Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 182

I don’t think I’ve done anything sorry for you, right?


I just want to steal your little pepper in Iron 2.

That’s not the case!

What kind of look is this?

Lu Xingye was stunned by Tony for a moment.

In addition to being a little uncomfortable being stared at by Tony, Lu Xingye was also a little strange about the location where he appeared in Avengers 4 this time.

Originally, he fixed the movie scene in an uninhabited forest, so how could he appear in front of Tony as soon as he traveled through time?

Could it be that using virtual projection capabilities to appear in a location in the movie world is uncertain?

Or something else?

Lu Xingye couldn't understand it for a moment and simply stopped thinking about it.

Whatever the reason, this crossing was in the wrong place.

But the results have already appeared, and there is no use in worrying about it.

It is better to deal with the current situation first.

Now Tony has seen himself emerging from the rift in space. Then all the tricks Tony had prepared before were useless.

not only.

It will also make Tony wary of himself.

Does Tony regard himself as a person with supernatural powers?

Or an outlier?



Lu Xingye was a little unsure.

Just when he was thinking about how to get on the line with Tony, Tony's adoring voice came over.

"O Lord Almighty!"

"I'm Tony."

"I want to leave this damn Marvel world..."

"Please take me out of this world."

? ? ?


Children, do you have many question marks in your head? ?

? ? ?

Lu Xingye was completely confused after hearing Tony's words.

What's happening here?

Although he wanted to invite Tony to help him in the real world, but before the invitation was sent out, Tony took the initiative to come to his door.

Is my personality so charming?

In the void, standing still, can you abduct a child of destiny?

Lu Xingye was worried that there was something uncontrollable inside, or a trap.

He quickly asked the system:

"System, what's going on with Tony's current behavior? Are there any risks? Is the other party trying to trick me into taking him to the real world?"

Lu Xingye naturally knew about this situation, and the possibility of its existence was very low.

But it might be wrong after all, right?

Be careful to make a thousand-year ship.

He knows deeply.

What if Tony came to the real world and was not controlled. That would be an absolute disaster for the real world.

[Tony's performance is normal. 】

[Host, please feel free to use it. 】

[As long as Tony follows the host to the real world, Tony will always be with the host and there is no need to betray him. 】

Immediately afterwards.

The system presented something similar to a log, which recorded Tony's encounter in Steel 2 and everything that happened next.

After Lu Xingye saw it, he finally understood why Tony had this reaction.

150. Tony joins the hive, and Lu Xingye and Zhao Yinyun join forces to develop super soldier serum

It turned out to be the last time I put my hand into Steel 2.

Tony deduced that there was a new world behind the black hole, so he came up with the idea of ​​going to the new world.


In [Thor], [Captain America],... [Avengers 3], Tony saw countless superheroes destroying the world, so he developed a feeling of world-weariness.

Tony hopes that there will be no superheroes in the world behind the black hole.

No more worrying about living a precarious life.


if so!

That would save me a lot of trouble.

Lu Xingye laughed dryly in his heart, and then made a faint sound.

The sound came from all directions, perhaps spanning two worlds, which added a bit of mystery to Lu Xingye.


"Are you sure you want to go to another world with me?"

"Yes. I'm sure." Tony nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. The joy in his heart is simply not enough to describe in words.

"God is fair."

"If I take you to another world, you will definitely lose one thing - freedom."

"Are you willing to accept this?"

Then, Lu Xingye added another sentence. Now that you have decided to take Tony to the real world, you must discuss these situations with the other party first.

In order to avoid any estrangement between the two parties.

Tony had long been tired of life in the Marvel Universe, so he nodded and agreed without even hesitating.

Everything that follows comes naturally.

Lu Xingye successfully took Tony across the world barrier.

Tony became the third authority holder of the Hive.

After coming to the real world.

Tony still does the same job as Zhao Yinyun, learning human customs and culture in the 108th hive every day.


Lu Xingye built three super laboratories for Tony nearby.

One is: Arms and Weapons Laboratory.

The second one is: Nano Armor Laboratory.

The third one is: Time Machine Laboratory.

The most urgent need to develop now is the nano-armor, because it is related to his plan to form an armed force.

The second most urgent need for research is the time machine.

In layman's terms, a time machine is a machine that travels through time and space, allowing people to travel to the past and thereby affect the future.

A time machine is a cheating device that resembles reality.

If used properly, Lu Xingye can constantly revise his history and let himself live an optimal future.


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