Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 141

"Remove Suihuo Technology's games from game platforms such as wegame, steam..."


"If Suihuo Technology continues to enter the game market, it will definitely usher in a counterattack from the entire game industry."


No gaming platform…

There are no promotional resources.

Suihuo Technology, Suihuo Technology!

I want to see how you play?

After saying that.

Boss Ma didn't know what he thought of, and a faint smile suddenly appeared on his face.

If the plan succeeds, no matter what price the Penguin Group will pay, as long as it can kick Suihuo Technology out of the game.

Then it's all worth it.

Unite the power of the entire industry to fight against Suihuo Technology?

Isn't this a bit exaggerated?

Is just one piece of Suihuo technology worthy of our attention?

Secretary Huang was puzzled.


"Suihuo Technology is just a new company that has just entered the gaming industry. Is it worth wasting so much resources to deal with it?" Secretary Huang hesitated for a moment and asked anxiously.

The reason why Penguin Group maintains its leading position in the gaming industry is not only its numerous games but also its huge promotion channels.

The monopoly of social software.

Why does Suihuo Technology attract Boss Ma’s attention so much?

Secretary Huang didn't understand very much.


What a pattern!

Upon hearing this, Boss Ma laughed "haha" twice, and then shook his head. He did not explain or continue talking.

The butt determines the head.

There are some things, if you are not at that level, you cannot see the powerful relationship between them.

For example:

You will know the fate of your fruit company.

When Suihuo Technology was first established, who would have thought that a small company could threaten the status of the mobile phone dominant fruit company?

You must know that Fruit Company is a trillion-dollar company...the dominant player in the mobile phone industry.

Even so, the fruit companies were still bitten off by Suihuo Technology.


Not just chewing off a piece of meat.

Instead, half of his body was eaten away by Suihuo technology.

Now that the fruit company is in decline, it doesn't even have the power to resist.

Using history as a mirror, we can know the rise and fall.

Using people as a mirror can help you know gains and losses.

Taking the fruit company as a mirror, we can see the consequences of contempt.

Suihuo Technology's strong entry into the game was obviously planned for a long time.

If you don't pay attention to it anymore, the fate of the fruit company will be the fate of Penguin Group in the future.

Along the way.

Boss Ma is thinking about how to fight Suihuo Technology.

His secretary acted as a correspondent.

Call the CEOs of various companies in the gaming industry and invite them to have a roundtable meeting at Shanda headquarters tomorrow to discuss how to deal with Suihuo Technology.

the next morning.

Shanda Games Headquarters.

Today is a special day. Most of the game manufacturers in Jiuzhou are gathered at Shanda headquarters because of Suihuo Technology.

Blizzard Games…

NetEase Games…

Honey Oil Game…

All the game manufacturers that can be named are here.

A total of more than a hundred people participated in the roundtable meeting against Suihuo Technology.

As the leader of this industry, Boss Ma of Penguin Group,

In addition, he took the lead in holding the round table meeting, so he deserved to be the leader of this meeting.

"Every boss here."

"You can sit here, I believe you have all done research on Suihuo Technology."

"Suihuo Technology is a powerful technology company. Now it is preparing to enter the gaming industry and steal our cake."

"I don't know if you are willing to share this piece of cake with Suihuo Technology. Anyway, I..."

"Anyway, I... Lao Ma... was the first one to disagree."

Boss Ma's voice just fell.

As the boss of Shanda Games, an old friend of Penguin Group, he was the first to stand up and support Boss Ma.

Shanda Games: "I don't agree either. The gaming industry's pie is so big, and we can't even share it. We will never allow an outsider to get involved."

Immediately afterwards.

Other game manufacturers have also spoken out.

Blizzard Games: "We don't agree either."

NetEase Games: "Boss Ma, just tell us what you want us to do. No matter who we are, we don't want our cake to be taken away by others."

Ha Miyou: "Yes. Since Boss Ma invited us to participate in the roundtable meeting, we must have a specific response plan. You might as well say it outright and let's discuss it together."

119. Develop game box platform and release hundreds of games

Boss Ma nodded slightly when he heard this.

He was very rude. After a moment of silence, he directly stated his plan.

"That's the first step!"

"First of all, all of our game manufacturers unite to form an offensive and defensive alliance to form a united front against Suihuo Technology."


"Coordinate all our resources to achieve resource sharing and resource concentration."

"To put it simply."

"We build a brand new game platform - a new game battle platform. Then we put all the games we have on hand on this new platform."

"In this way we can concentrate 90% of the games and players on the entire network on this platform."

“As long as we firmly capture these players and establish a monopoly, we will no longer be afraid of being impacted by Suihuo Technology.”

"Step Two:"

"We, several manufacturers, have united together to remove Suihuo Technology's games from the shelves. We also refused to promote Suihuo Technology."

"third step:"

"We have joined forces to release ten epoch-making games and work hard to promote them. We must put down Suihuo Technology's ten games."

have to say.

Boss Ma is a very smart person.

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