Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 240

The other way around.

That is to say, Lu Xingye will soon be unable to contact the communication equipment installed on the elephant.

At that time, even if the elephant captures useful information, it will not be able to transmit this information back.

this is a big problem.

If the SkyEye satellite can no longer observe it, Plan B can basically be declared a failure.

190. The exploration plan is on hold, Lu Xingye is ready to get involved in movies

as expected.

Just as Lu Xingye thought, the elephant lost contact after falling into the gray fog area.


Just when we were about to enter the gray fog area, we lost contact.

And quantum communication is very disruptive.

The SkyEye satellite cannot photograph the scene in the gray fog area.

Lu Xingye continued to explore a few more times.

All ended in failure.

at last.

He had to suspend his exploration plans.

Although the gray fog area exploration plan failed, it was not without results.

At least……

At least Lu Xingye came to three conclusions.

First conclusion:

There is an intelligent civilization hidden in the gray fog area, and the technology of this gray fog civilization far exceeds Blue Star technology.

Second conclusion:

The Gray Fog Civilization possesses extremely advanced quantum interference technology and high-intensity laser weapons.

Third conclusion:

The gray fog area is suspended above the sea, and it seems that they cannot leave the gray fog area where they live.


The gray fog area they live in can continue to grow.

This is somewhat similar to engulfment.

The gray fog area is constantly swallowing up Blue Star.

After learning these three conclusions.

Lu Xingye was filled with a sense of urgency.

The reason why he could live comfortably in Blue Star before was because he had a plug-in that allowed him to reach into the movie and take out whatever he wanted.

This state is similar to invincibility.

There is no one who can match him.

but now……

This kind of opponent appears.

And it is still an opponent that far surpasses Suihuo Technology.

At least Lu Xingye is not sure of defeating Gray Mist Civilization yet.

This crisis was always present in his mind.

Lu Xingye felt that he had to do something.

Even if the exploration plan fails now, but the conclusions of these gray fog civilizations have been obtained, it is not a loss.

One failure is nothing

The worst possible outcome is a second comeback.

Lu Xingye has already done it, developing it in a wretched way and bringing out new technology from the movie.

First, climb up the technology tree of Blue Star a lot, and then continue to explore the gray fog area.

Blacksmith need its own hardware.

Instead of worrying about the failure of this plan, it is better to develop yourself with peace of mind. When your fist is stronger than the Gray Fog Civilization, it is time to fight back.

After the gray fog area exploration plan failed.

Lu Xingye did not go directly into the laboratory to study the next phase of the plan. Instead, he went to a nearby bar to relax.

It was a failure of the plan, which left him a little discouraged.

He needs to relax and regain his confidence in this world of entertainment and entertainment.

Then think about it carefully and take it out of the movie

What kind of technology does Lu Xingye use to fight against the gray fog civilization?

About half an hour later.

Lu Xingye came to the largest bar next to the Beehive.

The bar was full of entertainment, exuding a rotten atmosphere and a bit chaotic.

But more often than not, young men and women are showing off their hormones in stage plays.

Lu Xingye came to this complicated environment.

It seemed that all the worries were forgotten in an instant.

He came to the wine table without any purpose, and a beautiful woman with a good-looking face and hot clothes came over.

The other party also held two wine glasses and some bartending supplies.

Lu Xingye checked the other person's occupation as a bartender.

as expected.

When the beautiful woman came to him, she showed a typical signature smile.

"Good morning sir."

"Would you like something to drink?"

"I'm a professional bartender. I guarantee that I can make the wine you like."

"Bring me a brandy Cuesta cocktail." Lu Xingye hesitated before speaking.

He doesn't drink much at ordinary times because drinking is harmful to the body.

And it will affect your nerve reaction speed.

This is very detrimental to your own scientific research.

But now he wants to relax himself.

"Okay, sir."

The bartender nodded slightly, then began to wave his unicorn arm and mix drinks for him.


The bartender is female.

Then she didn't swing the unicorn arm, but the vibrator.

After a while.

The bartender made the cocktail.

Lu Xingye sat alone in the corner of the bar, raised his cocktail and raised his head, the highly concentrated drink falling down his throat and into his stomach.

There was a burning sensation in my throat.

For someone who doesn't drink much.

First time drinking cocktails.

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