Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 210

Does this count as taking advantage of others?

Sensing something was wrong, Lu Xingye loosened his hands reflexively.


Zhao Yinyun fell vertically to the deck under the influence of gravity.


"I asked you to let go, do you really let me go?"

"It hurts me so much."

? ? ?

Are you telling me to let go, shouldn't I let go?

There was silence for a moment.

Lu Xingye also realized something was wrong.

Sometimes, when a woman says she doesn’t want it, she doesn’t really want it.

You have to make your own judgment based on the actual situation.

"Then let me help you up."

Lu Xingye walked over, took Zhao Yinyun's hand with his right hand, pulled it slightly, and pulled the other person up.

experienced this scene.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

Moreover, Lu Xingye wanted to go back and destroy the enemy fleet, so he quickly returned to the main control room.


Zhao Yinyun because of Lu Xingye's incomprehensible style.

Instead of following Lu Xingye back to the main control room, he returned to his room.

the other side.

As soon as Lu Xingye returned to the main control room, before he could ask how the battle was going, he heard Jarvis's voice muttering.

"Straight man!"

"What a straight man."

"Sure enough, the higher a person's IQ, the lower his emotional intelligence."

"You can't even stand this artificial intelligence like me. If I had that thing, I'd love to help you get married."

? ? ?


I? ? ? Straight man of steel?

Lu Xingye didn't know where he had offended Jarvis.

He had no choice but to ignore what the other party said and focus on the battle situation in front of him.

after all……

This wasn't the first time he met Jarvis. He was used to this artificial intelligence often spitting out sweet things.

"How's the situation?"

Lu Xingye spoke calmly while looking at the 3D sea chart.

Seeing that Lu Xingye was in normal working condition, Jarvis did not dare to make another mistake and quickly reported the latest battle situation.

"We completely took over the enemy's first round of attacks."

"No missile can land on the Immortality."

After saying that.

Jarvis also looked at Lu Xingye with a proud look on his face, perhaps asking for credit from him.

But Lu Xingye ignored him.

Judging from the ruthlessness of the enemy, if the first round of attacks does not work, then a second round of attacks should be organized soon.

Ordinary missile attack.

Lu Xingye wasn't too scared.

What he worries about is that the submarines underneath the warships are nuclear-armed.

or it could be,

Weapons that are as lethal as nuclear weapons.

Highly lethal weapons such as nuclear weapons do not require direct hits at all.

The enemy only needs to drop it on a few kilometers of sea.

Then your Eternal Life will be covered by a mushroom cloud.

This kind of thing was what Lu Xingye was most afraid of.

"Lao Jia."

"Accept orders."

"Use full firepower to sink the enemy's effective forces as quickly as possible."

Jarvis nodded slightly, pushed a few buttons in the main control room, and entered the authorization command.

The large air cannons and electromagnetic guns in the Changsheng rose.

The dark cannon holes are breathtaking.

[Calling Tianyan-1 satellite...]

[Locking target...]

[The enemy target has been completely locked and can be fired at any time. 】

170. Air cannon? Electromagnetic gun? Isn't this a concept weapon? Why did it appear in reality?


When everything was ready, Lu Xingye shouted two words coldly.

On the Eternal Life...the electromagnetic gun is charged...the air cannon is compressed.


Hundreds of bullets were fired.

The focus of the attack was the submarine.

Because air cannons and electromagnetic guns pose little threat to submarine submarines.

Jarvis had replaced the cannons used to attack submarines with depth charges.


Depth charges are several times more powerful than artillery shells used to attack warships.

Lu Xingye was ready to cripple the opponent with one blow.

To avoid any accidents.

Sometimes, Botu has to use all his strength. Otherwise, it would be bad if the rabbit kills him.

at the same time.

He was looking confused when he escaped from the enemy warship.

Captain Moxi listened to his deputy's attack report with disbelief on his face.

"What did you say?"

"Say it again."

When the deputy heard this, he shrank his neck. Perhaps thinking of the captain's cruelty, he even spoke much softer.

That's how it turned out.

Even if the captain is no longer willing to listen, he must report it truthfully.

Otherwise, the end will definitely be even worse.

"All invalid."

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