Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 269

"Everyone, please look at the screen."

After saying that.

Zhao Dawei gently pressed the button on the remote control with his right hand.

Suddenly there is a smart reporter

The biggest screen on stage comes to the next page.

Rows of exquisite robots were revealed inside, and there were rows of eye-catching large characters on the robots that read:

[The latest generation product of Suihuo Technology: nanorobots. 】



"What it is?"

Journalists studied news media and had no exposure to these technologies.

As for nanorobots, they have never heard of them.

Some reporters, who were relatively uncultured, got into an argument with Zhao Dawei because of this issue.


Everyone is a sensible person.

After Zhao Dawei's explanation, the reporters reluctantly accepted this answer.

After a while.

Zhao Dawei turned to the next page of PPT and gave a new introduction to nanorobots.


“Nanobots are robots

""An emerging technology in engineering. "

"The development of nanorobots belongs to the category of "molecular nanotechnology. "

“It is based on biological principles at the molecular level as a design prototype to design and manufacture “functional molecular devices” that can operate in nanospace.

"To put it simply:"

"Nanobots are robots that are invisible to the naked eye."

After the reporters heard this, they felt very impressed.

Nanorobots... Although Zhao Dawei said they were very powerful, they did not have an intuitive idea of ​​how powerful they were.

“What are the application areas?”

Suddenly, a smart reporter raised his hands and asked his question.

As soon as this question was raised.

It was echoed by many people.

Because they know that the product released by Suihuo Technology must be some kind of revolutionary product.

But where it is applied specifically, these reporters don’t understand.


They are eager to know the application areas of nanorobots and then go back to write press releases.

"That's a good question."

Zhao Dawei couldn't help but clapped his hands.

He really wanted to thank this reporter. He was just thinking about how to brag when the reporter asked him what he wanted to brag about.

"Nanorobots have a wide range of applications."

"I will mainly talk about two points below, both of which are important application fields of nanorobots."

"Number one: the repair industry."

"Second: the military industry."

As soon as Zhao Dawei finished speaking, the reporter who stood up just now raised his hand to ask again.

"Mr. Zhao."

"What is the specific application?"

"Can you tell everyone in detail?"

"We are all ordinary people, and we don't understand such high-level things."

"So please give us some popular science."


They were not disappointed.

After the reporter finished speaking.

Zhao Dawei began to explain one by one.

“Let’s talk about the first one: the repair industry.”

"As we all know, nanorobots are a new type of microrobots that are so small that they are invisible to the naked eye."


"This kind of tiny robot can drill into some macroscopic objects to operate."

"For example: the repair of precision instruments and the repair of non-detachable instruments."

"In addition to being able to repair things."

"Nanobots also have a very cool function - that is, they can cure diseases."

"In other words, nanorobots can not only repair objects, but also people."

209. Shocking the medical industry, are nanorobots the most terrifying weapon?

"Based on reports from our laboratory."

"Nanorobots can enter the human body without causing damage and then repair the human body at the genetic level."

"What is this concept?"

"To put it simply:"

"It is nanorobots that achieve the effect of curing diseases by repairing genes. In other words, humans will have one more option for treating diseases in the future."

"You can choose to use nanorobots for genetic treatment."

"You can also choose medication."


"Using nanorobots for genetic-level treatment has many advantages that traditional drug treatments do not have."

“Advantage 1: No need to take medicine.”

"Advantage 2: Fast speed (using nanorobots to repair genes at the genetic level usually only takes half an hour to an hour.)"

“Advantage 3: Cheap price.”

"Advantage 4: Can cure any disease."

"Traditional hospital drug treatment has a huge shortcoming, that is, it cannot treat some terminal diseases."

"For example: cancer, AIDS, genetic diseases... and some congenital genetic diseases."

"If the robot you choose can be repaired from the genetic level."

"Then it won't be a problem in all cases of terminal illness."

"without any exaggeration:"

"In the eyes of nanobots, there is no such thing as a terminal or incurable disease."

"No matter what kind of disease it is, nanorobots can come and cure it."

After listening to what Zhao Dawei said.

Everyone was silent for a moment, perhaps digesting the shocking news.

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