

Murong Qingming was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "You did a great job!"

The two looked at each other and laughed louder, resounding in all directions.

"Do you think we will die?" Huang Zhentian suddenly stopped and looked at Murong Qingming with a smile.

"Anyway, my daughter has already joined the Immortal Sword Sect." Murong Qingming shrugged.

"I don't want to die." Huang Zhentian suddenly said seriously.

When Murong Qingming heard this, he took a deep look at Huang Zhentian. This was different from the Huang Zhentian he knew.

Huang Zhentian has been a ruthless character since he was a child, so he probably wouldn't say such things because of his son, especially his second son Huang Xuanyu.

Suddenly, his heart moved, what was he thinking, and he asked softly: "What about the younger siblings?"

Huang Zhentian's face darkened, and he said with a chill: "We haven't found the murderer yet!"

He could never forget the scene when the bodies of his wife and children were delivered to his home!

Murong Qingming patted his shoulder gently: "Don't worry, with the powerful Immortal Sword Sect masters like Daoist Jia and Bai Lu here, the demons have nothing to fear."

Huang Zhentian stared at Murong Qingming and suddenly said: "Actually, I have thought about whether to spread the word about the magic dragon."

If the story about the demon dragon spreads, it will definitely attract powerful people from the human race to gather, and then the mere demon race will naturally not be a concern.

"This goes against the ancestral teachings!" Murong Qingming said in a heavy tone and looked serious.

Huang Zhentian gritted his teeth and said, "It's clear!"

They don't know why their ancestors solemnly warned their descendants not to spread the story about the demon dragon. It is obvious that there are many strong people in the human race who can kill this demon dragon.

Furthermore, this demon dragon should be extremely weak.

"In that case, let's give up this idea." Murong Qingming's tone was firm and unwavering.

Huang Zhentian was silent for a long time, and finally slowly closed his eyes, showing a bitter smile: "That's it, let's have a drink."

Murong Qingming took a deep breath, nodded and said: "Respect the ancestors and respect the future."

Huang Zhentian continued: "Respect the ancestors, respect the future..."


A night of silence.

The next morning, Lu Qingan woke up early and prepared to go out to search for traces of the demons.

On the 꿷 day, he wanted to search carefully in the city first, and then go outside the city after confirming that it was correct. Even if the demons were hiding deep, he didn't believe he couldn't find them.

Quietly leaving the city lord's mansion, Lu Qing'an used his skills and quickly traveled around Panlong City. The demon search array showed that except for the huge red dot where the demon dragon was, there was no demonic aura anywhere else in the city.

"It seems I just went outside the city."

Outside the city, Lu Qingan became more cautious and did not dare to expose his whereabouts easily. He knew that the view outside the city was wide, and if he flew too fast, he would be noticed by people hundreds of miles away. Therefore, he deployed a special concealment formation last night, making it difficult to detect its traces unless he was up close.

Even so, he remained cautious and searched until nightfall, then walked around the outer edge of Panlong City.

"It's too late. I'll continue searching in the other half of the city tomorrow. I hope these demons won't change places every day! Otherwise, the search will be in vain!"

Just as he was about to return to the city, suddenly, a message from Xu Qingying arrived, saying to let her go quickly.

Lu Qingxin moved and hurriedly released Xu Qingying from the storage of gold beads.

"녦Did you find something?"

Xu Qingying nodded quickly and whispered: "I have an intuition, the demons are not far away!"

Lu Qingan's eyes became sharp and he checked the magic search array again, but there were no red dots within a thousand-mile radius.

"There is nothing unusual within a thousand miles." Lu Qing'an said truthfully.

Xu Qingying felt very secretive and lowered her voice: "We should investigate again not far away from a thousand miles away! Be careful not to be noticed!"

Lu Qing'an nodded and continued to move slowly within a thousand miles, hiding his figure.

Finally, when they reached the edge of a thousand miles, a red dot suddenly appeared in the formation.

"A demon? It shouldn't be! It should be a sentinel!" Lu Qing'an quietly moved over there, passing through the formation to hide his figure.

Sure enough, about a hundred miles away, a large number of red dots appeared on the edge of the formation's light screen.

"Very good, I finally found you."

Lu Qing'an's eyes flickered with cold light, and he looked sideways at Xu Qingying.

He prepared to launch an attack at night and kill these demons by surprise.

Then he has to keep Xu Qingying here and start acting later.

"I told you last night, let's start preparations! You stay here first. You hold this magic search array. If they move, you will send a message to 놖. If not, 늀quietly stay here. Wait. When 놖 delivers the news to you, you go to the front position and pretend to escape quickly. After chasing you, I will take you directly into the Immortal Prison Tower!"

Lu Qingan warned.

Xu Qingying nodded, they had already discussed it, and she knew what to do.

"Okay! I'll leave this place to you! Go back and gather people!"

Lu Qing'an patted Xu Qingying's shoulder, then turned and left.

Xu Qingying looked at her shoulders, her red lips curled up involuntarily.

"No, why are you laughing..." Her cheeks instantly turned red. She was so happy just because she was patted on the shoulder. If others knew about it, wouldn't they be laughing at her?

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