[Recently filmed by FOX TV reporters, the battle scenes of the Korean military in Iraq are becoming a hot topic every day.]


[As you can see, the combat capabilities of the Korean military are truly astonishing. The fact that the rebel forces and their armored vehicles, which were close to 200 men, were dismantled by the infantry only...]


[This is the scene. The armament of these Special Forces soldiers. I have nothing to say other than that this is simply the evolution of tactics.]


The atmosphere of the major foreign media abroad was somewhat unusual.

Europe and Russia, including the United States. Even in Southeast Asia, he started analyzing all kinds of videos aired on FOX TV every day.

At first I thought it was just out of curiosity.

Just like when the American F22 first appeared.

However, contrary to expectations, as time passed, the depth of interest increased, and it has become almost daily for the name Jae-woo to come and go in the mouths of foreign media.

[It is said that this suit was created by the South Korean defense industry, Jaewoo Group. The Jaewoo Group, which has grown rapidly in the past few years, has expanded beyond the defense industry to include automobiles and machinery. And it is a huge group that is reaching out to the investment field based on its enormous financial power as well as the high-tech materials field.]


There was only one word that came to mind while watching the news.

That one small ball shot by Fox TV might cause quite a lot of change in the future.

As if to prove it, people's interest in the Warrior platform grew deeper and deeper, and the concept that ground warfare was dominated by only tanks and artillery, which had been ingrained in people's notions, felt like it was slowly becoming a relic of the old days.

‘However, the lead and supporting roles cannot be changed. No matter what anyone says, it’s true that the core of ground warfare is armored power.’

In fact, people won't even know about it.

No matter how much the soldiers' armament develops, in the end, a body made of blood and flesh cannot become invincible.

Nevertheless, such enthusiasm may be a kind of compensation for the proudly rising to the leading role of the soldiers who had been only victims.

‘Whatever it is, if things turn out like this, the development of the Warrior platform will accelerate in the future.’



A few days later, I shook off the conflict that had been going on all along and headed to the Warrior Platform Development Center.

Heewon frowned at my sudden visit, and I poured out words that did not disappoint his expectations.

“We plan to significantly expand the Warrior Platform Development Center in the future.”

“Oh, why?”

I left behind his grumbling and turned on my laptop.

What he immediately showed him was the battle scene of our special forces, which had been reported through the news a few days ago.

But Hee-won, unable to understand his intentions, still looks at me with wide eyes.

“What do you feel when you see this?”

“I’m not a pervert, am I supposed to have an orgasm while watching a war scene?”

“Stop talking nonsense. As you can see, the level of armament of the rebels in this video was never to be ignored. It's a truck that doesn't have enough protection. Even so, it was honestly surprising that even an armored car was mobilized. But the result was a landslide victory for our army.”


“So the moment I saw this, I had a realization. Hopefully, in the future, each soldier can become an armored force.”

“What nonsense?”

Hee-won shook his head softly in response.

Judging by the expression on his face, he couldn't really understand. "It feels like it's a reaction from fear of his future, not from standing.

But what to do?

That's his fate.

“Of course, that suit and exoskeleton aren’t perfect. Besides, the limitations of that 40mm missile are clear. So, in the future, I plan to develop a warrior platform with more firepower.”

“What do you need to do? After all, even with the current performance, the rebels are enough to compete with them.”

Heewon raised an objection.

Whatever it is, it's not wrong.

But it was a reaction from not understanding my dream.

“How long do you think we will only deal with rebels in the Middle East?”


He still looked at me with a blank face.

There was a pen and paper on his finished desk.

He immediately took it and started painting it.

“What, what is this... Are you going to use a 40mm guided missile as a multiple launch system?”

“Yeah, at least six shots. It's made to attach to the exoskeleton suit and turn a single soldier into a moving missile turret. Of course, not all exoskeletons are to be remodeled this way. I mean, let's create a new position, at least one person per platoon or squad.”


