Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 122

Quickly pull the progress bar.

Watch the movie's ending directly.

Just browse through these insignificant movies to get an idea of ​​what the movie is about.

As for why Lu Xingye still watches some unimportant science fiction movies, it is naturally to prevent any fish from slipping through the net.

Even after watching these science fiction movies, he didn't find anything suitable.

Lu Xingye will most likely never take out items from these science fiction movies again.

Because his ability to cross the two-dimensional barrier has a limit on the number of times, so he can't waste any of it.

As for how he could find suitable items for himself if he didn't take items from these science fiction movies.

Lu Xingye also had a complete plan.

That is--

Established his own film entertainment company.

If you want something, just make a science fiction movie.

Customized movie items.

This must meet his requirements.

Thought for a moment.

Lu Xingye's thoughts returned to reality.

Don't say anything else.

Start watching movies directly.

Let’s start with the Marvel series of movies.

that's all.

Lu Xingye was in charge of watching the movie, with Long Yubing accompanying him. The two of them watched a movie in the hall for half the night.

In fact, in most movies, Lu Xingye only briefly browses the plot and the props in the movie, and then quickly pulls the progress bar.

Watching movies in this way is naturally very fast.

In just half a night, they watched more than a hundred science fiction movies.

If Long Yubing hadn't been unable to hold on later, Lu Xingye felt that he could have fought for a while longer.

the next morning.

The two of them had big dark circles under their eyes. After breakfast, they continued to sit in front of the TV and fight.

About half an hour later.

The alarm in the hall suddenly sounded.

Didi didi...

Ever since Long Yubing became Lu Xingye's bodyguard, various alarms and invisible surveillance systems had been installed around the villa.

As long as someone appears around the villa, the corresponding alarm will be triggered.


Long Yubing suddenly became alert, and her hands habitually stretched to her waist, where she kept her weapons.

"look here?"

"It's your father."

At this time, Lu Xingye pointed to the screen next to him, which was playing real-time surveillance footage from the camera.

What appeared on the screen was a middle-aged avatar, wearing clothes similar to a Mao suit.

The other party was obviously Long Yingtian, who had dealt with Lu Xingye several times.

"Why is he here?"

Long Yubing frowned, as if she didn't welcome her father.

Lu Xingye turned his head and glanced at Long Yubing.

Judging from the look on the other party's expression, it seems that there is an inhumane story between her and her father!

He did not wait for the other party to knock on the door, but walked to the door to greet him:

"Mr. Long."

"Why do you have time to see me today?"

"Go in and talk." Long Yingtian said softly, walked past Lu Xingye and walked in.

He is truly worthy of being a military leader.

This momentum is overwhelming.

"The military industry license of Suihuo Technology has been approved."


"This is a military industrial license plate. I have obtained it for you. When can military combat robots be delivered for testing?"

Lu Xingye knew that Long Yingtian's personal visit was definitely not to give him a military license. I'm afraid the second half of his sentence was the focus of the other party.

"Emotions are here to urge me to produce military robots." Lu Xingye murmured in his heart.


He really wasn't in a hurry about this at all.

Now that civilian robots have been developed, it is not difficult to use civilian robots as prototypes and upgrade technology to produce military robots.

If Lu Xingye starts making it seriously.

It takes about three days to deliver a military combat robot.

"Mr. Long."

"Please do not worry."

"I've been busy building the combat robot these past few days, and now I'm almost done with the finishing touches."

"Three days."

"It only takes three days. I promise to send the combat robot test machine to your military area." Lu Xingye responded casually.

His mind has long been focused on the military license plate.

Looking at the steel seals stamped by several special departments on the military industrial license plate, Lu Xingye smiled inwardly.

I got the military license I had been longing for.

From now on Suihuo Technology will be an arms dealer.

104. Developing the "Star Chain" plan, Blue Star will have no secrets from now on

After listening to Lu Xingye's words.

Long Yubing was startled for a moment, then turned his head and stared at the other party in stunned silence.

Aren't you with me these days?

When did you start developing combat robots?

I do not know how?

You are deceiving.

Is this really good?

Just then, Lu Xingye realized something was wrong and kept winking at Long Yubing.

Long Yubing was silent for a moment, his face a little red. She struggled internally for a while, but decided not to expose Lu Xingye yet.

after all.

Her father, Long Yingtian, was much more annoying than Lu Xingye.

Long Yingtian was in a very good mood after receiving Lu Xingye's promise.

He has watched the live video of Xiaomo Robot.

That's just awesome.

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