Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 281

Lu Xingye couldn't help but feel disappointed.

at this time.

His intelligent assistant, Jarvis, opened the door and walked in. There was also a look of regret on his face.


"It seems your second plan failed,"

"It's actually in my model."

"The genocidal drug is too exaggerated. It doesn't look like something out of a science fiction movie."

"I expected from the beginning that there should be an 80% chance of failure."

Jarvis spoke calmly, turned his head and saw his boss, with some regret on his face.

"You said this result, I would have predicted it."

“But even if I fail, I’m going to try.”

"After all, what if it works?"

"We can easily control the gray fog civilization without any effort."


"Boss, there is a distance between reality and fantasy. Sometimes fantasy is beautiful, but reality is very skinny."

"But don't be sad."

"I have another bold idea."


"What do you think?" Lu Xingye suddenly turned his head to look at Jarvis.

Although this artificial intelligence is a bit chatty, it still has real talent and learning.

most of the time.

Artificial intelligence Jarvis can give his own very reasonable suggestions.


Lu Xingye was also looking forward to Jarvis's thoughts.


"Here's what I think."

"Since we can't defeat the Gray Mist Civilization in terms of weapons for the time being, why don't we defend?"

"We can build the Great Coast Wall on the coastline, build fortifications inside, and build military fortresses."

"Hinder the Gray Mist Civilization's attack."

"at the same time."

"We vigorously develop space-based weapons and strive to eliminate gray fog civilization from space."

"In addition, we can also establish another plan."

"That's Project Tinder."

"We can vigorously develop our space business and strive to land on Mars within a year."

"Then we will transfer the seeds of our human civilization to Mars."

"in this way."

"Even if we humans lose to Gray Fog Civilization, our civilization still has a way out."

"It will not disappear in the vast river of history."

After listening to Jarvis.

Lu Xingye was silent for a moment, falling into deep thought.

What Jarvis said makes no sense, but at least it has a certain enlightening effect.

Although Jarvis's words were a bit outrageous, many of them had already reached Lu Xingye's heart.

"Development of space-based weapons."

"Punishment of gray fog civilization from space."

"This is very necessary."

"Whether it's from a long-term perspective or from a defensive perspective."

"It is very necessary to build space-based weapons to bring the entire Blue Star within attack range."

As for point 2.

Lu Xingye also had his own opinions.

Even if humanity is defeated, he will never abandon his home planet.

Why do I always have tears in my eyes? , because I love this land deeply.

Blue Star is the place where he was born and raised.

There is always a feeling that cannot be let go.


It can be seen in countless movie worlds. Once a civilization abandons its home planet, it will become a wandering civilization.

And a wandering civilization.

It is absolutely impossible to hatch a bright future.


Lu Xingye would never give up going to the place where he raised him.



It is still very necessary to develop the aviation business.

If the mother star is the Novice Village, then the vast universe is the sea of ​​stars.

If human civilization wants to develop, it must get out of the novice village and connect with the stars.


It is also imperative to develop the aviation business.

Especially Mars.

Satellite monitoring has shown that Mars is a habitable planet.

It's just that humans don't have the ability to immigrate to Mars for the time being.


Lu Xingye, I don’t think this day is very far away.

Considered for a moment.

Lu Xingye suddenly decided on this matter.


"Build two plans."

"The first plan: establish a space-based weapons research and development department. The entire hive's resources will be tilted towards space-based weapons. Mature space-based weapons must be established within half a year."

"Second plan:"

"Aerospace Program."

"Go all out to develop the space business, manufacture spaceships, and colonize Mars within one year."

217. Medical robots are online and hospitals are overcrowded

After returning from the laboratory.

Lu Xingye was always in a bad mood.

Ever since he learned that the plan to take out the genocidal drug from the movie had failed, there was no smile on his face anymore.

Gray fog civilization is like a thorn.

It stuck in his throat.

After Lu Xingye returned to his room, he opened a bottle of wine and sat in the hall, eating peanuts and watching a movie.

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