Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 300

in this way.

The boat traveled across space at such a fast speed.

This is the curvature speed.

But the curvature engine has always been something in science fiction movies. If you want to realize it from science fiction movies into reality.

The difficulty can be imagined.


Lu Xingye didn't hesitate and just selected the curvature engine.

Because the curvature engine has many advantages over traditional engines.

In the endless space.

Speed ​​is life.

Speed ​​is everything.

When Lu Xingye was traveling in space, the first thing he considered was speed.


"Then let's establish our plan for the next phase."

"That is - developing a warp engine."

"The first step is to make the engine, and then the second step is to use the engine to build a spaceship, so as to achieve the goal of entering the interstellar age."

"Okay, boss, I will do my best to help you achieve your goal." Jarvis looked at the other person and spoke formally.


Lu Xingye nodded.

As for how to achieve this goal, he also has specific plans.

That's using a cheat sheet from the movie about the warp drive.

Anyway, there is no such thing in reality.

Even if Lu Xingye has the largest scientific research team in the world, he has no focus on something that is full of science fiction and has no idea where to start research and development.


The first movie he considered was the Star Trek series.

In the Star Trek series, Tears has entered the boundless space and sailed in the vast universe. This movie not only has the technology related to the curvature engine, but also the technology related to the spacecraft.

And mining technology.

Energy harvesting technology.

These technologies are essential technologies for interstellar navigation.

It can be said without exaggeration.

If he can bring out a complete set of space flight technology from the Star Trek movie series, then he can directly enter the era of nature.

There is no need to even develop new technology.

It’s just a matter of thoroughly understanding the technology of Star Trek.

However, in the Star Trek movie, the supporting technology has three fatal flaws. The first is weak detection capabilities, the second is weak attack power, and the third is weak defensive capabilities.

In the Star Trek movie series, aliens basically discover their own spaceship first and are then forced to take action.

But the other way around.

If the new spacecraft developed by Lu Xingye has such a huge reconnaissance capability, it can be the first to discover the enemy.

Start by yourself.

Pre-emptive strike.

The same goes for defense and attack capabilities. Lu Xingye felt that the spaceship he built must have extremely strong attack and defense capabilities.

Otherwise, it would not be a qualified spacecraft.

Why does mankind want to enter the interstellar age?

One of the reasons is that human beings are constantly developing, but what the mother planet has is actually quite limited, and it will eventually be used up one day.

What if the home planet has no resources?

So if human beings still need to continue to develop, they must advance into space.

I just mentioned it.

Humanity entered the interstellar age to compete for resources.

If the defense and attack capabilities are not enough, how can we compete with aliens for resources?

In the boundless space, the laws of the dark jungle are enforced.

The strong eat meat.

Lu Xingye didn't dare expect the aliens to have any mercy.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten.

This is the experience summed up by countless human martyrs.


If Lu Xingye couldn't create a spaceship with extremely powerful attack and defense capabilities, he would never rashly start the interstellar era.

In addition to the Star Trek movie series, many other science fiction movies also have similar warp drive technology.

But they are all very similar.

The most complete of these technologies is that of Star Trek.

After Lu Xingye considered it comprehensively.

Get ready to break down the barriers of the Star Trek world and bring out spaceship-related space technology from within.

"Jarvis, okay, I roughly understand what you are talking about, and I have my own considerations. I have already established a warp engine manufacturing plan on the computer."

"Instruct Zhao Dawei and other department heads to take the lead in producing curvature engines. When I come up with engine-related technology from the movie, you will start producing curvature engines immediately."

Lu Xingye turned his head to look at Jarvis and issued his first order of the day.



"I will convey your order to the heads of each department later."

Lu Xingye was very satisfied after receiving Jarvis' affirmative reply. Jarvis is a very mature person who rarely works.

He's not like those rigid artificial intelligences.

The most important thing is that the other party will not betray you.

Lu Xingye felt safe using it.

After Jarvis left, he was about to reach into the movie and pull out space-related technology.

The phone on the table suddenly vibrated.

The sound was very urgent.


"what happened?"

Lu Xingye frowned. Ever since he took over the hive, he had retreated behind the scenes and was only responsible for hive-related work arrangements.

Not many people know this number at all.

Moreover, this number has a smart code, so ordinary harassing calls cannot come in.

So who could be calling?

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