Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 146

Suihuo Technology... launched a hundred hit games as soon as it was released.

Are you a cow?

As a normal game company, it takes several months to develop each game, and even some phenomenal hits require several years of development.

What the hell!

There really is no harm without comparison!

They thought they had no power to resist an opponent that was more productive than a cow.

The members of the Penguin Offensive and Defensive Alliance fell into deep silence upon hearing this.

The R\u0026D team of Suihuo Technology is really too strong. This is a bit like...a bit like a dimensionality reduction attack.

No way for others to survive at all.

The boss of Blizzard Games appeared in the camera with a cane in both hands, his beard trembling in anger.

"The Suihuo Technology goes too far."

"It directly caused our company's stock to drop five points. If this continues, we will not be far from bankruptcy."

The boss of Hamiyou was also filled with righteous indignation. He threw the tea cup in his hand to the ground, and the glass shards were scattered on the ground. His voice was a little irritable:

"What the hell... I just want to know why among the hundred games released by Suihuo Technology, why is there one that is so similar to the game I am about to release?"

"If it's a coincidence, I don't believe it."

"Is it plagiarism...?"

"Or is it piracy? Has the source code been leaked?"

When the members of the Penguin Offensive and Defensive Alliance heard this, they immediately fell into a deep silence.

It’s not just Hamiyu and Penguin Group.

Each of their game companies can find a game in Game Box that is very similar to the game they are about to release.

What's happening here?


Suihuo Technology pirated our game?


Why does Suihuihuo Technology optimize pirated games so well?

Even better than our original game.

Piracy kills originality?

They no longer dare to put those ten games on the shelves.

If they put those ten games on the shelves again and the quality is not as good as that of Suihuo Technology.

Maybe... players will think that they are the ones who pirated the game.

All members of the offensive and defensive alliance fell into deep silence. Perhaps, instead of falling into deep silence, I fell into deep sadness.

About two minutes passed.

In the end, it was the boss of Shanda Games who spoke up and broke the silence.

"We can't solve the problem by remaining silent like this. Now that the emerging company Suihuo Technology has entered the game, we, the established companies, must come up with a response plan. Otherwise, we will be close to bankruptcy."

Blizzard Games: "Yes. Things have not reached the worst yet, so we don't have to be so pessimistic. The most important thing now is to unite together and resist Suihuo Technology."

NetEase Games: "Yes. We must quickly come up with a response plan...and implement it as soon as possible."

After saying that.

All the members of the offensive and defensive alliance turned their heads and looked at Boss Ma. They hope that the leaders of this offensive and defensive alliance can give some constructive suggestions.

Sure enough, they were not disappointed.

Boss Ma pouted, and that faint voice came over. As a big boss in the business world, his voice is very calm.

"The Suihuo technology is too powerful, and I don't have much else to do."

"Unless we can be like Suihuo Technology, which releases a hundred phenomenal games a day, and also creates a game box."

"Otherwise there's no fun at all."

"..." Upon hearing this, all the members fell into deep silence again. This sentence would greatly dampen their self-confidence.

"Damn it..."

"Are we just going to watch Suihuo Technology take away our market share?"

"If that's the case, then we might as well just declare bankruptcy."

Perhaps feeling that the mentality of the members of the offensive and defensive alliance was unstable, Boss Ma's faint voice came over again.

"Although we can't prevent Suihuo Technology from entering the game."

"But there are no remedies."

"First like this...then like this...and finally like this..."

The second roundtable meeting of the Penguin Offensive and Defensive Alliance lasted for three hours and discussed various plans to deal with Suihuo Technology.

Although there are many solutions, the main ones are nothing more than three points.

First: Open monthly passes, draws, give away skins, give out characters... and other activities in the game to increase players' stickiness to the game and completely lock these players into their own camp.

Second: Improve research and development technology, jointly develop a game that surpasses Suihuo Technology, and win with game quality.

Third: Prosecution against Suihuo Technology in court, anti-monopoly law investigation, various trolls looking for trouble... guiding the direction of speech, etc.

have to say.

These methods of the Penguin Offensive and Defensive Alliance are really very useful and have curbed the expansion of Suihuo Technology to a certain extent.

It also stopped their stocks from falling.

Because the games of the Offensive and Defensive Alliance have added activities such as card recharging, skin giving, lottery drawings, and character giving, players are becoming more enthusiastic than ever.

Players’ game stickiness has also been greatly improved.

This even brought some other players in.

Boss Ma of the Penguin Group secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this result.

The Suihuo Technology offensive was finally stopped.

This is a good sign. The next step is to study how to regain the lost market share.


That's it.

Just when the Penguins Offensive and Defensive Alliance were celebrating, something unexpected happened.

An amazing news was released on the official website of Suihuo Technology.

And... this news directly caused an earthquake in the game industry.


It caused an earthquake in the entire gaming industry.

# /Congratulations to Suihuo Technology for developing the gaming somatosensory warehouse.

# /Suihuo Technology officially announced the advent of the virtual reality era.

123. The penguin fell, Lu Xingye invented the satellite - Tianyan No. 1

# /Congratulations to Suihuo Technology for developing the gaming somatosensory warehouse.

# /Suihuo Technology officially announced the advent of the virtual reality era.


Through the tireless efforts of engineers, Suihuo Technology finally overcame the technical difficulties of the somatosensory chamber and successfully developed a somatosensory chamber capable of virtual reality.

Sales will be announced soon.

The somatosensory warehouse is a holographic game warehouse.

The somatosensory cabin can directly use body movements to interact with surrounding devices or the environment without using any complicated control equipment, allowing people to interact with the content as if they were personally there.

The virtual reality of the somatosensory warehouse is also called the second world of human beings. People can shop, make friends, play games... and even fall in love on it.

If you are interested in the somatosensory box, you can directly download the game box.

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