Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 323

After a few fights, I lost.

"Long Yubing."

"How about the deployment?"

"Report to the commander, everything is under control, ensuring that the senior executives of Saiyan Enterprise cannot escape."

Lu Xingye nodded, and then Jarvis's voice came from the wireless headset.

"Report to Commander."

"The satellites in the sky are also in place to provide full monitoring and remote support."

"Okay. Long Yubing brings a team of night watchmen over to my place."

"When you come here, remember to quietly control everyone else in the Internet cafe. No one can leave without my order." Lu Xingye said coldly.


The Night Watchmen are clones that have been specially trained and injected with super soldier serum. They can defeat one hundred with no problem.

Controlling these ordinary people is naturally easy.

The night watchman first pretends to be an ordinary person and sneaks in, and then quickly knocks others out while others are not paying attention.

This process took less than 10 seconds.

Long Yubing had the situation in the Internet cafe under control. She led a team of people to Lu Xingye.

"Hello, Commander. We have all the other personnel under control, and the other night watchmen are also controlling every joint."

249. Important figures in Saiyan disappeared. Is this the legendary particle teleportation?


"Every team is ready and ready to break in in one minute." Lu Xingye said in a deep voice.


One minute passed in a blink of an eye.

The two night watchmen attached themselves to the door, used explosion-proof devices, touched it once, and then kicked it through.

The door fell down with a crash.

Two super soldiers filed in.

Lu Xingye and Long Yubing followed closely behind.

When he entered and used the outside light to shine inside, Lu Xingye saw a rugged man whose body was covered with various runes.


It's called a tattoo.

The tattoos are also gray and look different, a bit mysterious.

At a glance, Lu Xingye found it a bit awkward, or rather strange. It doesn't look like the writing on the blue star.

Why does it feel like a ghost painting?

Lu Xingye felt more and more that there was something wrong with this Saiyan company, and that the other party didn't look like someone from Blue Star at all.

"Who are you?"

"Don't move."

Long Yubing shouted angrily and pointed several ghost rifles at the opponent's head.

The tattooed male protagonist spread his hands and was a little surprised to see this group of strangers coming in.

"Are you from Suihuo Technology?"

"How did you find this place?"

The tattooed man smiled and raised his hands, not feeling at all that he was about to become a prisoner.

There was even some pride on his face.

Lu Xingye ignored the other party.

At this time, he felt a lot more relieved. At least after blocking the senior executive of Saiyan Enterprise here, he didn't have to worry about him escaping again.

His eyes began to look around.

Lu Xingye originally thought that there was something inside the private room No. 5, but unexpectedly they all guessed wrong.

There are no other passages inside Private Room No. 5, and there are no living facilities for people to live in.

That is to say:

This tattooed man did not know how he entered Private Room No. 5, so even the Sky Eye satellite did not detect anything.

This is so strange.

Lu Xingye was reminded of the camouflage technology of gray fog civilization. The gray fog civilization deep in the sea also stood in the sea and deceived satellites.

Could this have something to do with the gray fog civilization?

Wherever you look, behind the tattooed man is a panoramic computer screen similar to that of a hacker civilization. The screen is full of various codes.


It also has something to do with the owner of the Internet cafe. Otherwise, how could the tattooed man build such a huge computer matrix in Room 5?

"Don't worry about why we found you."

"You just need to know that your life is in my hands now. If you don't obey me, I can kill you at any time."


"Things are getting interesting."

"I originally thought that Suihuo Technology was just a bunch of idiots, but I didn't expect that there are still smart people."

For some reason, Lu Xingye suddenly had a bad feeling when he saw the other party's calm look.

The other party was really too calm.

He doesn't seem to be afraid of being blocked here at all.

Is it a good psychological quality?

Is there still a rescue?

Or something else?

Lu Xingye began to think about where the problem occurred one by one.

What about the first stop?

If you have a strong psychological quality, it is possible, but the possibility is too small. And having a strong psychological quality will not change the outcome of the matter.


This possibility can be ruled out.

So what if there is rescue?

This situation is also unrealistic. All nearby robot companions are activated, and when necessary, a steel army will be formed.

Enough to destroy any rescuer.

After ruling out these two possibilities, what else is possible?

Why is the tattooed man so calm?

Not afraid of being caught at all?

Lu Xingye thought for a second, and suddenly an idea flashed through him. Based on science fiction movies, he got a possibility.

Could it be particle teleportation like in science fiction movies?

After getting this possibility, Lu Xingye immediately felt that the other party would escape at any time, and immediately launched an emergency plan.

"Long Yubing."


"First cripple the opponent..."

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