Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 198

With the character of the thirteenth generation, would he let himself get 10 billion so easily?

About this question.

Mellon XII was very skeptical.

In this money-oriented society, the relationship between father and son is already very weak.

If there is enough interest.

Mellon had no doubt that his son would commit patricide.

About half an hour passed.

In Mellon XII's ward, an uninvited guest suddenly broke in.

The other party covered his face the whole time.

They were covered so tightly from head to toe that you couldn't even see your face, let alone your figure.

The other party placed a blue potion on the table and left.

There is also a syringe next to the potion.

The syringe has the logo of the Immortality Foundation painted on it, but other than that, there is no other information.

Mellon knew that this was the longevity potion sent by the foundation.

He moved his body with difficulty and took the blue needle over.

While lamenting the foundation's efficiency, the longevity medicine was delivered in less than half an hour.

the other side……

He was also shocked by the power of the masked man.

The hospital he is in is a private hospital, and a company of guards is deployed inside.

Even so, the man in black still delivered the longevity medicine as if he was in a deserted place.

This is really surprising.

Mellon didn't hesitate. He held the blue needle in his right hand and stabbed it into his arm.

There was a stabbing pain in the skin.


There is no feeling anymore.

There was no pain or discomfort, as if the injection was not longevity medicine but boiled water, and there was no movement at all.


Mellon has lived so patiently for so long.

After the monkeys in group A were injected with longevity medicine, they only showed reaction after an hour.

Humans are slightly larger than monkeys.

Normally, after he injected the longevity medicine, it would take a little more than an hour to see the effect.

as expected.

About an hour passed.

Mellon suddenly felt his heart beating violently.

Dong dong dong...

Strong and powerful...

As the heart beats, blood is delivered to the whole body, and a long-lost vitality bursts out.

162. Mellon has an accident, and the robot companion must fulfill its mission

Although the longevity medicine has little effect on the already decayed body.

But it can make Mellon energetic.

simply put.

It can hang Mellon's life.


Mellon had a strong feeling that he could unplug the ventilator and stand up.

Immediately afterwards.

So he did.

He stretched out his right hand and pulled hard on the ventilator, pulling out the ventilator.

Then he stretched his hands slightly.

The whole person was sitting on the hospital bed.

This long-lost feeling came and made him very comfortable.

How long has it been since you sat up?

In my impression... I have been lying on the hospital bed for three years!

This was the first time in three years that I sat up.

This feeling is really comfortable.


He wasn't allowed to feel this feeling for long.

Because he unplugged the ventilator and other related equipment, an alarm went off in the ward.

The sirens this time even exceeded the sirens caused by his last mood swing.

This is a critical warning.

The life detector cannot detect Mellon's presence...the heartbeat curve has turned into a straight line.

This time...

But it frightened the doctors at Mellon Hospital.

According to Mellon's condition, the other party can live for at least one year! If he died in his own hospital at this time, he would be in big trouble.


They rushed in hastily.

There was even a group of emergency doctors who came in with a bunch of incomprehensible emergency medical equipment, ready to provide emergency rescue to the patients.


When they came in and saw this scene.

But everyone was dumbfounded.

What's going on with Mellon XII?

I saw Mellon sitting on the hospital bed with bright eyes.

Is there any sign of critical illness here?

on the contrary.

It looked like Mellon had taken a big tonic, and his whole body was full of energy.


Everyone was silent for a moment, and finally the director of Mellon Hospital was the first to react.

His face was like a spring breeze, showing a faint smile.


"Are you okay? How could you take the ventilator off?"

"It's dangerous."

"Hurry and put the ventilator back on."


What he got was the cold and indifferent voice of Mellon XII.

"I know my own physical condition."

"You don't have to worry about it."

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