Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 169

Without NPCs, people wouldn't be able to interact with each other.

The meaning of the existence of the virtual world will be greatly reduced.

People will also have a lot less fun.

Although Jarvis's wisdom code can serve as part of the temporary NPC.


What about the long term?

This is not an option in the long run.

Moreover, the virtual world does not only need one NPC, but countless NPCs.

There is only one artificial intelligence Jarvis, and it is okay to let him act as hundreds or thousands of NPCs, but if he is asked to act as tens of thousands... or even hundreds of millions of NPCs.

Then I'm afraid Jarvis's quantum chip will be burned.


It is imperative to restart the virtual immortality plan.

It's just that the virtual immortality plan needs to be modified and limited accordingly, otherwise it will be tragic if the real world is accidentally ruined.

The core of the [Virtual Immortality Project] lies in the consciousness uploading technology.

To put it simply.

It is to upload human consciousness to the virtual world through consciousness uploading technology.

Then find a way to make this consciousness act as an NPC in the virtual world.

Initially, Jarvis's plan was to upload the consciousness of a living person to the virtual world.

But Lu Xingye rejected it.

Lu Xingye would never agree to upload a living person to the virtual world under any circumstances.

But the virtual world needs NPCs.

Therefore, he can only attack those who are about to die.

[Virtual Immortality Plan]——[New Access Criteria]

Admission condition one:

The person must be a person who is about to die and voluntarily join the virtual world and act as an NPC.

Admission condition two:

Suihuo technology must be supported.

Admission condition three:

It is forbidden to reveal one's existence in front of anyone/thing.

Admission condition four:

Once you choose to join the virtual world, it is deemed to be an initiative to give real-world property to Suihuo Technology for free.

Admission condition five:

Must be from Kyushu.

These five conditions were thought up by Lu Xingye after racking his brains. They are also a filtering condition and a restriction for NPCs.

As for those unfettered consciousnesses, it is very simple to deal with them. Just use anti-virus software to erase them.

People's consciousness is equivalent to a computer program in the virtual world, and all the power of life and death is in Lu Xingye's hands.

In order to increase the number of NPCs in the virtual world as soon as possible.

Lu Xingye decided to absorb all the qualified souls.

As for whether hell will be overcrowded and family planning will be carried out in the underworld, etc.

He felt that he didn't need to think about it for the time being.

That’s not right!

If people know that after entering the virtual world, they can only work in the virtual world and act as intelligent NPCs.

Then people's enthusiasm will definitely be greatly reduced.

Few people even want to join the virtual world.


Lu Xingye probably thought of something and had an idea:

"It's better than this."

"Since people don't want to be NPCs, then give them a reason why they must be NPCs."

Lu Xingye paused for a moment, then built a new plan behind the [Virtual Immortality Plan].

——[Return to the World Plan]

[Return to Earth Plan] refers to:

When the NPC has worked in the virtual world for a hundred years, they can make a choice whether to continue living in the virtual world or return to reality.

If he chooses to live in a virtual world, he will no longer need to be an NPC.

If they choose to return to reality, Lu Xingye will arrange a new identity for them. (Of course, in order to cause unnecessary trouble, Lu Xingye could only assign them robot identities, and there were various restrictions after returning to reality.)

Have a reentry plan.

People are absolutely crazy.

Because no one will refuse the opportunity to live a second life.

The core of the [Return to Earth Plan] lies in consciousness downloading technology.

Conscious Download Technology…

To put it simply, it means downloading the consciousness of the virtual world and placing it in a new body.


Neither consciousness downloading technology nor consciousness uploading technology has been researched yet.

When he thought of this, Lu Xingye couldn't help but sigh.


"The scientific research task is very heavy."

"While researching drones, we must also research consciousness upload/download technology."

"My head is almost bald."

“There are so many projects to look at.”

After complaining.

Lu Xingye split the research tasks into various hive laboratories.

And he is only responsible for the core part.

140. The filming of "Immortality" was successful, and thousands of people wrote in blood, begging Tunhuo Technology to enter the medical industry.

After arranging all this, Lu Xingye went home with Jarvis and Long Yubing.

Everything is fine for the two elders in the family, except that the space between their eyebrows has been damaged by time and is full of wrinkles.


Time, time...slow down! Don't make my parents old.

The two elders are very enthusiastic.

She directly regarded Long Yubing as her future daughter-in-law and killed chickens and ducks.

I was so happy that there were fewer wrinkles between my eyebrows.

Long Yubing is naturally shy and feels unnatural at home. But soon, they were melted by the enthusiasm of the two elders, and the family got along happily.

After tea and dinner.

My parents talked to me about their careers, and they were filled with emotion when they learned that Suihuo Technology had become so big.

Secretly, his son has grown up.

Lu Xingye didn't stay at home for long. He came out of the village two days later and returned to the metropolis of the imperial capital to start a new round of struggle.

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