“Then the infantry itself becomes a real armored force. Then, wouldn't it be of great help not only to North Korea but also to China's land forces?"

In fact, the concept was brought to the military even before the return.

In order to replace the insufficient squad support firearms, it is recommended to equip the infantry with a multi-extension system with low-caliber smart shells.

Of course, it did not materialize until I returned, but it was a concept that was sufficiently possible when linked to the exoskeleton system, so it was carefully discussed for a while.

“What a crazy...”

Heewon let out a smirk.

Although it was a proposition that defies common sense, I felt that it was not entirely impossible.

In retrospect, the exoskeleton was also unrealistic, but the gears were not made.

No, where was it just made? In the end, it even showed such great performance.

"Ah! I'm just saying that, but it seems that improvements to protect the driving part should also be carried out. It is said that there was a breakdown due to impact during the battle.”

As I thought about that, I suddenly remembered a news from Iraq.

Fortunately, he replies by scratching his head as if he knew the news.

“I heard it too.”

“What do you think the problem is?”

“Well, I think we will know for sure when we have to airlift and disassemble the exoskeleton that caused the problem, but I think the parts of the driving part could not withstand the impact beyond the limit.”

“What if we increase the proportion of titanium?”

“It could be a way, but I think a more fundamental solution is needed. There is a limit to simply increasing the intensity. Moreover, the increase in production costs cannot be ignored.”


“Even so, there seems to be no problem in operation, so there is nothing to worry about.”

I glanced at the absurd man's words.

At that moment, Heewon pointed at the exoskeleton mounted on the mannequin with her hand and spat out quite plausible words.

“Honestly, the entity that caused the malfunction this time was a bit special. I don't think that's likely to happen that often."

I heard it and so was it.

If the performance itself is not a problem, there is no need to stop the operation.

I thought that I was worried for some reason, and I smiled shyly.

“But what else is this?”

I turned my head again at the sudden voice of the man.

What the guy is pointing his finger at is the image file he put up with the video.

He also explained immediately because it was a part that was being conceived to enhance the combat capability of the infantry.

“Another condition necessary to make infantry fully armored.”

"...is this Polar Bear?"

The man tilted his head as if puzzled by the words.

Well, at first glance, that's just a Polar Bear.

I immediately popped up another image and told him.

“As you know, tanks and attack helicopters are the most dangerous to infantry. The moment you get caught by them, even if you are heavily armed, annihilation is only a matter of time.”

“Isn’t that the inevitable fate of infantry? As for armored vehicles, no matter how well-equipped the armed forces are, they cannot face tanks and attack helicopters.”

Heewon said in a natural tone.

He laughed and patted the guy on the shoulder and was explaining.

“I’m going to make that a no-brainer.”


“Simply put, we want to give them a chance to annihilate the enemy first without being detected as much as possible.”

“I want to know what you are talking about.”

The guy smirked and looked at him.

He immediately opened one more file and explained.

“I plan to try a metamaterial coating on this polar bear. That way, you will be spared a little bit of the risk of infrared detection.”

“Are you going to stealth the vehicle?”

"Yeah, and I'm thinking of putting anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles on the vehicle itself."

At those words, he became a honey-eaten dumbass.

After a while, the guy who brushed his hair away spoke again.

“Aside from anti-tank missiles, tactical vehicles with anti-aircraft missiles?”

“Yeah, that’s a guaranteed range of about 15 kilometers. If that happens, enemy attack helicopters will not be able to easily approach them. Most of the anti-tank missiles possessed by attack helicopters have a long range of around 10 kilometers, but outside that range, it is possible to respond first.”

"...But, to achieve such a range, the size of the missile would increase, so it would be difficult for Polar Bears to handle it?"

Heewon pointed out a fairly important part.

But that's already been put in place.

I immediately clicked the mouse to open another image file.

“This is a solid fuel-based propulsion system recently developed by Thales. Based on this, missiles with a range of 20 kilometers can be scaled down to a portable level.”

