“Commander. Could you give me some time?”

Army Missile Command.

The deputy commander, who had been inspecting the nearby mobile base on behalf of him all morning, hurriedly entered his office.

He looks so excited for some reason.

The commander, who was very nervous, wondering if something had happened to the subordinate units, hurriedly asks.

“Why, did something happen?”

“No, I would like to have a personal interview.”

Commander Jeong-ho Lee, who was relieved at those words, quietly stood up from his seat.

He poured water into the coffee pot as if he was about to serve tea by hand, looked at the deputy commander again, and spit out a word as if the deputy commander was waiting.

“I’m sorry, but could you help me?”


In an instant, the commander realized his purpose.

A deputy commander, one of the Army Reform Oppositions.

However, his position gradually narrowed, and it seemed that he was finally looking for a way to survive.

“I wonder. Why did you suddenly change your route?”

What surprised me was that.

Just a while ago, why did he come to this now, who was at the same level of momentum by stating that his backseats were the leading forces in the army . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Besides, wasn't it the attitude of past trainees that they didn't treat seniors properly?

“A change in the current army. No matter how hard you try to deny it, it is not true that it is an efficient power reorganization. I thought that we could not just oppose the reduction of the military in that field.”

The commander quietly drank the tea at those words.

Because those words didn't really touch my eyes.

After that, the commander, who was continuously thinking about the cause of his sudden change, at some point blinked his eyes and asked.

“Is it because of this hearing?”


“Indeed, it would be strange if there was no commotion after seeing the two members of the ruling party, as well as the heads of leading newspapers in Korea, flew away at once.”

The deputy commander blushed at those words.

The commander's words continued as if he had not yet finished speaking.

“Of course, I understand your difficulties in the meantime. It must have been difficult for other people to have me as a superior, who was not even from the sixth school. So, I must have been more obsessed with the faction I belong to now, but didn't I tell you about it? Soldiers shouldn't try to do politics."


As a deputy commander, I wouldn't have had much to say.

Because the existence in front of him is the person who proved it himself.

He lived his life solely with a focus on the advancement of the military.

So, from a fattening teacher, he rose to the rank of major, and even received the title of commander.

But will he be able to accept the advice he had never heard before?

In the end, the deputy commander said with a frown.

“You are right, but in the end, politics is necessary for the military to go on the right path.”


“Okay, let me be honest. According to the news, I heard that the army is going to have a major cleanup soon. It seems that the president and the minister are trying to finish reforming the army using this disaster as an excuse.”

Even the commander had expected that.

How difficult is it to sort out the backlash of the military in a field that silences the talkative council?

In particular, military generals who saw a giant like Lee Yong-jae flying in one shot. In other words, it will probably be a bloody situation for the opponents of reduction.

“The problem is, I’m not ready to leave the military yet.”

“It is true that it is a shame to leave now. Consider your abilities.”

The commander spat out the words with a look of genuine regret.

The car was trying to illuminate the color of harmony because he wanted to have a hopeful tone for some reason, and the commander's words that came out after him made him fall into despair again.

“But that is out of my control.”

The deputy commander looked at the commander with narrowed eyes.

At least I know it's a lie.

To put it bluntly, if he can't be the current chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and a close friend personally, who can do it?

In the end, it doesn't mean you can't, it just means you won't.


The deputy commander, who was finally rejected, eventually stood up from his seat helplessly.

Perhaps he wanted to protect his last pride, his expression as he spat out words was so cold.

“I didn’t hear what you were saying.”

"it's nothing. Then I will leave.”

The commander turned and looked at him silently as he left.

Soon he too got up from the sofa and looked out his window, and suddenly a strange name came to his mind.

‘Jin Hyun-seung.’

What kind of existence does he have to cause such absurd changes?

politics and economy. And to the army.

When he thinks back, the thought that the words that Rep. Lee Yong-jae had been talking about before may not have been particularly wrong crosses his mind.

The real power of this country is Jin Hyun-seung.

‘What could it be? By the way, isn't that friend overly calm? This kind of bothers me.’


[The government conducted a large-scale personnel change of the army today.]

In the end, the government carried out a reshuffle of personnel.

Contrary to expectations, the opposition within the army was not so severe.

It is almost insignificant that he has been dragged along for fear of backlash.

"Good morning."

While watching the news for a while, Director Kim Young-gi entered the room.

Whenever he visits my room, he is always faced with an accident or a fairly important task.

When I look at him with his tired face, he, too, has a shy expression on his face.

“What else is this time?”

