Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 29


It’s all about nanobatteries.

The next night.

23:55 minutes.

It's almost twelve o'clock in the night, which is when people take a rest, but the top floor of the Entrepreneurship Building is now brightly lit.

The Kunlun system will be online in five minutes.


Except for Lu Xingye, all employees of Suihuo Technology were in the large conference room.

The launch of a new company's product is a major event, related to the well-being of every employee, so every employee is very anxious.

Only Lu Xingye, the hands-off shopkeeper, could keep his heart calm.

All the staff held their breath, watching the countdown on the screen, quietly waiting for 0:00 to arrive.

Countdown to 300 seconds.

Countdown to 299 seconds.





0:00 minutes.

At twelve o'clock in the evening.

"Time is up."

"The Kunlun system is officially online."

Zhao Dawei pressed the [Go Online] button heavily on the screen. At this moment, Suihuo Technology's official website began to update, a separate Kunlun system module was opened, and the Kunlun system was highlighted at the top.

Kunlun system.

Home version sales: 0

Enterprise version sales: 0

Security version sales: 0

Total sales amount: 0

As an excellent domestic smartphone system, Kunlun system lives up to expectations. As soon as it was launched on the website, many netizens downloaded it.






In just five minutes, the number of downloads of the Kunlun system exceeded 10,000.

Daidai is a mobile phone review anchor.

I usually test new phones released by major mobile phone manufacturers. I have unique insights into mobile phone analysis and can see details that people don't ignore.

The review of the phone hits the nail on the head.

There are more than one million fans on a certain platform.

He is a veritable technical anchor.

Originally, he only did mobile phone reviews and had never done system reviews.

Of course, there is also a reason why there is no system for him to test.

This time, at the request of fans, he made a bold attempt to evaluate the Kunlun system.

Arrive at twelve o'clock.

He downloaded the Kunlun system on time and conducted game evaluation.

First, use mobile phones of major brands to flash into the Kunlun system, and then run large-scale games to test the running capabilities of the mobile phone, whether it is lagging, and whether it has ultra-high resolution.

The test results are amazing.

All data of the Kunlun system are completely superior to the Android and iOS systems of the same phone, and the details are impeccable.

"Love it, love it."

After the Daidai test was completed, the Kunlun system test video was post-edited and then published directly on a certain platform.

She has already written the title, so it’s called——

[Since I installed the Kunlun system on my phone, I suddenly felt that the Android system was just average and the iOS system was no longer good. 】

[It turns out that the most powerful smartphone system is actually a domestic system. 】

Tests by major game anchors and evaluation anchors, coupled with follow-up reports from major news platforms, have once again increased the popularity of the Kunlun system.

Mobile phone enthusiasts like to try new things and have installed Kunlun systems one after another.

Of course, except for those who play games, most people are still in a wait-and-see state.

They are just ordinary people who are not very good at playing with mobile phones. It is too difficult for them to flash the system.

It is enough if the mobile phone system is useful.

As long as it does not affect the use of their mobile phones, they are not willing to fiddle with it.


After one night of fermentation, the number of downloads of the Kunlun system has reached a very scary level.

Kunlun system.

Home version sales: 11254278

Enterprise version sales: 24575

Security version sales: 527

Total sales amount: 113223030

Sales of more than 110 million.

26. Only 100 million? Not far enough. Start developing nanobatteries

Early the next morning.

After Lu Xingye washed up and had breakfast in the school cafeteria, he walked to the school's chemical nano laboratory.

The experimental equipment in Yanda's Chemical Nano Laboratory is the latest on the market, and its accuracy is higher than that of experimental equipment in some professional research institutes.

However, nanolabs are generally not open to undergraduate students. Usually those who come here to do experiments are basically graduate students, doctoral students, or professors from the school.

Lu Xingye came to the Chemical Nano Laboratory this time to do nano battery experiments.

Originally, he was not eligible to apply to use the nano laboratory, but now he has someone behind him. He Chendong greeted the teacher on duty at the School of Chemical Engineering and allowed him to use the laboratory.

However, you must be accompanied by an experimenter when doing experiments.

This is a necessary step.

Because the experimental equipment in the laboratory easily costs tens or millions.

The teachers were afraid that Lu Xingye would break it.

After a period of time, I read books like crazy.

Lu Xingye has already understood the principle of nano-battery. Even if he doesn't fully understand it, he can still follow the example.

Now I come to the laboratory mainly to verify the nanobattery theory.

If the verification is successful, the nano-battery can be mass-produced and quickly introduced to the market.

While walking on the road, Lu Xingye's cell phone vibrated in his pocket. He picked it up and saw that it was Zhao Dawei calling.

"Hello." He gently pressed the answer button.

"Fourth child."

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