Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 120

A heroine in a fantasy world?


It’s so hard to choose!


Only children make choices, adults want them all.

Lu Xingye is not a sentimental person. Love can only depend on fate.

You can't force it.

Although Lu Xingye knew that if he could bring fantasy characters into the real world, it would help him much more than the items in the movie.

This is the vitality of a unit!

For example:

The heroine of "Super Body" developed incredible abilities after her brain was overclocked.

Basically non-human.

If you can bring the other person to reality, it will definitely be of great help to you. Even with the super-physical heroine following him, he no longer needs to fear anyone.


Lu Xingye would not choose a super-physical heroine.

This is not his type.

Lu Xingye still likes that kind of cute young lady, who is pure, cute...and simple.

Full of the flavor of first love.

This kind of lively and cute girl can, to a certain extent, make up for Lu Xingye's lack of emotion.

And the other party can’t just be a vase.

The other party must have the strength to stand at the top of the world with him.

Love cannot be forced, it mainly depends on fate.

Lu Xingye pondered for a moment and then dismissed the thoughts from his mind.

I had no choice but to walk on foot.


Lu Xingye took out his mobile phone, opened the browser, and entered "the richest man in the world" on Qiandu.

Information about the world's richest man was immediately displayed on the web page.

The world's richest man is Boss Ma of Tesla Group, with assets of US$290 billion.

Converted into RMB, it is nearly 2.03 trillion dragon coins.

This amount is terrifying!

We must know that the total assets of the richest man in Kyushu are only 240 billion, while the richest man in the world has more than 2 trillion, which is basically ten times that of the richest man in Kyushu.

Anyone who sees this series of numbers will feel his scalp numb.

More than two trillion?

No money printing machine can print that much.


When Lu Xingye saw the information on the web page, he was not discouraged. In the eyes of others, making two trillion yuan is basically impossible.

But in his opinion, making two trillion yuan is a bit difficult.

It's not that the task is impossible.

Lu Xingye slid the fingers of his right hand to open more information about the world's richest man.

The world's richest man: Boss Ma of Little T Group.

Total assets: 2.03 trillion dragon coins.

Mainly involved industries: aerospace, new energy vehicles, energy, finance... and the arms industry.

Boss Ma, Boss Ma!

You are really rich.

It’s not easy for me to become the richest man in the world.

Fortunately, Lu Xingye has the core technology of nano-battery in his hands, and he has a tight grip on Little T Group, otherwise there will be trouble.

Now the golden finger research is completed.

Then, it’s time to watch a short movie. Lu Xingye's goal is to watch all the science fiction movies made in this world and become familiar with the plots in them.


List all the movie objects, props, and characters and compare them with each other.

Pick out your favorite items.

In this way, the number of times to break the two-dimensional barrier will not be wasted.


Lu Xingye opened the door gently and walked out quietly. Long Yubing was seen sitting quietly on the sofa, concentrating on watching the variety show, seemingly not noticing herself.

He slowly walked towards Long Yubing, preparing to pull him over to watch a movie.

What's the point of watching a movie secretly in a room alone?

Of course, it's not so boring if two people watch it together.

As the saying goes, if men and women work together, the work will not be tiring.


Lu Xingye's plan to sneak over to pick him up and scare Long Yubing failed.

I saw...

Long Yubing looked like he had eyes on his back.

Before Lu Xingye could reach her, he was noticed by the other party.

"So soon, are you done again?"

"So short!"

Long Yubing turned her head to look at Lu Xingye, her face flushed. She is a soldier and has received special training. She can distinguish even the smallest movements.

I wipe it!

Hearing Long Yubing's voice, Lu Xingye hesitated and frowned deeply.

If I remember correctly, you seemed to have said the same thing last time, right?

What's so short?

Can you please speak clearly?

No matter how arrogant Lu Xingye was, after being called "really short" by Long Yubing twice in a row, he realized that something was wrong.


Are you thinking wrongly?

I'm not that kind of person.

Lu Xingye opened his mouth and wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to explain.

"Don't say anything short in the future." He said with a serious face.

"Why?" Long Yubing stuck out his tongue inadvertently, as if he was no longer as cold as before.


Long Yubing was not very cold at all.

The indifference she showed before was just her protective color, making others think she was very powerful.

After getting familiar with Long Yubing, Lu Xingye found that he was not so difficult to approach.

If the other party is not someone sent from Kyushu.

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