Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 177

"Are you a human or a ghost?"

Zhao Hua slumped on the ground helplessly.

Facing an unbeatable monster, he really didn't know what to do.

At this time.

Lu Xingye smiled faintly and rushed forward suddenly.

He picked up a knife and fork and stabbed it into Zhao Hua's palm.

The blade penetrated the palm of the hand, and blood flowed down the fork tip. This scene looked extremely cruel.


Lu Xingye was merciless and soft-hearted.

He is equivalent to a reincarnation in the movie world.

Have you ever seen reincarnators afraid?

It's reckless.

The most important thing is to pass the customs smoothly.


Fingers connected to the heart.

A burst of heart-wrenching pain came, causing Zhao Hua to almost lose the ability to speak.

"Don't you just want money?"

"I give……"

"You give it?" Lu Xingye smiled faintly, and then the cold voice came again.


"It's too late now."

"If I'm to blame, I blame you for shooting me just now."

"You've succeeded in irritating me."


Lu Xingye suddenly pulled out the knife and fork inserted in Zhao Hua's right hand and inserted it into the palm of Zhao Hua's left hand.


The knives and forks shredded the muscles, pierced the sinews and bones... and the blood flowed out uncontrollably.

Now both fingers are symmetrical.

"You're a fucking lunatic."



Zhao Hua babbled in his mouth, his legs kicked helplessly on the ground, and he moved away from Lu Xingye step by step.

It seems that what he is facing is not a person, but a demon that eats people without spitting out their bones.

After taking a breath.

Lu Xingye felt much better.

I don't know why, but I felt a kind of anger in my heart just now, and I wanted to take revenge on the other party severely.

Lu Xingye couldn't understand why he became so cold-blooded.

Finally, the reason was attributed to NZT-48.

After venting his anger, Lu Xingye did not embarrass the other party again.

Hold each other's fingers.

Let the other party transfer money to their account.

After clearing Zhao Hua's balance, Lu Xingye buried him in a trap.

Moreover, Zhao Hua dug this hole himself.


(Tactical victory.)

146. Now that you have the elixir of longevity, are you willing to go to another world with me?

After burying Zhao Hua.

Lu Xingye started to rush to the next company. He wanted to disintegrate all Zhao Hua's wings so that Zhao Yinyun could successfully inherit the Kangda Group.

The next action was without any surprises.

Because Lu Xingye knew the plot and used some tricks to successfully send Zhao Hua's wings in.


Kangda Group basically only has the pro-chairman faction left.

In other words, they all support Zhao Yinyun.

Because of Lu Xingye's support and huge financial help, Zhao Yinyun also inherited the Kangda Group.

Became the chairman of Kangda Group.

Because she witnessed the loss of her parents, Zhao Yinyun was very obsessed with a series of issues such as immortality medicine and human life span.


The first thing she did after taking office was to announce the establishment of the Human Lifespan Research Center.

That is to study the so-called longevity medicine.

It took another half a year.

A longevity medicine without any side effects was finally born in the laboratory.

Lu Xingye was very happy after knowing the result.

I have worked hard in the [Immortality] world for so long, and now I can finally reap the rewards.

As long as the elixir of life is available.

Then his next series of plans can be launched.


"Second Miss."

"I told you, you don't need to call me Second Miss, just call me Yinyun." Zhao Yinyun was wearing a white protective suit, and her speech was full of sunshine and confidence. She seemed to have completely emerged from the shadow of her parents' departure. .

"All right."

"Congratulations to Yinyun." Lu Xingye said it again according to Zhao Yinyun's request.


"Not sincere at all." Zhao Yinyun snorted coldly.

Then he continued: "No need to thank me. My success is inseparable from your help. Without you, I wouldn't be where I am today."

Lu Xingye modestly said: "Miss, these are all achieved by your own efforts. I just accelerated the process. Even without my help, you will eventually inherit Kangda Group."

Zhao Yinyun was silent for a moment.

She didn't agree with Lu Xingye's view.

Without Lu Xingye, she didn't even know if she could come out of the shadows, let alone inherit the Kangda Group.

to be honest.

Zhao Yinyun already regarded Lu Xingye as her own relative.

"Stop talking about this."

"Too pretentious."

"Let's go to KVT to celebrate together in the afternoon?"

"With the successful development of longevity medicine, we finally don't have to go through those so-called separations of life and death." At this point, for some reason, Zhao Yinyun's face showed a rare blush.

I don't know since when, Zhao Yinyun has become dependent on this housekeeper, and even can't live without him.

"Yes." Lu Xingye nodded vaguely.


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