Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 332

Obviously Zhu Xiaonong didn't like this greasy man.

257. Is Lu Xingye’s identity a mystery? Zhu Xiaonong is full of curiosity

"go away."

"Didn't I say it? Don't pester me. Just give up. I won't like you."

Zhu Xiaonong hid behind Lu Xingye, with a hint of disgust in her words. It was obvious that she had been unhappy with him for a long time.

"Xiao Nong."

"do not do that!"

"I heard that a very popular A-list star was holding a concert in the Imperial Capital over the weekend. I asked someone to find a connection and bought two tickets for the concert."

"I know you like this A-list star very much, so I want to ask you to go to the concert together on the weekend."

Yang Guanyuan was holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand, and he didn't seem to notice that Zhu Xiaonong disliked him. Still extending the invitation warmly to the other party.


Zhu Xiaonong couldn't help but be violent.

Now her body was completely hidden behind Lu Xingye. She was afraid that this greasy man would suddenly burst out and do something to her.


? ? ?

After hearing Zhu Xiaonong's words, the greasy man couldn't help but change his face. Being rejected by his beloved, his heart was filled with anger.


Because in front of Zhu Xiaonon, he had to act like a gentleman.


"Xiao Nong."

"You weren't like this before? You used to date me and go shopping with me. Why has it changed now?"

The greasy man suddenly saw Lu Xingye standing in front of Zhu Xiaonong, and his expression suddenly became very ugly. If Zhu Xiaonong doesn't like him, he can still try his best to pursue her.

But if Zhu Xiaonong falls in love with someone else.


Then, then, then... then I will...

The greasy man didn't dare to think about it anymore. He was afraid that his dark side would be exposed in front of the woman he loved.

"Is it because of him?"

"No. Don't think too much about it. I simply don't like you. Even if all the men in the world die, I won't like you anymore. Just give up." Zhu Xiaonong refused again. other side.

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

The greasy man asked Lu Xingye three times in a row, and his heart gradually became angry.

He no longer cares about Zhu Xiaonon.

The greasy man just wants to strangle his love rival to death.


Lu Xingye coughed dryly. Originally, he was waiting to see how things would develop, but he didn't expect that the flames of war would spread to him.

at this time.

Lu Xingye was already being targeted by the greasy man.

He can also stand up.

"Do not misunderstand."

"I have nothing to do with her. If there is a relationship, then I am her brother."

After listening to Lu Xingye's words, the greasy man's wariness was obviously lowered.

elder brother?

"Dear?" the greasy man asked.

"Yes. Honey, the kind born from the same parents."

Lu Xingye smiled. He didn't know why, but he was so interesting that he couldn't help but play with him.

"Is that so?"


The greasy man obviously didn't look very smart. He didn't hear Lu Xingye's teasing, but believed the other person's words.


"Zhu Xiaonong's brother."

"You can just call me King Liu. I am Zhu Xiaonong's suitor."

King Liu?


Lu Xingye almost died laughing after hearing the other party's name.

How could someone be named a homophone of gangster? However, looking at the greasy man's wretched look, he felt that the name was quite suitable.

"Hello, gangster."

"My name is King Liu, and I am a gangster."

"Okay, Rogue."

Listening to Lu Xingye's conversation, Zhu Xiaonong couldn't help but hide his face and smile. How come Lu Xingye's dialogue contains such profound meaning?

This old six.

Are you swearing?

The greasy man obviously didn't look very smart. After correcting the other person's pronunciation several times, he couldn't correct it. Then he stopped correcting the other party.

Now he had a bold idea in his mind.

He wants to invite Zhu Xiaonong's brother to go to the concert.

If brother Zhu Xiaonong agrees to go to the concert, then Zhu Xiaonong will definitely come with him.

That way, you'll have a chance.

" Zhu Xiaonong, do you want to go to the A-list celebrity concert? If you want to go, I can ask someone to buy another ticket, but the three of us will go and watch it together."

"Okay!" Lu Xingye nodded.

Seeing Lu Xingye nod, Zhu Xiaonong's face suddenly changed, and he looked at Lu Xingye with eyes filled with pleading, causing him to reject this greasy man.

to be honest.

Zhu Xiaonong hated this greasy man to death.

She didn't want to stay with him at all, even for a minute.


Lu Xingye didn't seem to see her look for help.

He stretched out his hand and took two concert tickets from the greasy man, with a faint smile on his lips.

"Give these two tickets to me and Zhu Xiaonong first."

"When you ask someone to find the third ticket, let's go and have a look together."


Lu Xingye took Zhu Xiaonong and left.

The greasy man didn't seem very smart, and now he didn't even realize that he had been deceived.

I am still very happy inside.

Now I finally have a date with my goddess. Although the goddess's brother is also here, none of this is a problem. As long as his goddess goes out on a date with him, he will have plenty of opportunities.

Lu Xingye ignored the greasy man, walked to the cool supercar at the entrance of the company, and pressed the remote control key with his right hand.

The supercar's scissor doors suddenly rose.

The unique sense of streamlines and unique scissor doors make Lu Xingye’s supercar shine at the entrance of the company.

People around him cast envious glances.

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