Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 218

Maybe it was because I was taking it too seriously.

When speaking, I just think of one sentence and one answer. There is no logic at all.

That's it?

Hearing this, Lu Xingye was stunned for a moment and then realized what he was saying.

The reason why nano-warrior lacks strategic air defense capabilities.

It's not that Tony doesn't have the ability to add anti-aircraft weapons to the nanosuit. But it is difficult to find anti-aircraft weapons suitable for use by nano-warriors.

Anti-aircraft weapons that qualify as nano-armor must have the following characteristics:

small volume.

Easy to carry.

Moreover, it cannot affect the flexibility of the nano battle armor.

Lu Xingye pondered for a moment and formed a general idea in his mind. If this idea is correct, it will not only solve the shortcomings of the nano battle armor's air defense, but also greatly improve the combat capabilities of the nano battle armor.


"I have an immature idea. I wonder if it will be helpful to your research and development."

When Tony heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up and he looked very excited.


"What do you think? You might as well tell me."

In Tony's eyes.

My boss is the lord of the world!

Lu Xingye, the omnipotent person in this world, has all the right ideas.

The reason why he said it was immature was just the other person's humble statement.

"Nano armor uses nanoparticles, which is basically the ceiling of the armor. Even if a better solution is found, there won't be much improvement."

"We might as well start with the weapons of the nano armor."

When Lu Xingye asked this question, Tony naturally thought about it.

The problem now is that it is difficult for him to find anti-aircraft weapons suitable for the nano-warrior.

Multiple anti-aircraft cannon?

Scalpel missile?

Rocket launcher?

These traditional anti-aircraft weapons are too large and are not suitable for nano battle armor.


It is not realistic for such a flexible armor to carry anti-aircraft weapons and cannons.

"Boss, I understand what you said."

"The problem now is that I can't find an anti-aircraft weapon suitable for use by the nano-warrior."

Lu Xingye: "Tony, your knowledge is narrow. Why should we use modern weapons to frame ourselves?"

"This is self-imposed limitation."

Speaking of which.

Lu Xingye's voice paused for a moment, then continued.

175. The time machine was successfully developed, and Lu Xingye established a plan to restart time and space.

"The front side of the universe is the side that complies with the laws of physics."

"But the opposite of the universe?"

“Since there is a positive side, there must be a negative side.”

"We can study weapons that don't comply with existing physical rules."

"For example: dark energy weapons."

When Tony heard this, he was slightly startled again.

Dark energy and dark matter are the most mysterious substances in the universe.

Because it does not absorb, reflect or radiate light, it is difficult for humans to observe directly using existing technologies.


There are very few studies on dark energy in the universe.

Even equal to zero.

Although humans know about dark matter, they do not know its properties.

All we know is that dark matter contains huge abilities.

And under certain circumstances, it will make the existing material reality.

There is currently zero research into dark matter.

Not to mention~

Developing dark matter weapons.


On second thought, given the characteristics of dark matter, if corresponding weapons were developed, it would really be possible for nano-warriors to be used.

"But...but...the study of dark matter is too difficult."

Even though Tony is one of the best scientific geniuses in the world, he is still helpless when it comes to things like dark matter.

When Lu Xingye heard this, he laughed dryly:

"Try to study it first."

"You haven't tried it, how do you know you can't do it?"

"If you encounter any questions that you don't understand, you can come and ask me. Maybe I can give you some inspiration."

"Then let me give it a try." Tony hesitated, and there was an uncertain muddy sound.

The reason why Lu Xingye suggested Tony develop dark energy weapons.

It is to prepare for entering the interstellar space in the future.

The universe is governed by the laws of the dark jungle.

Once you encounter other civilizations in the interstellar space, you will die or I will die. There is no mercy at all.

Conventional thermal weapons have long been on the streets. Only by developing dark energy weapons can mankind have certain advantages in the future.

Lu Xingye stayed in the laboratory for another moment.

Suddenly I remembered business.

I came to the laboratory to see the progress of Tony's drone development.

Lu Xingye pouted and said calmly:



"How was the scientific research task I arranged for you last time?"

Xu asked what Tony was proud of.

Tony smiled slightly and started to show off. Originally, even if Lu Xingye didn't ask, Tony was ready to find a reason.



"I am your most loyal scientific research assistant! I have already completed the scientific research tasks you arranged."


Tony turned around and walked to the corner of the laboratory.

The corner was covered by a piece of black cloth, making it difficult to see what was inside.

It's about the size of a small car.

Streamlined design.

"Dear boss."

"I have successfully researched drones a long time ago."

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