Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 343

# /Today’s news:

With the advancement of human science and technology, has the space age really arrived? Humanity's first spaceport was built. According to reports, the Suihuo Spaceport is a value-for-money spaceport that integrates four levels of tourism, space and space defense.

Big V anchor:

Suihuo Technology's spaceport will hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony in a week. At that time, I will broadcast the event live and take you to see mankind's first spaceport.

news media:

Suihuo Technology established mankind's first spaceport, and its contribution to mankind will always be recorded in history. Suihuo Technology is not only a responsible company, nor is it just a technology company.

It is a company carrying human civilization.

His contribution will never be forgotten by us humans.

With Jarvis's promotional information and careful guidance, more and more people know about the space station.

"What? Did you hear that?"

"I heard that Suihuo Technology established mankind's first spaceport on the Qingtian Plateau. This incident has been recorded in history forever."

"Did you hear that?"

"Humanity's first spacecraft is about to take flight next week."

Impossible, right?

Some people believe it after listening to Jarvis's promotional information. Those who believe in Suihuo Technology are basically die-hard fans.

In addition to believing in Suihuo Technology, a large number of people do not believe it.

Because they feel that the current technology is simply not enough to enter the interstellar era. Technology is mediocre now, and humans have not made much technological breakthroughs. At the current level, it is basically impossible to enter the interstellar age.


What they didn't expect was.

Suihuo Technology is backed by the behemoth of Hive.

The Hive's technology is decades, even hundreds of years ahead of its parent star.


The hive has been hidden under society, and not many people know about it.

"I saw everyone on the Internet talking about the space port, but I didn't know what kind of building it was."

"Isn't it a tourist attraction?"

"A theme park in space?"

"I think it is possible for Suihuo Technology to build a spaceport, but as for the spaceship, it is omitted. I don't think he has this ability."

There was a lot of chatter online about Jarvis' promotion.

Of course, most people still believe in Suihuo Technology. Most of the people on the Internet who don’t believe it are people from the other side of the mainland.

They don't look down on the good of Kyushu.

Once there is any major technological breakthrough in Kyushu, their first reaction is always impossible.

Little did I know.

Kyushu's technology has surpassed theirs for decades.

Dafo University: "Recently I saw a message from the East saying that a future spaceport has been established and a spacecraft test flight is being prepared next week. This made me laugh out loud. We can't build a spaceship. , can you rabbits build a spaceship?"

"Are you here to be funny?"

"Or is it a business operation?"

Malasheng University:

"Hehe! I just like to see some people who obviously have no strength, but pretend to be strong and sensationalize in front of the public media all day long."

Just let everyone on the other side of the continent not believe that Suihuo Technology created a spaceship.

A clipped video quickly went viral online.

This video is a real-life video of Jarvis at the space base.

The video shows a huge spaceship, employees undergoing renovations, and some conditions inside the spaceship, but none of them touch on the core parts.

He will not put the core part online.

At this time the spacecraft is 1500 meters long.

Eight hundred meters wide.

There are five floors in total.

It can accommodate more than 10,000 passengers.

The spaceship uses a velocity drive, an energy shield, and a particle conveyor.

It can be said.

This spacecraft concentrates all the cutting-edge technologies of mankind.

That's when footage of the spacecraft surfaced on the Internet.

Those who did not believe in Suihuo technology were all severely slapped in the face.

Some are friends from across the continent.

They even shouted that it was incredible.

But besides being unbelievable, they were more shocked. They didn't expect that Kyushu's technology is so powerful now.

There are some scholars who have studied abroad.

He even shouted that he wanted to return to China for development.

the other side.

Lu Xingye had already arrived at the biochemical laboratory. Although he had already decided to release biochemical weapons to the Gray Fog Civilization, he wanted to consult Zhao Yinyun, a biological expert.

"Zhao Yinyun."

"I have told you the general plan just now. We now have a teleporter, which can transmit some biological weapons directly to the gray mist civilization and cause significant damage to it."

"That way we can get the first shot."

"..." Zhao Yinyun was silent for a moment after hearing this. He is a biologist and medical scientist who has awe of nature.

I don't really agree with the method of directly releasing biological weapons.

"I think it's a good idea for you to go ahead with this plan."

"But have you ever thought about a question, if we launch biological weapons against the Gray Mist Civilization, what about the Gray Mist Civilization also launching biological weapons against us?"

"This disaster would be devastating."

"Both of them have weapons with terrifying destructive power. Why do you think the other will keep getting beaten and not fight back?"

After listening to Zhao Yinyun's words, Lu Xingye suddenly fell silent. He had not considered this issue at all just now.

Now after listening to Zhao Yinyun's words, it suddenly dawned on me.

Isn't there a saying that says this?

When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares into you.

After some comprehensive consideration.

Lu Xingye decided to give up the biological weapons plan temporarily.

Of course, temporarily giving up the biological weapons plan does not mean giving up the attack on the gray fog civilization.

Lu Xingye always felt that Blue Star was very small and could only accommodate the development of one civilization. Now that two civilizations have appeared on the mother planet, it must be the law of the dark jungle. Either you die or I die.

"Zhao Yinyun."

"Thank you."

"If it weren't for your reminder, I might have dropped biological weapons directly. If biological weapons were dropped, the consequences would be disastrous."

"Then how are you going to thank me?" Zhao Yinyun looked at Zhao Yinyun and smiled.

"I will support you for the rest of my life?" Lu Xingye looked at the other party and asked tentatively. The eyes are very clear and contain no other impurities.

267. Suspending the biological weapons program, Lu Xingye sent flowers

"Come on! You are just a little trick to deceive people, you should use it to deceive those school girls. I am not that easy to deceive."

Zhao Yinyun smiled.

It was rare for Lu Xingye to joke with her, and Zhao Yinyun was very happy inside.


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