Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 17

Mr. Wang murmured, and for a moment he couldn't believe what he saw.

He gradually began to pay more attention to it.

Looking at the above code intently, the code of Kunlun system is very simplified and has certain judgment ability.

A procedure that takes others ten steps to complete can be completed in one step with the Kunlun system.

To put it simply, this is a smart algorithm.

Oh my God!

It turns out that the code can also be written like this.

Mr. Wang actually got some inspiration from the code of Kunlun System.

This code is so fascinating.

After checking the frame structure of the system, Mr. Wang unplugged the data cable connected to the computer and prepared for the next step to test the performance of the Kunlun system.

and checking the authenticity of the system.


Mr. Wang swiped the phone screen to enter the desktop. When he saw two green software on the desktop, he was stunned.

The green software on the left is WeChat, which is software suitable for Android systems.

The green software on the right is also WeChat. The only difference is that this software is based on the IOS system.

How can it be?

How is it possible for the same mobile phone system to have Android software and ios software at the same time?

Could it be that the Kunlun system is compatible with these two ecologies?

This is simply a BUG.

Mr. Wang was inexplicably shocked. He had never seen such a system before and was extremely shocked.

[Open the Android version of WeChat software on the left. 】

Silky smooth without any lag.

[Close the Android version of WeChat software on the left. 】

Silky smooth without any lag.

[Open the IOS version of WeChat software on the right. 】

Silky smooth without any lag.

[Close the IOS version of WeChat software on the right. 】

Silky smooth without any lag.

Mr. Wang tried several more times and finally confirmed one thing, that is, the Kunlun system can use the Android software ecosystem and the iOS ecosystem at the same time.


Mr. Wang's breathing gradually became faster. It was not difficult to see that the Kunlun system was a brand new system and had very important commercial significance.

"Mr. Wang."

"How about it?"

"Did this student modify part of the Android system and then change the interface to fool me?" He Chendong asked quickly when he saw Mr. Wang stopped what he was doing.



Saying it scares you to death.

This is a truly new system.

Lao Wang originally wanted to tease He Chendong, but when he thought about it, his own views were similar to the other party's at the beginning, and he didn't believe that the Kunlun system was a brand new system at all.

It’s not like taking fifty steps to laugh at a hundred steps.

"This system is real."

"Is it true?" He Chendong exclaimed, somewhat unbelievable.

"Of course it's true. Could I still lie to you?"

"No. ... I just find it very unbelievable."

"Chen Dong, I think this student has a bright future. You should be nice to him now. Maybe you can share the glory and wealth with him in the future."

"This...if the system is real, then I have to pay more attention to it. The school should have no less entrepreneurship subsidies." He Chendong had the same feeling.

A student from Fuxing University started a food delivery company, and his alma mater is also proud of it.

Aoki University students have launched a shared bicycle project, which has made Aoki University's popularity continue to rise, and now its arrogance has basically surpassed that of the top universities.

Now student Lu has developed a mobile operating system with great commercial value, which is of great significance not only to Yanda, but also to the entire Jiuzhou.

The whole school must concentrate its efforts to support Suihuo Technology and incubate this entrepreneurial project.

"I'll go back and write an application report right away and give him tax exemption, interest-free loan, and the use of office space."

As He Chendong said that, he was about to walk out, but was stopped by Mr. Wang.

"Chen Dong, wait a minute."

"Huh? What's wrong?" He Chendong turned his head in confusion.

"The Kunlun system uses compilation technology that I have never seen before. There are several parts of the system that I can't understand. Can you...can you recommend this student to me? I'll ask him a few questions. .”

Mr. Wang's face looked a little unnatural, with some wrinkles on his face, and a faint blush could be seen. As he got older, he was usually the one who asked questions, but he didn't expect that this time it would be the other way around.

He asked a junior for advice.

Although Mr. Wang was a little embarrassed, the Kunlun system was so excellent that he was obsessed with every code in it.

He couldn't wait to learn about the Kunlun system.


A master is a teacher and he is not ashamed to ask questions.

What's so embarrassing about this.

Those engaged in research need this kind of mutual discussion so that science and technology can progress.

Oh haha!

He Chendong glanced at Mr. Wang strangely. Ever since they met, Mr. Wang has been like a mobile library. There is nothing he doesn't understand.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Wang’s wise life was defeated by the Kunlun System.

How awesome is this Kunlun system?

A hundred-year-old academician is so fascinated.

In other words, if the Kunlun system is so awesome, wouldn’t the author of the Kunlun system be awesome?

Although He Chendong is not a person in the computer field, he still feels the crushing influence from Cushui's IQ.


"I think Mr. Lu will be very willing to answer your questions."

He Chendong emphasized the words "will be very willing to answer", which sounded meaningful. Perhaps this is the implication among scholars.

"Stop being so arrogant. I am not ashamed to ask what's wrong?" Mr. Wang's voice was a little urgent.


"I'm going to go first and fill out the application materials for Mr. Lu."


"I want to take this mobile phone with the Kunlun system and submit it to the school as proof of application for entrepreneurship support."

These words were like stepping on Mr. Wang's tail. He immediately became anxious, and like a hen guarding its food, he opened his hands to block He Chendong.


"The Kunlun system is of great use to me."

"I'm going to stay and study."

Mr. Wang was really anxious. He hadn't seen such interesting code for a long time. He insisted on keeping it for study no matter what.

"Mr. Wang, that's not possible. If you take the Kunlun system backup machine, how can we approve Student Lu's entrepreneurial support?"

"You can ask Mr. Lu for another Kunlun system." Mr. Wang didn't want to give in at all.

"Mr. Wang. We have been friends for so many years. Do you think this is okay? I will take the Kunlun system backup machine to the school for review first, and then help you ask Mr. Lu for a Kunlun system for you to study." He Chendong looked at Wang After a while, I thought of a compromise.

"Oh well!"

Mr. Wang hesitated for two seconds and reluctantly agreed with He Chendong's statement.

16. The top floor serves as the Suihuo Technology office building, overlooking the entire city.

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