Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 187

She knew that there were two other owners of ninth-level authority in the hive, one of whom was the artificial intelligence Jarvis, and the other was the genius scientist Tony.


"Ms. Zhao."

"I am the artificial intelligence Jarvis who speaks sweetly, is loved by everyone, and has flowers blooming."

Jarvis answered with a smile, then stood up and came between Lu Xingye and Zhao Yinyun at a very regular pace with uniform intervals between steps.

"I don't think you smell good."

"It's shameless..."

"I have never seen such a shameless artificial intelligence."

Zhao Yinyun bickered with Jarvis for a few more words, and then returned to the topic, saying that she had no doubts anymore.

"Then I have no doubt."

"The elixir of longevity will be produced as soon as possible."

"Of course... although we can produce the drug, I hope you can make good use of this medicine that is called God."

Lu Xingye nodded.

He repeatedly promised Zhao Yinyun that he would not abuse this drug.

Not only will he not abuse it.

Moreover, Lu Xingye will strictly monitor the longevity medicine, just like monitoring a time machine.

This kind of thing is destined to be shared only by a group of people who stand at the top with themselves.

Now the hive has achieved biological cloning technology.

If coupled with the longevity medicine that Zhao Yinyun is about to create, human immortality will soon be realized.

Eternal life is no longer a dream.

Of course, Lu Xingye would never tell anyone this news.

He would only reduce the dosage of the elixir of life and then reduce it... dilute it more and then dilute it... and reduce the effect of the elixir to the point where it can only increase lifespan.

This reduced version of the drug is named longevity medicine.

Lu Xingye will promote longevity medicine to a small extent within the foundation, so that he will tie the world's big bosses together.

But he would never provide the elixir of longevity to anyone.

After finishing things in the laboratory.

Lu Xingye returned to his room and began to think about how to start the foundation plan.

The purpose of establishing the Tunnel Fire Foundation is to unite global leaders by sharing a small number of scientific research results.

Let them stand on a united front with you.

The reason why the foundation plan had not been launched before was because Lu Xingye had not found anything that would interest those world-class plutocrats.


The conditions are now ripe.

The successful development of biological cloning technology represents the successful development of medical systems.

In simple terms:

The medical body is equivalent to a human clone.

Through cloning, a body is created that is exactly like a human being. But this body is only a backup.

If something goes wrong with the original body, for example if the hand is broken, then a hand will be transplanted from the medical body.

Another example:

If the heart is broken, a brand new heart can be transplanted from the medical body.

Because the genes of the medical body and the original body are exactly the same, they will be a perfect match during the transplantation process.

There will be no rejection reaction.

Don’t say anything else.

This medical technology alone is enough to drive world-class wealth crazy.

Those chaebols' bodies have decayed and they can only sit in wheelchairs and look at the colorful world outside.

Those chaebols have countless chaebols, but their bodies have decayed and they can only sit in wheelchairs.

When I meet a beautiful woman, even if my heart wants to move, my body is no longer able to do it.

They naturally want to have a healthy body.

If word spreads within the foundation at this time, a medical body can be created to replace the decayed body parts.

Even the entire body can be replaced.

Just imagine:

Those plutocrats who have rotten bodies but hold a lot of wealth and power will do terrible things.

154. Tell the chaebol that the foundation can cure everything

Lu Xingye implemented a medical plan for the corrupt and old chaebol.

For those young chaebols and rich people, the only option is to adopt a reduced version of the elixir plan.

Or it might be more appropriately called longevity medicine.

Because the reduced version of the elixir cannot make you live longer, it can only extend your life a little bit.


Long medicine is a very terrifying temptation to any kind of people.

Whether it's a boy or a girl.

Both old and young.

As long as he spreads the foundation's slogan, he doesn't have to worry about the world's big guys not being fooled.

By sharing a very small part of the fruits of civilization and binding these world leaders together, the tunnel fire technology will become a behemoth that Blue Star cannot shake.

No organization in the world dares to take action against Suihuo Technology.

Although Lu Xingye was ready to implement the foundation's plan, he was not ready to go to the front of the scene.

Tunhuo Technology is the company behind the scenes.

The foundation is the supporting organization behind the scenes.

He will only declare to the outside world that it is the Foundation, but will not explain that it is the Tunnel Fire Foundation.

Remain mysterious to everyone in the world.

The reason why the foundation needs to remain secretive is to avoid risks. Just imagine how crazy these big guys would be if the medical body project and the longevity medicine project were exposed to the world.

Behind the madness lies danger.

No one knows what kind of crazy reaction those chaebols will have when they find out that Suihuo Technology has such powerful technology.


Since the Tunnel Fire Foundation project was established, he was not prepared to tell anyone.

In other words, it's not like not telling anyone.

But tell the world in another way.

For example:

He will not promote the Tunnel Fire Foundation to the outside world, but only talk about the foundation.

The foundation’s registered address, controller, members, etc. are all kept confidential.

How old do people know that there is such a mysterious force as the Foundation?

And this force has powerful technology.

Can perform medical backup and extend life span.

Just relying on these two points is enough.


In this case, the credibility of the foundation will become an issue.

The foundation must make a successful case.

Only then can the world's plutocrats believe it.

You can't say that I can have a head transplant surgery. That means a world leader believes that you can have a head transplant, right?

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