“The researcher who ordered the background investigation before. Ah! To be precise, it is the result of the investigation into that Chinese student who said he was dating a researcher.”

I was curious about that part, so I quickly opened up the report.

The first thing that caught my eye was the name ‘Jungyang Group’.

When he looks at Director Kim Young-gi again with narrowed eyes, he continues the explanation.

“The Zhongyang Group is a company owned by the Chinese Communist Party. And that international student came to Korea after receiving a scholarship supported by the Jungyang Group.”

“It means, after all, that he is a person with a high potential for spying.”

“It must be so. But what are you going to do now?”

“What if? I have to give you a notice of dismissal.”


Director Kim expressed his displeasure at the reply he spat out without hesitation.

After all, it's actually unreasonable to fire a researcher who hasn't caused any problems yet.

However, it is even more absurd to give the reason, “It is very likely that your lover is a spy.”

But if you make it for a reason, that's it.

Also, it is true that I want to refrain from losing cattle and fixing the barn.

"Okay. Let’s do it that way.”

In the end, Director Kim Young-gi agreed and accepted the documents again.

Do you have a thought that crosses your mind for a moment?

I took the papers that had just passed into his hands and thought for a while before making an offer to him.

“…you mean using that foreign student in reverse?”

After that, I added a detailed explanation.

Director Kim, who had been listening the whole time, said with his eyes closed.

“Do you really need to do that?”

You don't even need to do that.

Because that would be a way to dampen China's greed a little.

“In the future, Chinese technology hijacking by companies in this country will increase tremendously. If you make it a social issue right now, you will have a little bit of awareness. Businesses as well as governments.”

"Okay. That’s how we do it.”

Director Kim swallowed dry saliva and accepted the document again.

Stories that would have been difficult to understand easily for him who does not know the future.

But I went through the following documents without trying to make him understand.


The document I looked at was a proposal sent by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

To be precise, it should be called a request form.

In fact, it is not unusual for the military to send a request form to a defense company to calculate the amount prior to project implementation, but the problem was the content of the project.

“Do you want me to estimate the amount of money needed to convert a US-provided Apache for the Marines?”

“Yes, about 20 of them would like to be converted into attack helicopters for amphibious support.”

“It’s okay to calculate the cost of the renovation, but would you allow it in the US?”

“It will not be easy. Maybe that's why I sent an official letter to the president."


“In a word, it is a request.”

With that said, he gently put down the pen.

It's not because I'm embarrassed by the idea of ​​the military, but because I want to see if it's possible in reality.

Kim Young-gi, the head of the department, also showed a shy expression as if he knew how difficult it was.

“It seems that the Joint Chiefs of Staff also wrote that they use their heads on other things. After all, improving and increasing production of 'Fosa' is a practical problem due to budgetary issues, so let's try using items donated from the United States if possible."

“I understand what you mean, but the right to modify is different from just the right to maintain. It seems unreasonable to ask Panguk for remodeling rights, who are fortunate to have given us maintenance rights to us, who did not even have formal imports. There is no way Boeing will allow it to leave the U.S. government.”

“I admit that. As a producer, of course, you can express your displeasure. Especially in the yard, which is not something they sell directly. That is why I have been telling the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff not to have high expectations for this part.”

Director Kim Young-gi nodded his head as if in agreement.

As I smiled and picked up other documents, I suddenly felt uncomfortable in a corner of my heart.

'If possible, it is true that it will certainly be of great help to the increase of the Marine Corps power...'

I looked at the clock after thinking.

Anyway, the outcome is not for me to decide.

I wondered if it would have nothing to do with being stabbed if I did.

If something happens, you're lucky, and if it doesn't, you drink.


-Who is this?

Fortunately, President Liam had yet to go to bed.

Even so, it's pretty late.

After expressing my apologies over and over again, I brought out the main point.

[I'm sorry, but can you get the upgrade rights for Apache, which you've been given by the US this time?]

- Permission to improve? What's the reason to improve it?

[It seems that the military wants to use some of the quantity for the Marine Corps amphibious support. The problem is that there is a high possibility that extensive rust prevention work and some key parts will have to be touched for that.]

-Hmm······. No matter how donated, it is not an easy matter to allow improvements.

Liam said embarrassed.

In a way, it is a natural result.

I didn't have high expectations for it either, so I'm not really disappointed.

[I understand. I'm sorry for making such an unreasonable request at such a late hour.]

As he spit out the words, he looked at Director Kim Young-gi.

He looked disappointed, noticing that he wasn't getting much, and I tried to hang up the phone again with a formal greeting.

