Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 213

But it is also a process for properly caring for foundation members.


If you think that Lu Xingye's plan to cut leeks is just this, you are totally wrong.


Cut leeks...

When it comes to routines and cutting leeks... no one is more familiar with it than Lu Xingye.

Isn't there a saying that says this?

It's not that there's no water in the well, it's that you didn't dig deep enough.

Digging a well also means digging a hole.

The hole must be dug first and Melon jumps in first.

After the other party jumps down, it is not up to you to decide how you want to cut the leeks.

The simplest example:

I changed your hair.

But after changing your hair, do you need to take care of it? Do you want to recover from surgery?

For normal people, as long as you have surgery, you will definitely need the latter two. Especially for a major surgery such as head replacement, the success of the surgery is only half the battle, and the other half depends on post-operative recovery.


If Mellon had a head transplant surgery, wouldn't it be up to him?

Let him go east, but he will never dare to go west.

Talk about cutting him leeks...

Then he obediently stretched his head over.

Otherwise, if I don't help you recover from the operation and do some maintenance for you, then you will die.


As a qualified profiteer.

You should first learn to dig a well, wait for the prey to fall into the well, and then slowly cut the leeks.

This is the highest realm of profiteers.

Ah~ no.

This is the highest realm of businessmen.

One month rushed by.

during this month.

Lu Xingye successfully cultivated two medical bodies of Mellon, which were clones. The medical body is exactly the same as the original Mellon in terms of external size and internal genes.


Still a little different.

It turned out that Mellon was in his seventies and eighty years old, and his body had decayed.

But the medical body's body looks like it's forty or fifty years old, and it's still very healthy.

With the support of the nurse, Mellon came to the laboratory. Two of his own medical bodies were cultivated in the front training warehouse, one of which was used for head transplant surgery.

The other one is cultivated first and used later.

Mellon's eyes flashed with shock and excitement.

What's shocking is that the Foundation actually has such superb technology and can fight the natural rules-natural aging by changing the body.

What’s exciting is——

After changing his body, he was finally able to stand up. Seeing a beautiful girl doesn't make you feel bad.

Second life.



Finally lived the second life.

Mellon XII murmured in his heart, his eyes a little crazy. It seems that he has fallen into a state of madness.

At this time.

Foundation old K, played by Jarvis, appears in the laboratory. Because they were afraid of exposing their real identities, Lu Xingye and Zhao Yinyun did not show up, but watched remotely from the background.

"My dear Mellon."

"Are you ready for head transplant surgery?" Jarvis walked up to Mellon wearing medical gloves with a slight smile on his face.

In this dim light.

Even this slight smile looked extremely terrifying.

Coupled with the fact that Jarvis himself is dressed as a clown, this scene looks like a dark doctor.

The kind that specializes in healing the dead.

Mellon glanced at Jarvis and felt a little scared, but he didn't say it out loud.

Mellon turned around and glanced behind Jarvis, but did not see what he expected behind him.

"I'm ready."

"What about the doctor? Why didn't the doctor come?"

Jarvis heard this and smiled slightly: "I am the doctor!"

"Didn't you watch the live broadcast last time?"

"I'm the one who performed head transplant surgery on monkeys."

"Now that you want to have a head transplant surgery, naturally I will do it."

"Do not worry!"

"The structure of a monkey is similar to that of the human body. I will not kill you."

Are you a veterinarian? ? ?

Mellon blurted out a sentence, but after finishing it, he seemed to sense something was wrong and quickly took back the second half of the sentence.

Regardless of whether Jarvis is a veterinarian or not.

There is nothing he can do now.

The arrow is on the string and must be fired.

Moreover, Mellon felt that the other people on the Eternal Life were a little strange. They were all cold and no one would take the initiative to speak.

This looks...

He doesn't look like a human being.

172. I have been professionally wooling wool for thirty years. I have been imitated and never surpassed.

Mellon was relieved and lay on the operating table. He looks like he wants to kill or chop you into pieces.

It's so humiliating to look like that.

Jarvis was nearby, picking up a needle larger than his arm.

In front of Mellon.

A light squirt of anesthetic was applied.

This made Mellon even more scared.

Damn it!

It's not as simple as being a vet.

The needle is bigger than your arm, and do you have a medical license?

Mellon originally wanted to ask this question, but he hesitated for a moment and finally did not dare to ask.

As the anesthesia needle advanced into Mellon's arm.

The anesthetic drug quickly flows throughout the body along with the blood. Soon, Mellon became dizzy and lost consciousness.

But it's strange.

Although the brain has no consciousness, the body cannot move.

But Mellon could clearly feel his surroundings. He saw Jarvis picking up a saw and sawing his head open.

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