“Did Thales develop this?”

Hee-won gave a look of disbelief.

After all, it was the research center Hee-won was in charge of that had played the role of Jae-woo's brain until now, not Thales.

To put it simply, it's like a reversal of technology, but in fact, it was a little surprising to me as well.

“I’m just saying that since it’s been said, the research institute will have to work hard now. Because Thales’ level jumped up at some point.”

I tapped his shoulder again and smiled.

I wonder if the shock was too great, the guy asks with his eyes wide open.

“Did Thales recruit even geniuses?”

“No, there has never been an increase in the number of staff at the Thales Research Center in recent years. However, it is because the existing researchers have devoted their research like crazy. So I mean. In the future, we will have to be more diligent.”

“What else do you mean?”

“Now, Thales is producing quite plausible results. So, of course, I have no choice but to support you.”

“No, why do you have to double… do you want to make research institutes competitive?”

He smiled and nodded his head.

Heewon, whose expression changed the whole time, grabbed my collar and shouted.

“Hey, you wicked president. I still have no children because of you. What's in that yard? competitive system? You wanna die?"



- I have some good news for you. Congress just passed a special budget.

A few days later, Michael gave me an unexpected piece of news.

Because the passing of the US special budget has nothing to do with me.

As he continued to remain silent with his puzzled mind, he heard a sound of laughter from the other side of the receiver.

- The budget goes to Jae-woo, so isn't that good news for Chairman Jin?

[Are you saying that the U.S. military will also introduce the weapons equipped by our special forces?](Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

It was the only thing that came to mind right now, so I asked.

A positive smile is heard.

In embarrassment, he immediately responded.

[However, the active exoskeleton is not yet fully developed.]

-Ah! If that's the case, I've heard of it. But that's a problem, shouldn't it be solved gradually? As we went through the battlefield to correct errors.


When I heard it, it wasn't wrong.

Most of the weapons possessed by the U.S. military have virtually undergone operational verification through the battlefield.

In addition, it is true that verification is only verification, and it is not inferior in perfection, so there is no reason to exclude it from their point of view.

[Then how much quantity ... ... .]

-The size of the special budget organized this time will be enough to arm 101 troops operating in Iraq. Actually, it's not that expensive.

Even if it did, it would probably be close to trillions of dollars.

Well, compared to the 160 billion dollars spent in the past few years, it would be a real hemostasis of the foot. Still, it feels like it's overdone or rushed.

Because of that, what naturally crossed my mind was a reasonable doubt whether they were trying to step through this.

To put it simply, it means that we are going to give a suitable gift and lead to joint development.

-So, I have one more thing to tell you about Chairman Jin.

Unsurprisingly, words that could amplify doubts were soon heard.

As his dry saliva was about to pass, a fact that had been completely forgotten was mentioned from his mouth.

-Do you remember a few years ago when the US Department of Defense and Jaewoo agreed to jointly develop the Warrior platform?

[········It was.]

In the moment of embarrassment, a voice crawled into me.

After all, it is obvious that the intention is to mention it in this situation.

Of course, I was also thinking about joint development to some extent now, but it was not the way I wanted the pods to be caught and dragged in this way, not in the form of guaranteed profits.

- Haha, you shouldn't be too nervous. Because I don't mean to get caught up in it right now.

Then, Michael hurriedly made excuses.

Consistent with silence, he continues to speak implicitly.

- How about this? Judging from Chairman Jin's insistence, it would be unreasonable to offer the technology of a full-body bulletproof suit, but as far as the exoskeleton is concerned, it is a joint development with Jae-woo securing 60% of the stake.]


-Ah! Of course, there must be a price to be paid.

He put the clue back on before I even spoke of him.

What are you planning to present?

As I am about to raise my hopes in my heart, a surprising word is heard.

-I'll transfer the electronic warfare pod technology. And Jaewoo will jointly participate in the EMP project that Raytheon and Boeing are currently working on.


Can you make nuclear weapons too?-164

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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