Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 104


Xiao Mo was stunned for a moment before he reacted and nodded slightly to Lu Xingye.


Then, Xiao Mo returned to the camera and continued the live broadcast.

"My master said so."

"I can block you directly."

"If you speak ill of the master again, then don't blame me for being ruthless..."

Perhaps Lu Xingye's order opened up the Pandora in Xiao Mo's heart. Now Xiao Mo has greater power, and his voice is colder than before.

(Xiao Mo only likes it when she dresses herself up beautifully. Take a look below.)

" seems I can't say bad things about Director Lu in the future...otherwise I will be blackballed. After being blacklisted, I won't be able to see my wife anymore."

"Honey, Director Lu's order just now is that if someone harasses you, you can only use the one-stop service of banning people. Director Lu did not say that you are not allowed to say bad things about him."

"Did you understand it wrong?"


Before the fan could finish speaking, he found that he had been banned, and then immediately, he was blocked again.

I xxx……

Xiao Mo is really blocked.

Xiao Mo's light blue eyes kept flashing, and the artificial lips made of silicone were slightly raised, making people feel the coldness coming to their faces through the screen.

"I said that."

"Don't speak ill of your master."

"I said that."

"Don't speak ill of your master."

"I said that."

"Don't speak ill of your master."

"Speaking ill of the master means harassing me...I will block you."

"Speaking ill of the master means harassing me...I will block you."

"Speaking ill of the master means harassing me...I will block you."

Xiao Mo was so angry that he repeated every sentence three times, as if he was poisoned.

This is enough to show how angry she is inside.

"I'll go, Director Lu really..."

Ban, block.

"I go……"

Ban, block.

At the end of the day, Xiao Mo stopped talking nonsense to the fans.

If anyone is found saying bad things about the owner, they will be banned directly.

Xiao Mo always puts her master first, which is more important than her own life (innocence).

at the same time.

Lu Xingye took his mobile phone and came to the soundproof room next door. This room is very soundproof, no matter what the people inside are doing, no sound will be transmitted outside.

Because no matter how loud the sound inside is, it will be absorbed by the three layers of sound insulation film on the wall.

After locking the aluminum alloy door, Lu Xingye answered Long Yingtian's call. He had a hunch that the military industrial license he had been waiting for for a long time would be approved.

"Hey, Mr. Long."


What Lu Xingye didn't expect was that as soon as he opened his mouth to speak, there was a roaring sound coming from the other side.

"Classmate Lu."

"what's wrong with you?"

"Why are you broadcasting the creation of a robot? How can such a confidential thing be broadcast live?"

"What if there is a technical leak?"

Long Yingtian is a soldier who puts the interests of Jiuzhou first, and now he is a little angry when he sees this situation. If he were in front of Lu Xingye, I might not be able to help but beat him up.

Can core things like robots be broadcast live?

What if the secret is leaked?

At this time, Lu Xingye's faint voice came over.


"Mr. Long."

"What I live broadcast is only commercial robots, and it does not involve any core things. I guarantee you that it will never cause technical leaks."

"It doesn't matter if it doesn't cause technical leaks. Strategic weapons like robots must be prioritized for military use, and then commercial use." Xu Shi heard Lu Xingye's guarantee that there would be no leaks, and Long Yingtian felt relieved a lot.

But he was still a little angry.

How can something like a robot be broadcast live?

Even if you have this technology, you should quietly make a fortune and kill foreigners.


It's too late to say anything now. The live broadcast has already started for a while. Maybe the video of the robot has been spread overseas.


Lu Xingye Yangzuo sighed.

"Aren't I forced to have no choice?"

"You have never approved the military license I applied for, so I have to promote commercial robots first."

"You..." Long Yingtian frowned and was about to say something when Lu Xingye's voice came over again.

"Mr. Long, don't get excited."

"What you see now is a reduced version of the robot, a real combat robot. I'm keeping it for your army!"

"As soon as the military license is approved, I will immediately build a prototype and send it to you."

"The results are guaranteed to satisfy you."

After saying that.

Lu Xingye smiled inwardly. Now that Suihuo Technology can produce robots, the matter of applying for a military industry license should be stable.

90. Now that you have obtained the military license, are you showing off your arms to the world?

"The leaders have approved Suihuo Technology's military industry license. You will receive the military industry license within about 24 hours."

"You can produce military prototypes now." Long Yingtian answered after being silent for a while.

However, he soon discovered something was wrong.

Isn't he here to hold accountable the live broadcast of making robots?

Why did Mr. Lu take a detour and return to the military license issue?

How slippery.

If it weren't for Lu Xingye being Jiuzhou's treasure and inventing many revolutionary black technologies, he would really want to beat him up.

"That's...that's great."

"It is expected that in about a week, I will send the military prototype to your military region for testing."

Lu Xingye knew late at night that the matter of military robots could not be careless. The reason why Long Yingtian didn't blame himself was because he had a smart brain and the huge influence of Suihuo Technology.

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