Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 152

Long Yubing has relaxed a lot.

She also gradually forgot that she was just a little bodyguard.

The way she dresses has also changed from a dashing female soldier to a beautiful girl at home.

And dressing has become more and more casual.

Long Yubing was seen wearing a pink nightgown, a hollow suspender skirt and hollow hazy little socks, and her attractive fair skin could be vaguely seen.

Lu Xingye glanced at Long Yubing, his eyes suddenly straightened, and his heart felt hot.

Isn’t the little bodyguard a cold lady type?

Why have you changed to the cute style now?


Don’t even say it!

If the little bodyguard had a cute style, it would still look pretty good.


Long Yubing's next words completely destroyed this special atmosphere, and his voice was a little cold.


"Is there a problem?"

Lu Xingye was silent.

Sure enough^_^

You are still aloof!

Don’t think that just because you put on cute clothes, you will become cute.

Human character is difficult to change.

"Can I see you if I have nothing to do?" Lu Xingye asked with a smile.



This time it was Long Yubing's turn to be silent.

to be honest.

She is Lu Xingye's personal bodyguard. Apart from anything else, it is her duty to be always available to the boss.

Because he didn't know what to say, Long Yubing was silent for a moment before uttering a sentence:

"Then I'll go change my clothes first."

She was resting just now, but as soon as she heard Lu Xingye's message, she rushed over as quickly as possible before she had time to change clothes.

She might not have noticed anything at first, but facing Lu Xingye's fiery gaze, she still felt a little unnatural.

After saying that.

Long Yubing left without waiting for Lu Xingye's consent.

It took about ten minutes before she reappeared in front of Lu Xingye.


The pink pajamas have been removed and replaced by a tight leather jacket with a bulging waist.

Perhaps considering that Lu Xingye was going out, she wore a weapon around her waist.

Lu Xingye glanced at Long Yubing.

Good guy!

Became the royal sister again?

And it’s not hot even if you’re dressed so tightly?

The difference in clothes before and after made Lu Xingye secretly say it was a pity. In fact, he still likes Long Yubing to wear cute clothes. If nothing else, it is just eye-catching.

"As for being dressed so tightly?"

"I don't look as good dressed like this as before." Lu Xingye said frivolously. The intense heat caused by it just now gradually faded away as Long Yubing changed her clothes.


"I'm used to dressing like this." Long Yubing said calmly.

She looked very calm on the surface, but her reddish face betrayed her, and she was not at peace inside.

"But, I wanted to see you dressed like that just now." Lu Xingye looked at Long Yubing with a smirk.

"Can you be normal?"

If you do this again, then I won't care about you. "Long Yubing said calmly.

Lu Xingye knew that Long Yubing had an extremely strong temper. If he said he would ignore him, he would really ignore him, so he quickly called out to him.

"Don't. Don't go...come with me for a walk."

Long Yubing stopped and nodded slightly. Now that she has changed her clothes, she has no intention of really leaving. What I just said was just a joke.

Lu Xingye walked in front.

Long Yubing stood next to him.

Under the sunlight, the silhouettes of the two people were illuminated very long, making them look like a couple in love.


they are not.

Apart from the cute outfit just now, Lu Xingye didn't seem to have any feelings for her.

The current hive base has undergone tremendous changes.

Looking up, there are office buildings rising from the ground in the center.

This is part of the Central business district.

Outside Central are dormitory buildings.

The dormitory buildings are built around the office buildings, giving them a distinct sense of hierarchy. In addition to these office areas, Hive also has independent supermarkets, businesses, and hospitals.

To exaggerate:

Now the ground floor of the Beehive is no longer just an office building, but a town with everything.

A town that belongs entirely to Lu Xingye.

Suihuo Technology will provide each employee with a dormitory.

As long as you join the job, you will be assigned a suite.

In the whole world, only Suihuo Technology can provide such benefits.

Because the employees of Suihuo Technology have good benefits.

This also makes Suihuo Technology the first choice for young people today to find jobs.

But what they don’t know is——

While commercialization is booming on the honeycomb surface, the world's largest underground building - a super laboratory - is being built underground.

There are 108 floors in the underground building.

The laboratories on each floor have experimental equipment far beyond this world, and are responsible for various important scientific research tasks.

And the underground structures are kept secret from the outside world.

Even the entry and exit of core employees are subject to strict requirements. Only top scientists who have taken a reduced version of NZT-48 and some tenured employees are eligible to enter.

Lu Xingye took out his mobile phone and contacted the construction unit, only to find out that the Honeycomb Base had been completed yesterday.


The projects have been completed and accepted.

This surprised Lu Xingye.

Although he knew that according to the construction period of the construction unit, the honeycomb would be completed in the near future, the specific date was uncertain.

I didn't expect it to be completed so quickly.

This was faster than he expected.

"Yu Bing."

"Do you want to join Suihuo Technology?" Perhaps Lu Xingye thought of something, suddenly turned his head and asked Long Yubing.

Join Suihuo Technology?

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