Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 101

The first generation machine can generate the latest simulation skin. Simulated skin is made of special materials and rubber. It feels and feels the same as human skin.

"What the hell?"

"What is this? A robotic arm? And a cultivation chamber?"

"Director Lu, why is there so much black technology in your laboratory? This makes me feel as if I have entered a science fiction world. Suddenly I am looking forward to the robots created by Director Lu."

At this time, Lu Xingye's voice came over.

"Don't be anxious, everyone."

"I am putting on beautiful skins for the robots. After putting on the new skins, the first-generation robots can officially meet everyone."

"During this period……"

"Let me introduce this robot to you..."

Lu Xingye zoomed in on the robot's chest and pointed with his right hand at the glowing spot on the chest.

"This is the driving energy for robots."

"I named it the Ark Reactor. The Ark Reactor is a miniature nuclear reaction cone that can provide a continuous source of energy to the robot."

"The battery life is definitely long enough and durable enough."

87. Director Lu, are you sure you are building a robot? Instead of a female doll?

"What the hell?"

"Ark reactor? Nuclear reaction cone? Why do I feel like I'm watching a science fiction video?"

"Director Lu, is what you said true?"


"In the future, I don't think anyone will dare to say that Kyushu is not good. Do you have an Ark reactor? Do you have an intelligent robot?"

at the same time.

In the live broadcast room, a doctorate-certified account suddenly appeared, which is a so-called expert.

Yuan Li is a doctorate in nuclear energy.

He was attracted by the title of the live broadcast room. He originally thought he could see a technical live broadcast by robot enthusiasts, but he didn't expect to see such a ridiculous scene as soon as he entered.

Miniature controllable nuclear reaction cone?

And it's the size of a fist?

How can this be?

Are you just insulting my intelligence?

Yuan Li was slightly angry.

He knew how difficult it was to develop a miniature nuclear reaction cone.

Now the whole world is in the critical stage of miniaturized nuclear reaction cones.

Are you just saying you succeeded?

How funny!

Use this method to attract traffic?

Yuan Li suddenly felt that the times were a bit sad. Why is the bottom line of the Chinese people so low now?

Is science a joke?

Is science used to gain traffic?

It's really unscientific.

Science is serious, not playful.

Yuan Li felt that he had to stand up and crack down on fake news and let the anchor be punished.

"Hello everyone, I am Yuan Li, a doctor of nuclear energy."

"I watched the anchor's live broadcast."

"The glowing thing the anchor said is a miniature nuclear reaction cone. This is absolutely impossible."

"No one can make a nuclear reactor cone that small."

After finishing speaking, Yuan Li immediately began to conduct a comprehensive analysis from a professional and scientific perspective, and each analysis was followed by the cited scientific papers.

It can be said that it is very powerful in quoting scriptures.

In fact, it seems like a lot of long words, but it can be summed up in one sentence:

[The Ark reactor is fake. No one in the world can make such a small nuclear reaction cone. 】

"Holy shit! Is this? Is this... Dr. Yuan Li?"

"Yuan Li is a big boss! He occupies half of the authority in the nuclear energy industry. I remember that he published many nuclear energy papers in the world, and he successfully developed many nuclear tests."

"Since experts say that the Ark Reactor is fake, then the robot made by Director Lu is also very likely to be fake."

"Hey! It was a waste of time to look forward to it, a waste of expression."

"It's so sad. Director Lu, you actually lied to me."

"You also deceived me into paying attention."

"Everyone, please be patient. Since Director Lu dares to broadcast live publicly, he must be certain. As for whether the glowing thing is the Ark Reactor, we will find out if we continue to watch. There is no need to start a quarrel here."

Finally, someone who understands, wakes up in the world, and speaks a fair word.

Lu Xingye naturally saw Yuan Li's speech.

He even saw Yuan Li personally @ him several times.

But Lu Xingye ignored him.

Although Yuan Li is right, based on the current scientific basis, ordinary people cannot make such a small miniature nuclear reaction cone, but this person does not include him.

Lu Xingye has film technology and the smartest brain in the world.

It cannot be measured with common sense.

Make a fuss, make a fuss!

Go ahead and make a fuss!

Only when there is a quarrel can there be heat.

What Lu Xingye wanted was this kind of effect. Experts would come out to crack down on fakes and then scold each other.

This will create a bombing effect.

The more Yuan Li makes trouble, the more people will pay attention to it.

The more people pay attention to it, the better it will be for him to promote robot pre-sales.

Half an hour passed quickly.

The first-generation machine completed the facial pinching in the training chamber and generated a perfect skin.

Lu Xingye did not participate in the face-shaping. All this was done independently by the artificial intelligence Jarvis.

Looking through the training chamber, when he saw the new skin of the robot inside, his eyes suddenly straightened.


Female robot?

Did the Jarvis robot pinch the face and make it look like a woman? ?


Artificial intelligence also knows that opposites attract?

Lu Xingye was stunned for a moment but didn't hesitate. The female robot is pretty, the most beautiful robot he has ever seen.

Maybe female robots have more promotional effect.

Lu Xingye murmured and then gave the order.

[Teleport the robot over. 】

After receiving the command, the robotic arm immediately started moving, and the gears turned and made a "rattling" sound.


With a crashing sound, the robotic arm placed the female robot in front of the camera.

"Hello everyone."

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