"Fellow Daoist Jia, I have told you everything I know. As for the situation in Panlong City, you don't have to worry too much. This situation will definitely take a long time to resolve. You can stay in Panlong City for the next few years without any other problems."

Murong Qingming bowed again and truly entrusted Panlong City to Lu Qingan.

Lu Qingan pondered for a moment and nodded gently: "That's very good."

He will develop in Panlong City for a while, and when he has developed enough, he will just run away.

No matter what the situation is for the common people, even if the fairy world collapses, there are still tall people to support it.

"By the way, I have another question." Lu Qingan suddenly spoke up. He has always wanted to find out the origin of Shouhuan Tower. Who created such a strange secret place as Shouhuan Tower and why it exists here? He has asked many times, but he has never got a definite answer.

Murong Qingming smiled slightly and sat quietly without saying a word. Since Panlong City was handed over to Lu Qingan, he naturally had to answer his questions. He had a warm face and motioned Lu Qingan to continue asking.

Lu Qingan bowed and asked: "Daoyou, do you know when this Shouhuan Tower appeared and where it came from?"

He himself did not know the true origin of the Shouhuan Tower, but only knew that it was extremely far away. After all, he was just the lord of a city in a remote corner, and his knowledge was limited.

Lu Qingan asked again: "Then Daoyou, do you know where the treasures in the Shouhuan Tower came from?"

As soon as these words came out, Murong Qingming seemed to know some inside information, and a smile appeared on his face, saying: "It is said that these treasures were all cast by the Heavenly Dao. Some strong people used the characteristics of this tower to create a method for the treasures to self-destruct, which is the method you used."

Heavenly Dao?

Does that mean that these Shouhuan Towers are related to the Heavenly Dao?

Did the Shouhuan Tower really exist at the beginning of the birth of the Immortal Realm?

"Okay, there is one more thing, which is about Shouquan. Since I will become the Lord of Panlong City in the future, I have to know something about Shouquan." Lu Qing'an's face under the mask became serious.

He has come to this day from Shouquan, and he has achieved such success because he has the power to improve his life span and the magic of Shouhuan Tower.

Shouquans without his power are used like leeks and harvested crazily.

And even if Shouquan is gifted, because he is forced to practice those special methods, he will use up his talent in advance and break through faster, so he will not be able to come back.

This kind of thing is very sad.

If he becomes the Lord of the City, he will naturally try not to let this phenomenon happen again.

Of course, before making changes, he needs to understand the origin and internal logical relationship of Shouquan, otherwise it is easy to affect the interests of some people and cause trouble.

With his current understanding, Huang Xuanyu proposed the cultivation of Shouquan in Panlong City.

However, according to his knowledge, the fairy world is so vast, there are all kinds of people, how could only one person in a remote city think of this revenue method.

Murong Qingming heard this and said slowly: "The matter of Shouquan can be traced back to a very long time ago, or it can be said that it has existed since the fairy world was first formed and the Shouhuan Tower appeared in the world."

Lu Qingan heard this and thought to himself that it was indeed the case. This Shouquan is definitely not something that has only existed now.

"In my opinion, the practice of keeping Shouquan in captivity is tantamount to a catastrophe for people in the mortal world." Lu Qingan expressed his views on Shouquan at the right time, while observing Murong Qingming's expression.

"In fact, when Panlong City proposed to restart the cultivation of Shouquan, I was opposed. But the other forces all voted in favor." Seeing Lu Qingan's clear attitude, Murong Qingming said frankly.

Seeing that Murong Qingming agreed with him, Lu Qingan quietly waited for Murong Qingming to talk about the origin of Shouquan.

Murong Qingming described the situation of Shouquan in the fairy world in detail. In ancient times, a strong man in the fairy world proposed a plan to keep Shouquan in captivity.

At that time, almost all forces were arresting casual cultivators, forcing them to practice special methods by various means, exhausting their talents in exchange for treasures.

