Outside world, I don’t know how many people are still immersed in the shock just now and can’t extricate themselves.

The blue rays of energy.

It makes their hearts throb!

It’s unbelievable that someone in Blue Star has already developed an energy weapon!

It’s terrifying and mysterious!

The live broadcast room is closed, but there is talk about the umbrella everywhere!

On major social platforms, the popularity of the umbrella has risen sharply!

Thousands of followers of the social platform Hades account have grown!



Huaguo, the Academy of Sciences, a group of old professors for the umbrella of science and technology shocked at the same time.

Keep shaking your head and sighing.

“I didn’t expect that the strongest analysis team in our country would fall into the hands of the umbrella, but Zhao Lao still has a long-term vision. ”

Old Zhao, who had pale beard, said with a smile: “The scientific research team that can develop so many advanced weapons, how can the controller behind it not be smart, how can he fight a battle that he is not sure of?”

Bai Lao of the Weapons Research Institute sighed and was shocked: “I didn’t see it with my own eyes, I really can’t believe it, they have developed energy weapons.” ”

Bai Lao seems to have received a blow, he is in charge of a country’s weapons research.

Repeatedly without an umbrella a company’s weapons are powerful.

“Leighton Company lost here, no one could have imagined it, it can only be said that the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, and there are too many smart people. ”

A group of veteran scholars have lamented that China is already lagging behind some developed countries in the world in many cutting-edge science and technology.

But in terms of strategic equipment, it can be said that except for aircraft carriers, everything else can break wrists.

They are also proud of it.

Because it is all created by the hard work of their group of people day and night, Huaguo is not afraid of anyone in terms of force.

But today, I saw three kinds of black technologies in a row.

The old people suddenly felt frustrated, feeling that they had been a bit of a frog at the bottom of the well in the past, and they were proud and complacent.



Eagle Empire, Conrad and the director left the Layton Company with a gloomy face.

Neither of them spoke on the way.

It was like a heavy cloud in their hearts.

Park by the lake.

The Director and Conrad stomped out cigarette after cigarette, surrounded by diffuse smoke.

“What are you going to do with the aircraft carrier?

Seemingly unconscious questioning, the director has been secretly paying attention to Conrad’s expression.

The trio’s conspiracy against the kingdom of Leah began years ago.

The three Conrads are no longer satisfied with their current rights and status.

Want to stand taller!

However, the wishful thinking was beaten into a plate of loose sand by the umbrella that suddenly came out.

Now is the most critical juncture!

If the criminal rebels are eliminated by the umbrella, Conrad will not want to meddle in the affairs of Leah in this life.

So he’s hesitant now, too.

Conrad took a deep breath of his cigarette and said, “I’ll go back and discuss with the old man, the matter of the aircraft carrier is too important!”

The director seemed to have no intention of saying: “Then you have to hurry, Diberg doesn’t know how much time it can last.” ”

In fact, all the time mentally suggesting Conrad.

Conrad glanced at the Chief, threw the cigarette butt on the ground, and walked towards his Rolls-Royce sedan.

Suburb, Conrad Manor.

An old man as old as a dead tree, in a wheelchair, with Conrad pushing behind him.

The old man said, “Have you thought about the consequences of failure?”

“Father, do you think the aircraft carrier sortie may fail?” Conrad asked rhetorically, their family for this aircraft carrier.

It took an unknown amount of money to get through the relationship with the Eagle Empire.

After 4 years, it was finally launched!

The price paid is too great, and it is an important hole card for Conrad to stand in the international after the success of the conspiracy, and few people know it!

An aircraft carrier battle group, the sortie can still fail!?

How many countries in the world have aircraft carriers?!

Conrad didn’t think so.

But the old man’s eyes were deep, and he looked into the distance: “I mean, what if it fails? I handed over Conrad Industries to you to let you keep this family property, but I didn’t expect it to make your ambitions swell unprecedentedly.” ”

Speaking of this, a nameless anger rose in Conrad.

Blame the damn umbrella!

He said toughly: “Then what should I do!? The aircraft carrier has been launched, is it rusty to be put there? Even if the aircraft carrier is lost, Conrad Industries is still not affected by anything, and we have developed so many advanced weapons, have we always been subservient to others as a capital?

Conrad’s father was silent for a long time, and for the first time today, he turned his head to look into his son’s eyes.

The old man’s gaze was cloudy but deep.

The father and son looked at each other, and the old man said: “Do you know the umbrella company, you are sure to send an aircraft carrier to defeat him.” You don’t understand at all, you don’t know who is behind him, how much money there is, and whether there are more advanced weapons. ”

Conrad was silent, not saying a word, he really didn’t know anything about the Umbrella Corporation.

But always at a critical juncture, the hateful umbrella company can come up with new equipment and give them a fatal blow!

