Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 341

"So that's it." Lu Xingye smiled and nodded.

Now he is inside the hive, immersed in scientific research. Unexpectedly, the outside world has changed dramatically.

"Look, I definitely want to go see it."


"How safe is the spaceport we built?" Lu Xingye pondered for a moment, as if something suddenly occurred to him.

in the future.

The spaceport is certainly a strategic base.

Among them, the importance is not inferior to that of the hive. If humans enter the space age, the space port will be the first to bear the brunt.

The dangers facing the spaceport are many.

Therefore, safety must be done well.


"In the space port, you don't have to worry about security, because I have already established the above 505 arsenal in the space port. The size of this arsenal is only a little smaller than the hive, but its ability to manufacture weapons is much stronger than the hive."

"To put it simply."

"In the future, the space port will also become an arsenal, exporting arms to the world."

"It's equivalent to a military restricted area."

“It’s still very safe in terms of safety.”

"Okay." Lu Xingye nodded slightly, very satisfied with Jarvis's answer. .

"Then I have no problem. But we have to postpone the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the spaceport by a week."

"Why??" Jarvis asked puzzled.

Lu Xingye smiled. This is why he can sit in the position of chairman, while Jarvis can only serve as an intelligent assistant.

Jarvis was thinking about his own affairs.

There is no overall consideration at all.

Just for the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the space port, it can naturally be held anytime. It doesn’t even matter if it isn’t held.


Anyway, it's all their own business.

You have the final say.

How to be happy.


Lu Xingye was thinking about more than just a ribbon-cutting ceremony.

That was the inextricable relationship behind the ribbon-cutting ceremony. He wanted to use this opportunity to expand the influence of Suihuo Technology.

The first company to build spaceports worldwide.

This is very celebratory.

"Ha ha,……"

"Jarvis, you have been with me for so long, you should learn to think with human thinking."

"As for why I postponed the ribbon-cutting ceremony for a week, think about it again."

"I believe you will have the answer in your heart. This is my training for your artificial intelligence brain."

Jarvis heard the words and raised his head. The red light in his eyes kept flashing. Lines of code flashed past. It was obvious that Jarvis was thinking continuously.


Jarvis suddenly screamed.

"Commander, I figured it out. I finally figured it out. This is also the difference between human thinking and machine thinking. Human thinking considers the overall situation and fully calculates the gains and losses."


"Machine thinking is different. Machine thinking is more about running a single program. To put it simply, if I am thinking about event A, then I will use all the computing power in my brain to think about how time A is completed, and finally get Find the optimal solution.”

"But they rarely think about the connection between incident A and incident B."

"But you humans will consider A B C D E F G together and fully consider the pros and cons of everything."

"This is the part I am lacking. I will strengthen my studies in this area."

Lu Xingye nodded: "You can think of this, which means you are still very good."

"But that's all said and done."

"Can you imagine why I delayed the ribbon-cutting ceremony at the spaceport by a week?"

Jarvis lowered his head and thought for a while. : "I can probably think of something."

"It's about influence, right?"

"Although Suihuo Technology is now a famous arms dealer in the world, all activities have been silent during this period."

“It has less and less influence on the world.”

"I guess you want to take this opportunity to tell the world about our spaceport. To further expand our influence."


Lu Xingye couldn't help but give Jarvis a thumbs up.

It’s truly a super artificial intelligence.

Everything is easy to understand.

No need to bother yourself at all.

"Since you have guessed my intention, I will leave it to you to tell the world about the space port."

"You can spread the news that our space port is completed through the news media and some online means."


"You can also add this to the news: The first spacecraft built by Suihuo Technology will soon be tested at the Qingtian Plateau Space Port."

"I think the effect of such promotion must be very good."

265. Suihuo Technology is preparing to attack Gray Mist Civilization

"Okay, Commander, I'll do it now."

Jarvis nodded.

In fact, it is good to let Jarvis be responsible for online promotion. The other party is a super artificial intelligence, and no one knows the Internet better than Jarvis.

Let the other party do the promotion.

That is undoubtedly getting twice the result with half the effort.

After receiving Lu Xingye's order, Jarvis began to prepare to promote the spaceport.

First of all!

The news must break.

How to attract attention?


This must be promoted by the spaceport, and it is best to promote it to the extent that everyone knows it.


Jarvis set up a three-stage promotion plan.

The first stage is online promotion.

He will publish news about the spaceport all over the Internet and use various software pop-ups.

Be sure to let everyone on the Internet know that the spaceport exists.

The second stage is offline promotion.

Offline promotion is a supplement to online promotion. After a round of all-pervasive online promotion, people already have a certain understanding of the space port.

But this is not enough.

Because there are some elderly people who do not have mobile phones and do not have access to the Internet.

The only way they can get information is through reading newspapers.

And look at those billboards.


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