- Instead, how about meeting Chairman Jin directly with Boeing?

At that moment, unexpected words were heard over the receiver.

As he quickly adjusted his posture, Liam continued his words.

-Anyway, Jaewoo and Boeing will have to face the issue of joint development of a new transport helicopter sooner or later. Then I suggest you make an offer yourself.

I thought it was kind of plausible.

After all, I'm not in a situation where I'll have to go to America sooner or later due to various problems.

Aside from the joint development project for transport helicopters, even because of Tesla's charging infrastructure problem or the ban on entering the large aircraft market, which is about to end the promised period.

In particular, the problem of large aircraft originated from Boeing.

It's a fact that you have to meet them anyway.

[I think that would be good. However, I think it would be quite helpful if the president gave me some words in advance.]

I wondered if I could see him.

The tacit partnership between us.

Is it the result of a sudden curiosity, wondering where the limit is?

Contrary to expectations, however, a rather positive response is heard.

- Of course, you should help.

A moment of embarrassment ensued.

Could it be that I am not fully aware of the weight of the matter?

But how could a being like Liam not know that?

So, in the end, the partnership we formed had a scope that far exceeded my expectations, and it's kind of eerie.

-Why are you reacting like that?

After a moment of silence, Liam whispered.

When I can't continue speaking, I hear laughter.

- It seems that Chairman Jin is not yet fully aware of our cooperative relationship. Being allied with me means tacit permission to use me at will.


I couldn't even respond properly this time.

Other than just saying that I look forward to the day we meet soon.

Then, another unexpected word flew in from the other side of the receiver.

-I heard that some of North Korea's nuclear development funds came from China, did you know that?

[·······What else are you talking about?]

My eyes fluttered open in embarrassment.

I wondered if I could hear the sound again, and then his words continued.

- A few days ago, the head of the Mossad told me that. Some of the government funds provided by China to the North Korean regime were diverted to nuclear development.

[Does the US government know that?]

- Of course I know.

[So, what do you plan to do in the future?]

Under normal circumstances, massive sanctions against China would follow.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

If you do, the impact will be enormous.

While waiting for an answer, clearing up his confused mood, he hears embarrassing words.

-Perhaps America will remain silent.

[Silence, why?]

- Because China literally provided government funds.


-As Chairman Jin knows, China is also one of the places where North Korea becomes in trouble if it has nuclear weapons. Does it make sense that they support development costs in that yard? Simply put, this time, China was also hit in the head.

It was a statement that made sense.

North Korea is the worst place for them to occupy. Supporting North Korea to have nuclear weapons in that field doesn't make sense.

However, the financial support itself, whether hit in the back or the front, is in the end a violation of the resolution and deserves sanctions.

[Even so, the notification funding to North Korea violates the UN sanctions. Isn't it a problem that we don't even punish him?]

-right. But the current US government is not going to sanction China right away.

[So why?]

- Well, it must be because of the debt.


-As you may not know, China has given the world more than $3 trillion of money to overcome this US panic. The problem is that it is the result of responding to the demands of the US government.


- Moreover, the current US government has not yet broken the illusion of China. Would sanctions be possible in that yard?

[Is it a fantasy?]

- You know, China has been following the advice of the US without exporting communism. Obama is emphasizing that now, and he still thinks he can control China.

In fact, that was even before the return.

And that was the decisive defeat of the United States.

Damn, for a while, unlike history, I wanted to change the world a bit because I quickly showed my vigilance toward China.

I can't understand how the American politics are running.

-Anyway, for that reason, there is a huge wave in the US politics right now.

[How about the chairman?]

I impliedly asked his intentions.

This time, there was silence from the other side, and after a while, the answer came.

-Why do you think I pledged to cooperate not only with Chairman Jin, but also with Putin of Russia?


-Anyway, let's talk about that separately the day Chairman Jin comes to America.

The last sentence was somehow meaningful.

As if there was something else I didn't know.

However, he eventually promised a future date, and the call ended with that.


Director Kim Young-gi urged me to explain the contents of the call.

Anyway, the story will only get longer if I discuss the issues of China and North Korea, which even I have not been able to answer.

I only conveyed the conversation I had with Liam about upgrading Apache, which was the starting point of the problem.

“Then when do you plan to go to America?”

“Well, there are so many events scheduled right now, so it should be next month at the earliest. Please pass the call as it is to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Ah! And if this happens, tell him to make sure that Jae-Woo has a share to take care of.” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ”


“Why, then, were you thinking of doing such a terrific thing for free?”


Can you make nuclear weapons too?

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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