Now the outside world is speculating whether there is a means to hide the umbrella.

No one dares to say no.

Seeing that his son gradually calmed down, the old man looked into his eyes and continued: “It’s nothing to lose one Diborg, and there is a second one to die, isn’t there as much as you want? Now there is no need to go to the umbrella, touch his strength, and when you are completely sure, I will not stop you.” ”

Conrad took a breath, his heaving chest calming down.

“I understand Father. ”

He does have some heads, too anxious!

“It’s good to understand, go get down to business, don’t worry about Diborg’s affairs, I’ll contact some people, and they’ll help you.” ”

“Good. ”

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ]

The conversation ends here, but the action is far from over!

Old Conrad is definitely a feared man!



The kingdom of Lilosa, the city of Lilosa, when Ti Borg saw the Layton satellite go up in smoke.

He’s turned off the TV!


With a flash of lightning, a downpour fell, and the wind raged incessantly.

Tiborg smiled fiercely, now he can only rely on himself!

“Just because there’s Layton doesn’t mean I’m losing!”

When a person has no way back, it is very scary, and Dyberg is like this, and he has already prepared the idea of breaking the boat!

In the midst of the storm, Tiberg laughed madly: “Even if you die, umbrella! I will bite you hard!”

He has 80,000 people and 40,000 umbrellas, so what is there to be afraid of!

The storm is pouring in, and the three teams are driving in a torrential wind.

Su Che here, through the window, had already seen the blurred lights of the new city, the city he had been in for a total of three years.

Didn’t expect to come back in this way!

Su Che sighed slightly, and immediately ordered: “Spread out the formation, be careful of the other party’s shelling!”

Fighting at night is very disadvantageous!

Especially in this kind of positional battle, since ancient times, the siege of the city has suffered the greatest casualties, and the key is that Su Che can’t bombard indiscriminately!

There are too many inhabitants in the new metropolis.

Fortunately, he is not the main force here, and there is a high probability that it will be a street fight, and there are not many people on the other side.

The defensive front of the city is too large!

And in the street fight, Su Che smiled mysteriously, behind his team, on a transport truck, pulling three big guys!

Another secret weapon of the base!

Storm Behemoth!

Absolutely terrifying street fighting dominance!

Not long after advancing again, Su Che waved his hand to stop the team, and this place had already arrived at the outskirts of the new city.

But he didn’t come across a single rebel figure.

Further on, you will go straight into the city.

Su Che looked around and said, “Send 3 teams to check the situation in the new city, and the rest of the people will rest in place and stay vigilant!”

Su Che’s goal is to find out where the criminal rebels are hiding.

to make a battle plan.

Soon, there were three teams, five people each, running into the new city under the stormy night.



Northwest desert, on the vast yellow sandy land.

A group of criminal rebels went deep into the no-man’s land, and they were the same people who had come to attack the Suche base.

“All of them, stop!”

The leader said loudly on the intercom channel, he was holding the map data sent to him by Leighton, the location of the real base, and now it was only 2 kilometers away from him.

He knew that there were fighter-bombers at the base of the umbrella!

Don’t dare to act rashly.

His ranks have no air defense!

Now, it is just to wait quietly, as long as the main force is outside Lilosa, as soon as the main force engages, the fighters on their side will be dispatched.

The Umbrella must send fighter-bombers to contain the air power.

That’s the best time for him to act!

Otherwise, with a round of bombing by the other party, he 10,000 people can be directly cooled!



In the new city, on a high-rise building in a roadside factory, scouts use night vision binoculars to keep an eye on the outside of the city.

The division of the umbrella was discovered by satellites.

Because Su Che rushed over directly, he didn’t keep the radio silent, or rather.

Su Che didn’t care at all.

His task was to involve the forces of both wings and prevent them from harassing Gandalf’s main force.

If you find it better, you can compete against it!

So the criminal rebels went directly to the factory and ambushed them, wanting to wait for Su Che to enter, and then take them by surprise.

“How’s it going?”

The rebel signal soldier asked, and the scout replied, “The other party did not come in, outside the city, sent a reconnaissance team, keep quiet.” ”

“Roger. ”

If you open God’s perspective, you can see that in a factory with a closed gate and a dark factory on the edge of the new city.

Tanks and RPGs are everywhere ready for criminal rebels!

Because there is only one way into the city.

This road is at the gate of the factory!

And there are so many factories on both sides of the road, almost one next to the other.

It’s all pitch black inside!

Half an hour later, Su Che’s liaison rang: “Commander, the 10th Avenue, the 9th Avenue did not find the enemy. ”

“Okay, all forward!”

Su Che put down the liaison and said loudly, and the team began to move forward.

On the wide road, the Apocalypse Tank roared and reached the door of the first factory.


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