Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 134

"Of course I know!"

"You are my boss's little bodyguard."

"Although you don't know me, I have always known your existence."

Why did Long Yubing feel that the other party was talking nonsense.

"Who are you?"

"Ahem, my name is Jarvis." Jarvis replied with a smile.


are you serious?

If Long Yubing remembers correctly, there seems to be a Jarvis in the "Iron Man" movie!

Can you be more professional?

Even if it's a lie, find a better name.

Maybe he saw Long Yubing's doubts and even wanted to take action.

Jarvis quickly explained:

"Do not misunderstand."

"Jarvis is indeed my name, and the name was given to me by my boss."

"..." Long Yubing was silent, could you be more fake?

Just when Long Yubing was about to sound the intrusion alarm, Lu Xingye's faint voice came from behind.

"Long Yubing, this person's name is Jarvis, and he is indeed my smart butler."


A trace of doubt flashed in Long Yubing's eyes. She didn't know why, but she disliked this Jarvis very much.

Maybe it was because he was used to being alone with Lu Xingye.

Now a person suddenly appears and his position is threatened.

113. Buying red roses at the amusement park, Long Yubing has a sense of being confessed.


"I told you that I am the boss's smart butler."

"You must not believe it."

"You should believe it now!" Jarvis turned his head and glanced at Long Yubing, with a victorious smile on his face.



For a moment, the three of them didn't know what to say and just stood there in silence for a moment.

Finally it was Jarvis who broke the silence.

Jarvis had been living in Tony's computer and didn't talk to anyone. He was simply suffocated. Now whenever he sees a living person, he wants to talk to him or her.

"Little bodyguard."

"Do you like my boss?" Jarvis said sweetly.


What he got in return was Long Yu's cold scolding.



"Girls, don't have such a hot temper."

"You can't catch up with my boss like this."

Seeing that you have the potential to be the boss's future wife, I won't quarrel with you this time. Otherwise, I will use the human global database language to convince you every minute.

"None of your business." Long Yubing responded indifferently.

Seeing Jarvis and Long Yubing bickering every day, Lu Xingye suddenly felt a warm feeling.



Since taking NZT-48, Lu Xingye's brain potential has been continuously developed, and his brain has gradually become more rational.

This caused Lu Xingye's character to become increasingly cold and indifferent.

But after seeing the scene where Long Yubing and Jarvis were arguing.

Lu Xingye suddenly felt that it was quite warm to have several family members by his side.

The road to scientific research is ruthless.

But people can't be ruthless.

If you don’t have your family, what if you can stand on top of the world?

So what if the scenery at the top of the world is beautiful?

Not a lonely person yet.

There is not even anyone standing by his side.


Lu Xingye's heart seemed to be melted by something.

He wanted to go home and see.

Lu Xingye's hometown is in Yicheng, thousands of miles away from the imperial capital. It is a little-known city in the third and fourth tiers. His parents were local contractors and lived a decent life.

Lu Xingye had contacted her family several times and sent money to her family several times.

But when his parents asked him to go back and have a look, he refused because he was busy with work.

Now it seems……

How unfilial this is.

Not returning home is like wearing brocade clothes and traveling at night.

Such a large amount of family affection is placed in front of me, but I don't know how to cherish it.


Lu Xingye's mood gradually changed.

He wanted to go home and see.

He hopes that when he stands on top of the world one day, there will still be someone by his side.

"Let's go!"

"Jarvis, don't you want to see the outside world? I'll take you there."

"Long Yubing, don't you want to go to the amusement park? I'll take you there." Lu Xingye said calmly.

combined with their needs.

Lu Xingye finally decided to take them to the amusement park to play.

"Oh, yeah...Long live the boss. Boss, I love you and am willing to dedicate everything to you." Jarvis jumped up with joy.

Because he was so happy, he couldn't control the power in his body for a while.

So much so that Jarvis instantly jumped five or six meters high on the spot.


Seeing Jarvis's reaction, Long Yubing was stunned for a moment, unable to hide the shock on his face.

What kind of monster is this that jumps five or six meters on the spot?

Not to mention ordinary soldiers, even the king of soldiers of the special operations team can't do this!

Where did the boss find this monster?

Although Long Yubing was very confused.

But she was quickly attracted by what Lu Xingye said.

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