During that time, the fairy world was full of killings and unrest.

Until this phenomenon appeared tens of millions of years later, an emperor who came from Shouquan turned out to suppress the strong men of the entire fairy world and vowed to restore the peace of the fairy world.

His appearance shocked the entire fairy world, and then under his call, a force was formed to sweep away all the resistance forces with a crushing force, and the fairy world finally ushered in a short peace.

All the forces that refused to obey were destroyed overnight.

From then on, the fairy world truly ushered in tranquility.

This person was called "Zhenxian Emperor", and under his influence, many rules about Shouquan came into being.

Initially, he strictly ordered that no more Shouquan be allowed to exist in the fairy world, and anyone who found it would be killed.

However, there are still many stubborn forces that secretly cultivate Shouquan, and they are willing to take risks for the sake of profit.

After a long period of suppression, Zhenxian Emperor saw that the effect was limited, so he had to change his strategy and try to control the Shouhuan Tower.

This move affected the fundamental interests of many forces, causing them to secretly join forces to try to obstruct and create various difficulties.

Even as powerful as Zhenxian Emperor, he was powerless.

Many years later, the last rule was set, and the fairy world slowly returned to normal until today.

"Then Shouquan will be allowed to exist, but its cultivation level must not exceed Yuexiao Realm. If anyone is found to violate this rule, anyone can report it to Zhenxian Emperor's forces, and the reporter will receive a generous reward..." Murong Qingming explained everything he knew in detail.

"This move also left some cakes for the major forces in the immortal world, so it was effective, and the reporting system was very good. During that time, many casual cultivators made a lot of money through this system. Of course, you also know, At the beginning, this system consumed too many resources, and the power of the Zhenxian Emperor also had to pay a lot, so in the end, the Zhenxian Emperor's force was disbanded. "

When Lu Qingan heard this, he couldn't help being slightly startled.


"Since that time, the Great Emperor Zhenxian has disappeared mysteriously. Some people rumored that he had exhausted his life and passed away. Since then, the forces ruling the immortal world gradually disintegrated and eventually split into ten forces. So far, these ten forces He is still active in the immortal world and continues the idea of ​​the Immortal-Suppressing Emperor..." Murong Qingming said slowly.

Lu Qingan understood roughly.

"Is it because of this rule that immortals went to the mortal world to arrest people later?" Lu Qing'an asked.

Murong Qingming nodded: "When cultivating Shouquan is no longer a taboo, the interests involved are also very wide. Naturally, there are some unintelligent strong people who create some special formations to open up the mortal world and find more suitable ones. Shouquan. The phenomenon of sealing the mortal world has also appeared. However, the number of mortal beings in the immortal world is different. For example, the reason why our Panlong City is remote is that there are too many mortal worlds and the level of the longevity tower. Very low.”

Lu Qing'an suddenly realized that the distribution of great forces in the immortal world and the establishment of big cities were closely related to the level of the Shouhuan Tower and the resources in the mortal world, just like the rural areas and cities in modern society.

Wherever resources are abundant and good, cities will rise.

"Panlong City is too remote and has limited resources. Even purchasing a sealing formation is a problem. Huang Xuanyu didn't know where he got such an formation, so he restarted the Shouquan training plan." Murong Qingming looked at Lu Qing An, it depends on Lu Qingan whether he wants to scrap this plan or not.

In fact, there are still many longevity springs in the fairy world today. After all, this is a huge benefit.

However, there is also an issue to consider when cultivating Shouquan, that is, some Shouquan are very special.

For a person with such extraordinary talent as Zhen Yongfu, when he grows up, it is very likely that he will feel resentment for being bullied in the past, attack his hometown, and eradicate all the forces that trapped them back then!

This is also one of the reasons why some forces dare not easily keep Shouquan in captivity.

After Lu Qingan listened, he gained a lot. Now he has a better understanding of the fairy world.

This world is indeed complicated.

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