Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 130

[Option 3: Destroy the tactical mountain. 】

[Use air cannons to level the mountains. If the target is no longer there, then naturally the so-called test will no longer exist. Time taken: 0.5 seconds. 】

[According to the requirement to achieve the goal as quickly as possible, the mastermind gave a suggestion to adopt option three. 】

[As long as the target is destroyed, the test mission will naturally cease to exist. 】

Discard option one.

Discard option two.

Implement plan three, use air cannon to connect the tactical peaks to the ground.

See here.

Lu Xingye still didn't know what was going on.


That mastermind was Jarvis.

During the design process of T800, if it encounters complex behaviors that cannot be judged by the intelligent code, it will send this series of analysis tasks to the main brain.

That is Jarvis.

It was Jarvis who gave the most correct instructions.

That old bastard Jarvis.

Lu Xingye's guess was correct.

With the intelligence of the T800, it is impossible to come up with such a cool solution. Only that old bastard Jarvis can come up with such a solution that has the best of both worlds.

It is indeed a mature artificial intelligence.


Lu Xingye would not expose Jarvis's existence.

This blame can only be shouldered by the T800 robot.

at the same time.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on T800's work log, with expressions of disbelief on their faces. But if you think along the lines of the T800, you can't find any faults.

"If the target is destroyed, the test mission does not exist."

"The test tasks no longer exist, which means that there is no need to test at all to pass the level perfectly."


"This robot is so smart."

"I don't know if you have noticed, but in addition to the third option, the T800 also has a second option. The second option is to fly directly there. This is another novel idea."

"Who in the right mind would have thought that you can fly over an obstacle course on foot?"

110. Appoint a chief robot engineer and obtain massive military orders

The big guys were silent for a while.

I don’t know how to evaluate the T800 at the moment.

Had to arrange a retest.

This test placed strict restrictions on the T800, which must be passed on foot based on the flexibility of its own body.


The test results were also far beyond their expectations.

The T800 robot completed the task in just 5 minutes, a record set by the Bit War team, and more than twice as fast.

The result was a complete abuse of the special operations team.

Through the first part of the live-fire test, the military department concluded:

T800 is a highly intelligent robot.

Its level of intelligence is no less than that of humans, and it can conduct individual combat and complete a variety of complex tasks.

After the first part of the live-fire test,

The second part of the real-person simulation confrontation test should have started.


After seeing the performance of T800, Long Yingtian was a little scared.

The combat power of the T800 robot is simply inhuman. How the hell can it fight like this?

Even if the entire Yanhuang Special Forces team came together, they would be wiped out in an instant.

The outcome is already determined.

Long Yingtian was not prepared to continue to embarrass the Yanhuang Special Forces.

"There is no need for real-person simulated confrontation."

"These tests are enough to prove the excellence of t800." Long Yingtian blushed, perhaps a little ashamed, and his voice became weaker and weaker as he spoke to the end.

When the captain of the Blade Team heard this, he laughed "haha" twice.

The Yanhuang Special Warfare Squadron actually gave up. This was something that had never happened to the Yanhuang Squadron since its establishment.

He can eat this melon for a year.


He can use this melon to tease the Yanhuang team for a year.

Although Captain Blade was laughing in his heart, he did not dare to tease the other party directly at this moment.

Because if you tease the other person, the other person will definitely say: You can do it!

Then if he didn't dare to go up, wouldn't it be even more embarrassing?

Faced with the terrifying T800 robot, the Blade Team was also cowed.

At this time.

On the contrary, Dong Sicheng, a weapons expert at the arsenal, had no scruples.

The air cannons and air guns that come with the T800 have already disgraced the arsenal.

Now your special operations team wants to save some face?

There are no doors.

If you want to be embarrassed, let's all be embarrassed together.

"Mr. Long."

"You're wrong."

"Live-fire testing and real-person simulated confrontation are also part of the test. If you want to test, test it completely. How can there be a reason to test part of the test and not test the other part?"

"Could it be that you're scared?"

"..." When Long Yingtian heard this, his face turned red and black, uglier than a mosaic.

I really lost my face today at my grandma’s house.

Long Yingtian's face was burning. He wished he could find a crack in the ground and crawl in, then hide and never come out.

This is so embarrassing.

Under Dong Sicheng's teasing, everyone thought that Long Yingtian was riding a tiger and was in trouble, and they all waited to see his joke.

Unexpectedly, Long Yingtian would admit defeat directly.


"Because there is no chance of winning at all, so... so... I admit defeat on behalf of the Yanhuang Special Warfare Team." Long Yingtian said with a red face.

Although surrendering is a bit embarrassing.

But if the T800 group is destroyed, the Yanhuang special warfare team will lose even more face.

After Long Yingtian finished speaking, he was silent for two seconds, and then suddenly the topic changed:

"Although our Yanhuang Special Warfare Team has surrendered, the Sharp Blade Special Warfare Team has not surrendered yet. Perhaps the Sharp Blade Team can replace the Yanhuang Team and conduct a real-life simulated confrontation with the T800."

Our Yanhuang team is in disgrace, but you still want to hold on to your sharp blade?

If you want to be embarrassed, let's all be embarrassed together.

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