Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 224

It’s really exciting!

Long Yingtian personally poured a cup of tea for Lu Xingye and asked him to take a rest in the tea room while he went to gather the test team.

Being an arms dealer can achieve this level.

I'm afraid it's only Lu Xingye.


"Aren't you going to tell Long Yingtian about the gray fog area this time?"

After seeing the people around him leaving, Jarvis walked up to Lu Xingye and spoke calmly.

"Why do you, an artificial intelligence, know so much?"

“Isn’t artificial intelligence worthy of it?”

Jarvis's eyes were aggrieved, pretending to be pitiful.

"Not worthy."



Fine! I shut up.

Jarvis voluntarily stepped back and stood next to Lu Xingye.


Strange to say.

Although Jarvis, the artificial intelligence, has had a mechanical body for a long time, it is still difficult to imitate human emotions.

Normally no matter talking.

His expression still looked very stiff.

About ten minutes passed.

Long Yingtian brought a group of soldiers and scientists from the 404 Research Institute.

Among them, Academician Huang from the 404 Research Institute is already an old friend of Lu Xingye.

The other party had been pestering Lu Xingye for a long time with the issue of air guns and air cannons.


The other party's knowledge is very amazing.

In some places, Lu Xingye was amazed.

If Lu Xingye hadn't had a cheat, he might not be as good as Academician Huang in terms of scientific research.

This drone review.

The military is a special operations team headed by Long Yingtian, and the institute is a research team headed by Academician Huang.

by the military and research institutes

Study and evaluate together.

Score the drone and conduct actual combat testing.

Academician Huang came out of the crowd and his eyes were fixed on Lu Xingye at a glance.

His eyes are very intense.

Looking at Lu Xingye was like looking at a treasure.

There is no order of precedence when one hears the Tao. The one who masters it is the teacher.

Lu Xingye is the first person he admires so far.

"Classmate Lu."

"What kind of strategic weapon did you bring this time?"

Academician Huang has become accustomed to the fact that whenever Lu Xingye appears, strategic weapons will appear.


Now Lu Xingye said he wanted to do an evaluation.

The first thing he thought of was highly lethal weapons.


"I didn't bring any weapons this time, I just brought a gadget." Lu Xingye said humbly.


Academician Huang was stunned for a moment, then chuckled:

"In the military industry now, who doesn't know that the products produced by Suihuo Technology are all high-quality products!"

"How can there be any difference in the products brought over by the chairman of Suihuo Technology?"

"I'm afraid that the gadgets in your eyes are already unattainable black technologies in our research institute."

Lu Xingye smiled and said nothing.

Instead, he followed Long Yingtian to the testing range.

The test range is a flat land tens of thousands of meters wide, where soldiers usually test weapons.


Because of Lu Xingye's arrival.

Long Yingtian had already cleared out the soldiers who were training.

far away.

Jarvis was driving a crane and pulled the drone over.

The drone was at the rear of the crane, covered with black cloth.

Long Yingtian and the others couldn't see clearly what was inside.

"Use a crane to pull it?"

"Is this a big guy?"

"What on earth is it?"

"Nuclear weapons? Ultra-long-range missiles? Or simply interstellar weapons?"

Everyone was speculating in their hearts.


They never expected that what Lu Xingye brought over this time was actually a drone.

Long Yingtian quickly walked to the crane.

The black cloth was pulled open, revealing a metallic drone inside.

The drone is about the size of a small car.

It looks like a B2 fighter jet.

The overall shape is integrated into one, and it does not even have wings or propellers that ordinary airplanes must have.

"Is this a fighter jet?"


"This is a drone."

Academician Huang knew that this car-sized guy was a drone.

Now whether it is domestic or foreign.

They are all vigorously developing drones.

This has resulted in the flourishing of drones, with various types of drones available.

This also leads to the uneven quality of drones.

Jiuzhou has also invested huge amounts of research and development funds in the field of drones. The most successful drone currently is the Goshawk series.

The Goshawk series drones have a maximum range of 500 kilometers.

The maximum combat time is 12 hours.

The effective detection radius is 500 kilometers.

It is the most powerful drone in Kyushu so far.

I don’t know how the drones manufactured by Suihuo Technology compare with the Goshawk brand drones.

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