Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 180

It will save a lot of trouble.

Zhao Yinyun muttered silently in her heart.

"This is the laboratory I prepared for you."

"Look, what else is missing? Just tell the mastermind to purchase it and come back." Lu Xingye smiled faintly.


Chatted with Zhao Yinyun here for a while.

Let the other party learn the cultural knowledge of the main world here.

Zhao Yinyun is from the movie world. If she wants to truly integrate into the main world, she needs to learn the customs and culture of Blue Star.


Lu Xingye was not in a hurry and asked Zhao Yinyun to produce the elixir of life.

The other party has just arrived in the main world.

You must show an attitude of "it's a pleasure to have friends from far away".

Instead of being a capitalist, he will only exploit his employees endlessly.

Lu Xingye would care for her and give her time to adapt.

After Lu Xingye returned to his laboratory.

Start thinking about another question.

Since the characters taken from the movie world are 100% central, why don't you take a super scientist from the movie to help you?

Inspired by Zhao Yinyun.

Lu Xingye felt that he needed a super scientist.

For example:

The Mark II armor was taken out last time due to a mistake. Now the scientists in the hive cannot explain the technology inside, let alone upgrade it.

But it would be different if Tony, the protagonist of the "Iron Man" world.

If Tony was in the main world and so much time has passed now, I am afraid that the Mark 80th generation would have been developed long ago.

Nano battle armor has been developed.


If a super scientist from the movie world helps me, I might be able to save a lot of trouble.

He hesitated for a moment.

Lu Xingye finally decided.

Deducting the number of times he crossed the world barrier to take out the elixir this time, he still has two opportunities to reach into the movie.

He used one of his opportunities to bring out a genius scientist in the movie world.

Another chance to spare.

As for Zhao Yinyun’s previous promise to bring her sister over to the real world.

It can only be suppressed.

Now Lu Xingye didn't have any extra time to waste on a woman.


As for which genius scientist to bring out from the movie world, Lu Xingye has not decided yet.

The initial thought was Tony.

Because many of the current arms designs in the hive were developed by Tony.

If Tony came to the real world to help himself.

Lu Xingye could definitely leave the arms to Tony.


He just focused on building up the armed forces.

As an arms dealer who goes above and beyond, it would be ridiculous if he didn't have his own guards.

Although the whole world is now using Suihuo Technology’s robot companions.

There are thousands of robot companions.

When the robot companion picks up a weapon, it becomes a terrifying personal weapon.

But this plan cannot be used lightly.

Otherwise, you will risk the disapproval of the world.


Now, although Lu Xingye has become a world-famous arms dealer, the power he can use is still pitiful.

Lu Xingye had long had the idea of ​​forming his own force.


The force he wants to build is not a parallel import like special forces.

What he wants to form is a super team composed of new genetic humans.

Every member of the team takes the Super Soldier Serum.

And each soldier is equipped with individual combat nano-armor.

The super army formed with super soldier serum and nano battle armor is the real one that can overthrow everything.

Others are still in the special forces era.

And my soldiers have taken the super serum and are wearing nano battle armor.

One is in the sky and the other is on the ground.

Your soldiers are still in the era of hot weapons, but my super soldiers can already go to the interstellar battlefield and fight aliens.

This is the super soldier plan that Lu Xingye has been thinking about recently.

The reason why he is so eager to build his own power is related to the gray fog area discovered by Tianyan No. 1.

The unknown gray fog area was like a thorn in Lu Xingye's heart, and he wanted to pull it out immediately.

Whether it is the previous drone plan or the current super soldier plan, all of this is prepared for exploring the gray fog area.


"Help me collect a list of famous genius scientists in the movie world."

"Give me a detailed introduction."

Lu Xingye pondered for a moment before giving orders directly to Jarvis. Now that the decision has been made, there is no reason to hesitate.


The voice was quickly transmitted to the artificial intelligence Jarvis mastermind.

Although Jarvis already has a mechanical body, his main program still stays in the original Tony computer.


Jarvis could still handle the issues Lu Xingye ordered as before.

[Collecting movie characters...]

[Collection completed. 】

[The main scientists in the movie world are as follows:]

1. Tony.

2. Mr. Fantastic, also known as "The Magic Man".

3. The Beast, whose real name is "Hank McCoy"

4. Professor.

5. Doctor Doom, whose real name is "Victor Von Doom."

6. Hank Pym

7. Shuri, the princess of Wakanda and the half-sister of the Black Panther "T'Challa".

Lu Xingye only looked at the first seven genius scientists, not the rest.

after all.

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