Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 314

Wang Zhihong said to Sister Hong with a smile on his face.

Immediately afterwards.

He gave Sister Hong another step. It can be seen that Wang Zhihong is a person who has been in society for a long time and understands the world very well.

"Do you think this is okay?"

"This time, you go to the nearby shop to eat first. When there is space next time, I will invite you to have a good meal. I will treat it as an apology to you."

Sister Hong's expression changed.

Normally she would have tolerated it, but now she brought her sisters here.

If she couldn't even get through the private kitchen door, she didn't know how she would be laughed at by her sisters.

"Didn't your waiter just say that he would coordinate a private room for me?"

"It's that sky-high private room."

"There are only two people dining in that private room, so it would be a waste to use it for them. It's better to use it for us."

"Manager Wang."

"Are you just not going to give me face, Sister Hong?"

"If you are sensible, help me go in and drive those two people out of the private room. I want to eat now."

"If you don't drive them away."

"You know the consequences."

Sister Hong looked at Wang Zhihong with an aggressive look.

He looked like an A-list star, and when he came to dine in front of a private kitchen, he couldn't even get through the door.

Doesn't this make people laugh?

Sister Hong felt humiliated.

I really had to go in for a meal today.


Facing the unreasonable Sister Hong, Wang Zhihong was in a dilemma for a while, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"never mind."

"Since you don't dare to go in and chase people away, then I will go in and chase them away."


Sister Hong rushed in regardless of the two waiters' obstruction.

Appeared in front of Lu Xingye.


"I reserved this table in advance. The waiter just gave this table to you without knowing it."

"But now I'm here."

"Please return the reserved table to me."

"I will give you a large amount of cash as a reward."


Sister Hong is not stupid, she knows how to convince people with reason.

Don't look at him being frizzy.

When she entered the box, she instantly became gentle and lovely.

In fact, all this is her disguise.

The scene at the gate just now showed Sister Hong’s true face.

If Lu Xingye refused to give up her seat, she would immediately show her ugly face.

"Excuse me."

"I don't know you, and I won't give up my seat to you."

"Please don't disturb my meal, or I will call security."

Sister Hong's expression changed instantly when she heard Lu Xingye's words.

She suppressed her expression of anger.

"Do you know who I am?"

"You're a top-tier actor in China. If you see me coming to dine, why don't you quickly give up your seat?"

Sister Hong raised her proud head.

It seems that she already knows that if she reveals her identity, the other person will definitely give up her seat to her.

after all……

As a public star, his influence in front of the public is still very large.

Sister Hong never thought that after revealing her identity, the other party would reject her.

But this thing that was obviously impossible to happen actually happened.

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Xingye's cold and ruthless voice came over.

"Excuse me."

"I'll say it one last time."

"I do not know you."

"I reserved this private room first. No matter who you are, I will never give this private room to you."

Lu Xingye spoke coldly.

As Lu Xingye's voice fell.

The entire private room was silent for a few seconds. No one expected that Lu Xingye would reject Sister Hong.


" won't give up your seat to me, right?"

"Then I...then I will kill you online."

Sister Hong was so angry that her chest bulged, and then she took out her mobile phone from her pocket and took pictures of Lu Xingye and the two of them.

I'm furious!

If you don't give up your seat to me, I'll kill you online.

A trace of resentment flashed in Sister Hong's eyes.

242. A reward of one million was offered online, and Sister Hong’s fans were angry.

"Look at this person in front of me."

Just as Sister Hong was about to say something, she suddenly found that she couldn't move.

A pair of big hands grabbed her neck.

Pick her up like a chicken.

Lu Xingye had gone through several rounds of strengthening, and had already taken the elixir of life.

The physical quality has long been inhuman.

Why is Sister Hong his opponent?

"What a verbose thing!"

"Get out of here."

"You've already disturbed my meal."

Lu Xingye grabbed Sister Hong and threw her out of the door.

After throwing the other party out, the whole world seemed to quiet down, and Lu Xingye could finally eat in peace.

"What are you looking at?"

"What are you still doing?"

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