Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 330

"Now my status has increased, but my work is even busier. Why did you come here in person, Fourth? If you wanted to come over to inspect the work, you should have told me earlier and let me prepare, so that it would not be so hasty."

Zhao Dawei walked up to Lu Xingye and hugged him gently. Although the relationship between their roommates has gradually faded due to the relationship between superiors and subordinates, the initial friendship is still there.

Zhao Dawei was very happy when he saw Lu Xingye coming.


"You know my character. I keep a low profile and don't like to attract public attention. So you don't need to notify them when I come to the company this time." Lu Xingye waved his hand to reject the other party.

"Okay." Zhao Dawei nodded.

My roommate really doesn't like power very much. He has such a big Suihuo technology, but now he is willing to retreat behind the scenes.

"I came here this time on a mission that I want to discuss with you."

"What mission?" Zhao Dawei asked calmly.

He knew that his roommate was usually a quickie, but now that he was able to come to the company headquarters despite his busy schedule, he must have some kind of task to answer.


Zhao Dawei was not surprised at all when he heard Lu Xingye's words.

"Do you want me to call together the heads of several departments of the company for a meeting???"

"No. Let's just have a brief chat and then make a decision directly. We are a sole proprietorship and we are not here to discuss anything with others."

Lu Xingye shook his head.

He immediately opened the folder and took out two plans. One of the plans was about building a world-class scientific research center, and the other was about building a world-class university.

"Here are my two options."

"Take a look first. If you have any questions, you can ask at any time. The plans are all made by the professional team in the hive, so it shouldn't be a big problem. Just take a look at how feasible it is and what we should do."


Lu Xingye pushed the two plans on hand to Zhao Dawei.

Zhao Dawei was not polite either.

He took two documents from the other party and started to read them on the spot.

[About the plan to build a world-class scientific research center. 】

[A plan to build a world-class university in the wilderness. 】

After reading it carefully, Zhao Dawei considered it from multiple dimensions: the funds for the implementation of the plan, the land area, the difficulty of implementation, and the time for completion...

He found……

My roommate brought this plan over to me, and it was already perfect. Basically, all the issues that needed to be considered were considered.

The construction team only needs to carry out construction according to this plan.

As long as world-class scientific research centers and world-class universities can be established.

Zhao Dawei was shocked in his heart.

Because there is such a good scientific research team in the hive. He asked himself, the Suihuo technology he led was not of this level.

"Director Lu."

"There is nothing wrong with these two plans, but there is one thing I don't quite understand. Why do they want to build the world's scientific research centers and universities? We are not short of money or people now, and our technology is also ahead of the world."

“There’s absolutely no need to go to all the trouble of building these two things.”

"As long as our technology continues to lead the world, Bee City will naturally always be the world's scientific research mecca. We don't need to do anything fancy, we have to do a good job in technology this time."

"Of course those other scientists will come to make the pilgrimage."

Hearing this, Lu Xingye froze for a second. He had no idea how Zhao Dawei could say such a thing.

These words also shocked him slightly.

We don't need to do anything else.

As long as we ensure that technology is always ahead of the world.

Bee City is naturally the world's holy land for scientific research.

Those scientists will naturally come to make a pilgrimage.

Such incisive words, Lu Xingye didn't expect that Zhao Dawei could see it more clearly than himself.

This is the truth.

Lu Xingye also deeply understood what Zhao Dawei said. But they have a problem. Although their technology is ahead of the world.

But this is because Lu Xingye has film technology.

If he hadn't used Gold Finger, Suihuo technology would not have developed to this point.

I don’t even know if there is Suihuo technology.

To put it simply.

The background of Suihuo Technology is too poor. Basically, it relies on a few super scientists to support it. If these super scientists are no longer there, it will be a disaster.

So can their hive's technology still be ahead of the world?

Lu Xingye was very skeptical about this.


He must plan ahead and implement Jarvis's plan.


Manually build a holy land for scientific research, manually build world-class universities, and gather the best talents in the world in Bee City. Under such a virtuous cycle, the power of the entire civilization is concentrated.

The hive is the real holy land of technology.

Lu Xingye probably explained it to Zhao Dawei, and the other party was very impressed by his strategy. He no longer had any doubts and directly implemented the plan to build two great holy places.

"Do not worry!"

"Director Lu."

"I will personally supervise these two tasks and make sure they are completed on time and within the quantity." Zhao Dawei agreed.


"I'm quite relieved to leave the work to you. Let's not be afraid of spending money and allocate the largest piece of land in Bee City to a holy land for scientific research and a holy land for education."

“And don’t be afraid to spend money.”

"After the Holy Land is built, we will give the scientists the best treatment, and we will not hesitate to spend a lot of money to recruit famous scientists."

"If one million doesn't work, let's use ten million."

"We will give scientists whatever they want. Seize their pain points and tie them to our chariot."


"Only our Suihuo Technology can become a black technology transcendent force."

Lu Xingye pondered for a while and unconsciously spoke out what was on his mind. Later, he thought about it and felt that it was because he regarded Dawei as his own relative that he spoke so much to him.


"I will immediately start arranging the construction work of the two holy places." Zhao Dawei nodded, and his heart was slightly touched after listening to his roommate's words. He never thought that his roommate would have such lofty ideals.

After bidding farewell to Zhao Dawei.

Lu Xingye asked one of his employees to buy high heels. Because he didn't know the size of Zhu Xiaonong's shoes, he asked him to buy a pair of all sizes.

About half an hour.

Lu Xingye already held high-heeled shoes of various sizes in his hands, probably more than ten pairs, and came to his rest room.


I don’t know if the school girl who came to interview the secretary is still there.

256. A love rival appears, a person the secretary hates.

Lu Xingye held a dozen pairs of high heels in both hands and walked quickly to his office. His office is about fifty meters away from Zhao Dawei's office.

It's only a few dozen seconds' walk away.

The door in front was closed, and he couldn't see clearly what was going on inside. Naturally, he didn't know if the other party was gone.

In fact, Lu Xingye was disappointed that Zhu Xiaonong would not leave.

Because he really likes this girl, if he has someone to be his secretary.

At least I can relax a little.

When you have something to do, you can ask the secretary to do it, and when you have nothing to do, you can look at the secretary to make yourself happy.

He opened the door full of expectation.

I saw a little girl carrying a schoolbag standing on the windowsill, looking ahead.

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