Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 350

If this is it, instead of going out to meet his friends as an ordinary person, he doesn't bring anything with him.

It would be dangerous.

So Lu Midnight urgently dispatched a monster supercar from a nearby company to run over.

In this way, your safety factor will be greatly increased.

The people at the company headquarters are very efficient. Lu Xingye just made a call not long ago. There was a huge roar of horns and the sound of engines coming from the brand.

Lu Xingye knew that his supercar had arrived without even looking.

After Lu Xingye said hello to his parents, he followed his sister Lu Xiaoman out.

"Let's go, I called a car from the company headquarters."

"I'll drive you to meet your friends."

Oh, yeah.

A happy smile appeared on the little girl's face. Lu Xiaoman is still a junior high school student. When you are in a rebellious period, you like to compare yourself with others in everything, blindly.

Usually after school, other students are picked up by their parents to take them home.

And he.

Lu Xiaoman had no choice but to take a taxi home, and Lu Xiaoman felt very uncomfortable.

Although Lu Xiaoman has tried his best to explain to his classmates that his brother is the richest man in the country and will be the richest man in the world in the near future, their classmates just don't believe him.

They all thought how could there be such a poor child in a rich family.

Even his parents didn't drive to pick up Lu Xiaoman.

My classmates at work felt that Lu Xiaoman was bragging, so some classmates began to reject him and stopped playing with her.

Lu Xiaoman felt a little aggrieved when he thought about the rejection he had received from his classmates.

But fortunately, his brother is back now, and his brother is willing to take him to meet his friends.

Lu Xiaoman could finally prove to his classmates that he was not lying.

Her brother is the richest man in the country.

Lu Xiaoman felt very happy when he thought of this.

Lu Xiaoman happily followed behind Lu Xingye, looking like a little girl.


Lu Xiaoman finally walked downstairs, and she saw clearly what the sports car her brother was talking about was.

I saw a car full of science fiction parked in front of me.

No, to be more precise, it should be a sports car full of science fiction.

There are three robots next to the sports car, standing next to the sports car like soldiers.

It seems that these three robots delivered this sports car.

Lu Xiaoman looked at the sports car in front of him.

With her eyes wide open and a look of disbelief on her face, she felt like she had traveled from ancient times to the future.

“What kind of sports car has such a sci-fi feel?”

"Brother, are you an alien?"

"I've never seen such a cool car."

"Brother, I also want a car like this. Can you give one to me?"

Lu Xiaoman gathered around Lu Xingye and chattered.

"You're still a kid, why do you need a car?"

"Now you focus on your studies. When you grow up, my brother will not only give you a car, but also a house."

"Even if I want the moon in the sky, you can pick it off and give it to me, right?" Lu Xiaoman didn't know which circuit his nerves were connected to, and he suddenly said this sentence.

"Ah, who did you learn it from?"

Lu Xingye smacked his mouth.

Sure enough, there is a generation gap between me and my sister.

"Isn't it said like this in romance novels? When the male protagonist confesses his love to the female protagonist, the male protagonist will say to the female protagonist affectionately, saying that if you want the moon in the sky, I will pick it off and give it to you, and then The heroine was so moved that she threw herself into his arms."

"Lu Xiaoman, let me tell you, stop reading those romance novels and study more seriously." Lu Xingye suddenly turned serious.

Then he said:

"Romance novels are all deceptive. But in reality, reading is the best way out."

"If you don't study hard, I won't give you sports cars in the future."


Lu Xingye's words were still more lethal.

When Lu Xiaoman heard that his brother would not give him a sports car, his expression suddenly changed and he became very well-behaved, and then he quickly made a promise to his brother.

"elder brother."

"I promise I will study hard."

"If I get the top score in the province in the college entrance examination, can you give me a sports car in advance?"

273. The rebellious Lu Xiaoman! Get ready for late night racing


Lu Xingye, I bargained with my sister.

As an older brother, he naturally knows his sister's character.

If you communicate with Lu Xiaoman in a gentle manner, Lu Xiaoman's quirky personality will definitely keep you in control.

"Now don't say whether these are available or not."

"Tell me again when you pass the exam and become the number one scholar in the province."

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Xingye drove the sports car for a distance, then remembered that he hadn't asked his sister where her destination was yet, and asked quickly.

"Where are we going?"

"The top of Huangganling Mountain."

Lu Xiaoman spoke calmly, seeming to be a little depressed.

"Jarvis navigated to the top of Huangdanling and started the autonomous driving mode."

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Xingye let go of the steering wheel with both hands, and the 10 yuan thing is that although his hands have let go of the steering wheel, the steering wheel will continue to rotate regularly.

Honeycomb’s autonomous driving technology is already very mature.


Lu Xingye didn't have to drive by himself.

"Wow, brother, your car can also drive automatically."

"This is really awesome, just like the old cow in Nandi meeting the young bull in the Arctic."


Lu Xingye suddenly felt a little embarrassed when he heard his sister praising him like this.

The technology at the company headquarters has been ahead of the world for decades, but it has not announced these technologies to the outside world.

Ordinary people have always lived in a superficial world and have no idea where the world's top technology is.

So they were very surprised when they saw a self-driving sports car.

But in Lu Xingye's eyes, this kind of thing is already an ordinary technology, and it is not surprising at all.

The two of them didn't speak during the entire journey.

Only the roar of the engine as the monster escaped and the surrounding traffic were uploaded. After about half an hour, their sports car stopped steadily on the top of Huangganling Mountain.

When we were on the road just now, there were forests and barren mountains along the way.

Lu Xingye thought that the top of Huangganling Mountain came from a similar wilderness.

Unexpectedly, there is a cave on the top of Huangganling Mountain.

The top of Huangganling Mountain was leveled by a commercial company. It is a gathering place for young people. I heard that there are barbecues, KTV, racing and other exciting activities here at night.

Looking out through the car window, Lu Xingye could still see several students with colorfully dyed hair.

Those colorful students stood aside and gathered together, not knowing what they were talking about.

There was a small sports car parked next to them.

Looking further into the distance, Lu Xingye could clearly see a red light district in the distance. Inside the KTV, dancers were constantly soliciting customers at the door, wearing very revealing and provocative clothing.

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