Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 298

The scale of construction is huge.

If completed, it will be the largest airport in the world from the spaceport base to the airport Xiaohui.

After reading it, Lu Xingye nodded slightly to Tony.

I have to say that Tony is quite reliable in his work. Such a large spaceport was built as soon as it was built.

And it's done in a decent way.

Lu Xingye felt that even if he cooked the food himself, he might not be able to do it as well as the other party.

"Well, it's very well done."


Lu Xingye, then you followed Tony to the space center. The space center is in the center of space.

In addition to building a space elevator in the center.

A spacecraft docking station was also established.

There's a sense of optimism in it all.

Lu Xingye raised his head and saw that in the center of the space port, a space elevator rose from the ground, towering into the clouds.

It is currently under emergency construction.

But the end of the space elevator can no longer be seen with the naked eye.

"What is the completion progress of the space elevator now?" Lu Xingye asked with a smile.

"Report to the boss, it's about 30% completed now." Tony replied calmly.

"30% completed so quickly? Tony, you did a great job!" Lu Xingye praised the other party without hesitation.


After Tony heard this, he quickly shook his head.

"Boss, these 30% of space elevators are the easiest to build."

"The space elevator is called the space elevator because the space elevator connects the earth and space."

"The first third of the space elevator is near the Earth, relatively close to Blue Star. So it is not very difficult to build."

"But the last 60%."

"Because the distance from Blue Star is getting farther and farther, the construction of the space elevator in the second half is getting more and more difficult."

"The revolution has not yet succeeded, but we must continue to work hard."

Lu Xingye turned his head and patted Tony on the shoulder.

"Follow me and do your best."

"I won't treat you badly in the future."


"You're joking."

"Ever since I decided to come to this real world with you, I must have decided to have sex with you."

"My life is yours."

Tony Xu was a little touched in his heart, and his words were very sensational.


"No need to say more."

"You will always be my brother."

Originally, Tony was planning to stop the surrounding construction teams and ask them to come over and introduce him to Lu Xingye.


Lu Xingye shook his head and said no.

He just came over for an inspection. He has no experience with construction, so there is no need to waste everyone's time.

It was enough for him to learn about the progress of the project.

Come quietly.

Go quietly.

Don't take away a single cloud.

Lu Xingye walked around the space base again and left with Zhao Yinyun.

229. The heart of a space fighter? I use warp engine

When Lu Xingye flew back from the space base.

It was already past 8:00 pm.

The weather is relatively clear today, and the sky is filled with stars, which are twinkling beautifully.

"Zhao Yinyun."

"What do you think of the starry sky outside?"

"It's very beautiful." Zhao Yinyun leaned her head against the window of the plane and looked at the starry sky outside intoxicated.

When I was a child, the adults in my family often said that after death, they will turn into stars and look at you in the sky.

What about my parents?

Zhao Yinyun suddenly thought of her parents who had died of old age, and felt very uncomfortable for a moment.

Sadness comes from it.

Don't know where it started.

"starry night."

"I miss my parents a little bit."


Lu Xingye didn't know how to answer this sentence for a moment. He simply stopped talking.


Zhao Yinyun's voice came again.

Maybe he was talking to himself, or maybe he was talking to Lu Xingye's soul.

"But it's good."

"God favored me and allowed me to meet you."

"You took me out of the movie world and gave me a home in the real world."

"It warms my heart very much."


"Actually, I... wanted you to be kidnapped and work for me. Don't be so sentimental, little girl."

"I'm a capitalist."

"Do you understand capitalists?"

"Exploiting laborers, I took you out of the movie just to better exploit your labor force."


"Do you think this lady is so easy to deceive?"

"I just got tired of playing in the original movie world and wanted to become a real person. So I followed you to the real world."


Lu Xingye discovered a problem.

No matter what, don't go back to girls bickering. Because you can't beat girls at all.

No matter whether you make sense or not, in the end, the girl must win.


There is also the doting of boys on girls.

Otherwise, girls would not have won so easily.

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