Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 291

Lu Xingye let them leave.

Although this incident made him a little unhappy, it did not affect Lu Xingye's subsequent mood at all.

The unequal treaty I just promised to the two women was all wasted.

Negotiate with such greedy people.

There is no need to use a secretary to improve your skills.

Using a row of T800 robots to guard and negotiate with the other party makes you look more capable.

To prevent some villains from having some evil thoughts.


As for the conditions under which Lu Xingye agreed to the two women.

One of them is: Promise to the little bodyguard Long Yubing to take her to the amusement park together. She wants to ride the roller coaster.

As for the other Zhao Yinyun.

This is more difficult to do.

The other party's request is to bring his sister to the real world within this month.

In fact, this is not difficult.

It's just a waste of a golden opportunity.

Now Lu Xingye basically doesn't have to use his golden fingers.

The existence rate of his golden finger is getting lower and lower.


It is not impossible to bring Zhao Yinyun's sister out of the movie world and into the real world.

He just needs to make a sequel to the movie "The Immortal".

at the same time.

He can add what he wants to the movie, and then take out Zhao Yinyun's sister as well.

In this way, Long Yubing's request was fulfilled, and he got what he wanted.

So this is not a waste of your golden fingers.

At this time.

Long Yubing's faint voice came from the side.

"starry night."

"I promised to be your secretary just now, and you promised to take me on a roller coaster ride just now."

"When will you take me there?"

"I can't wait any longer."

Long Yubing's voice was soft and soft, not at all as cold as before.

If you listen carefully, it seems to be a bit coquettish.

It really confirms a sentence!

Woman is a magical animal.

Sometimes it can be extremely cold, like an iceberg, making it difficult to get close.

But for the person that girls like.

You can also become extremely passionate, coquettish... or even become a peerless beauty.


"Everything is fine."

"You decide." Lu Xingye nodded lightly.

If it were him before, he would definitely not agree so readily.

Because before, Lu Xingye was focused on his career.

My heart belongs to the kind of realm where there is no woman drawing a sword or a natural god in my heart.

But now.

Lu Xingye recovered a little bit of emotion and felt that he should cherish the present and live every day well.

So I agreed to the other party without hesitation.

Hearing Lu Xingye's words, Long Yubing was quite surprised, even a little unbelievable.

"Is what you said true?"

"Of course it's true! Could I still lie to you?" Lu Xingye laughed dryly.

"Okay. Now let's go to the amusement park. I'm going to ride the roller coaster now."

The smile on Long Yubing's face was like that of a little girl next door, full of innocent information.

As for Zhao Yinyun on the other side.

Although she wanted to go to the amusement park too, she held back.

This is the opportunity Long Yubing fought for.

If I followed him, I would be a bit like a light bulb.

Zhao Yinyun is not so shameless to do such a shameful thing.

224. The idea of ​​a space elevator is mature. Think about how to build it.

Lu Xingye had no ink marks.

After agreeing to the other party, we set off directly.

A silver sports car drove out of the Beehive underground garage. This underground garage was well kept secret and was built underground.


This silver sports car is specially made by Suihuo Technology.

It uses special materials and an Ark reactor. In times of crisis, the flight mode and sea driving mode can be unlocked.

To put it simply.

This silver sports car is full of black technology and is a vehicle capable of traveling by sea, land and air.

And it can also release simple laser weapons.

Based on this alone, the design concept of sports cars is leading the world.


Lu Xingye has no intention of competing with other car companies in business for the time being, otherwise the automotive industry would have changed a long time ago.

Even though he has not yet truly competed in the automotive industry, he has firmly grasped the upstream industry of the automotive industry - the energy industry.

They hold their lifeblood in their hands, and those car companies are just tools for them to make money.

This is the benefit of having high-end technology.


Even though Lu Xingye invented such an excellent sports car, he still did not dare to leave the Bee City territory.

Because this is his base camp.

Leaving the base camp to the outside world will be dangerous.

Lu Xingye would not do anything that would endanger his own life.

After a period of development, Fengcheng has expanded eastward a lot.

Now part of the eastern sea area has been included in Fengcheng's territory.

Suihuo Technology has established a marine terminal here.

Opened up world trade channels.

Next to the sea pier, there is a sea amusement park.

This amusement park is called Fengcheng Sea Amusement Park.

Since its construction, it has become one of the wonders of the world.

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