Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 305

After watching outside for a while and recording the internal components of the anti-gravity engine, Lu Xingye began to control the robotic arm to enter the interior and begin to dismantle the engine components.

Originally, he was worried that the engine parts would cause some kind of danger during the disassembly process, but he did not expect that this worry did not happen.

He completely disassembled the engine without any accidents.

Now he has basically dismantled the main accessories of the anti-gravity engine.

A black, bucket-sized box remained.

This box was named Black Jiazi by them.

He guessed it was the main accessory of the anti-gravity principle.

"Look at you, I told you there's no danger, yet you're still so cautious."

"This really doesn't seem like your style," Long Yubing teased.

Now I see that the other party is free.

Long Yubing walked beside Lu Xingye to see if there was anything he could do to help.


At this stage, Lu Xingye was dismantling the engine, and there was really nothing he could do to help.

"Just stay aside."


"Remember to prepare a rich lunch for me at noon. If nothing else happens, I should spend the whole day here."

Lu Xingye glanced at the other person, stopped what he was doing, and showed a faint smile.

"What a big foodie."

Long Yubing complained.

But he was only complaining verbally, not really. He is very happy now that he can stay with the person he likes.

I can prepare lunch for the people I like.

Long Yubing naturally wanted it.

After Long Yu Bingxiu chatted with the person he liked, he went to prepare lunch.


Lu Xingye began to dismantle the black box.

To his surprise, the black box wasn't that easy to remove.

Whether he cuts with a chainsaw or other cutting tools, there is no way to open the black box.

This bothered him a little.

It's like there is a set of wealth in front of him, but he has no way to open it.

The frustration can be imagined.

Lu Xingye tried a few more times but couldn't open the black box, and couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

"Since there is no way to open the black box."

"Then I'll try violent destruction."

Lu Xingye felt cruel, and immediately controlled the mechanical arm to grab the black box and place it on the large hydraulic press.

Hydraulic press is a mechanical equipment for violent crushing.

It can burst out hundreds of tons or even thousands of tons of pressure in an instant.

Crush everything to crumbs.

What Lu Xingye is doing now is destructive experiments.

He first completely destroyed the black box, and then studied the components inside the black box, anyway, the elemental composition of the materials in the heart.

Then, based on the analyzed elemental composition, we can deduce how to open the black box.

It can even be deduced from the anti-gravity principle.

The hydraulic pressure starts.

Lu Xingye pressed a button, and the green indicator light on the hydraulic press instantly lit up, and the hydraulic press began to operate.

As long as he inputs the corresponding pressure on the computer, the hydraulic press will output the corresponding pressure and crush the black box.

"Let's try a ton of pressure first."

With that said, Lu Xingye entered the words "one ton of pressure" on the computer, and then pressed the OK start button.

The hydraulic press began to output pressure crazily.

From one kilogram at the beginning, it rose to 1,000 kilograms in an instant.

That's a ton of pressure.

To his surprise, under the crushing force of one ton of gravity, the black box did not change in any way, let alone deformed, and even its appearance remained unchanged.

"What is this black box made of?"

"It can actually withstand a ton of pressure without deforming at all."

In addition to having deep doubts in Lu Xingye's heart, Lu Xingye was also aroused in his heart and became interested in the black box.

This material far surpassed any material he had ever seen.

If he could crack the black box, he had a hunch that his basic scientific knowledge would be greatly improved.

"Since one ton of gravity can't do anything to you, then try the pressure."

Lu Xingye murmured.

Immediately increase the pressure of the hydraulic press ten times, which is 10 tons of pressure.


What surprised him even more happened. Under the crushing pressure of ten tons, the black box did not produce any change.

hard to imagine.

A black box the size of a bucket can withstand such great pressure.

Lu Xingye couldn't believe this.

"It's really weird."

"I don't believe in this evil anymore." Lu Xingye said to himself.

235. The black box exploded and Lu Xingye was trapped

Since a hundred times the pressure can't help you, then try 1,000 times the pressure again.

Lu Xingye murmured.

Immediately... push the pressure valve of the hydraulic press to the end.

The maximum pressure of the laboratory hydraulic press is 1,000 times gravity. If 1,000 times gravity cannot affect the black box, Lu Xingye has no choice.

Destructive testing can only start from other aspects.

As Lu Xingye's instructions fell, the hydraulic press instantly ran at full capacity. From the beginning, only the green indicator light was on, and now the red indicator light is flashing continuously.

The red indicator light keeps flashing, indicating that the hydraulic press has reached the highest threshold of the hydraulic press.

Lu Xingye was very excited and stared at the situation in front of him.

At first.

There are no changes to the black box.

As the hydraulic press reached its maximum, the black box finally began to deform.

First there is a slight bend.

Immediately afterwards, the bend began to slowly become larger.

"Finally starting to get crushed?"

Lu Xingye murmured in his heart and began to become more and more excited.

Very good, understood.

It's like you're playing a game.

Because you are playing a dungeon and have spent several days on it. If you can't clear the dungeon at the same time, you are very upset.

I even wanted to throw my phone and keyboard.

You are also very annoyed.

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