Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 352

Lu Xingye said two words lightly.

His monster supercar is his modified supercar, and its safety factor can even withstand the explosion of a small-yield nuclear bomb.

The monster supercar is equipped with a unique energy shield. When an accident is detected during driving, the sports car's energy shield will open to ensure the safety of the people inside.

It can be said.

It is no exaggeration to say that this supercar is the safest supercar in the world.

Moreover, Lu Xingye also equipped it with a simple weapon system. If something unexpected happened, he could use this weapon to attack.

At the same time:

The monster supercar also has the function of flying.

If you encounter force majeure danger, you can fly away from the air at any time.

With such a high safety factor, he had nothing to worry about.


Lu Xingye agreed without hesitation.

He dared to go crazy with the other party, knowing casually that the other party had a conspiracy.

A kick of the gas.

The sports car will slowly drive forward to the designated position in front. Now the red light will turn on for Cheng Fang's car. When the reading reaches zero, the green light will turn on. At that time, the racing competition will really begin.

At this time, Lu Xingye discovered.

In addition to yourself, there are 5 sports cars on the same track.

These 5 racers.

Or rather these five rebellious students.

Except for Lu Xiaoman, they were all men.

Are they all men?

5 burly men invite a weak woman to the top of a mountain for a race? ? ?

Lu Xingye suddenly felt that something was wrong.


He went home for a visit this time and accompanied his sister over, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Lu Xingye knew with his toes that these five people had evil intentions.

Perhaps their original plan was to invite Lu Xiaoman out and then make some mistakes.


When they saw Lu Xiaoman bringing a strange man over, they temporarily changed their minds and switched to racing.

Judging from their malicious looks, there might be something fishy about the car this time. Maybe these people have done some tricks on the racing track.

Lu Xingye could see all this clearly.

At this time, the starter of the racing car started to start the whole race.

The largest traffic light sign in front instantly displayed a countdown.

Countdown 10 seconds

Countdown 5 seconds

Countdown to 3 seconds

Countdown 2 seconds

Countdown 1 second

When the countdown ended, the red light ahead suddenly went out and the green light came on.

Don't run away, just rush forward instantly like some bows and arrows.

At this time.

Lu Xingye was in no hurry to unleash the performance of his monster sports car.

Instead, he slowly followed the five sports cars.

"Brother, increase the accelerator, go faster, go faster, pass him, pass him..."

The little girl Lu Xiaoman seemed to be even more excited than Lu Xingye, and she was shouting excitedly next to her.


"Don't you know you can't disturb others while racing? If you talk loudly next to you like this, it will affect the driver's operation, and it is very likely to cause a safety accident."

Lu Xingye turned his head and glanced at his sister, intending to teach her a lesson.

This happened to be the expression of seeing his sister's identity.


So excited.

Lu Xingye immediately extinguished his thoughts and was no longer prepared to affect his sister's happiness.

"All right."

"As long as my sister is happy, it's worth it."

"Let me see what conspiracy you five young men have."

Lu Xingye murmured in his heart and immediately increased the accelerator.

The monster made a violent engine roar as it escaped, and its speed doubled in an instant.

After a while, I caught up with the five supercars in front.


Lu Xingye never overtook these five supercars, but followed them side by side.

The road ahead is getting narrower.

Getting more and more crooked.

The mountain of Huangganling is not just talk. The road there really has 18 twists and turns. Most people have to be careful when driving here, not to mention they are racing.

At this time.

Yan Xiaofei frowned when he saw Lu Xingye's sports car chasing after him through the rearview mirror.


He spoke coldly to his five companions on the intercom.

"Lu Xiaoman and his brother caught up."

"We will follow the plan later."

"When Brother Lu Xiaoman passed the 18th bend, five of our supercars pushed Brother Lu Xiaoman's supercar to the side of the cliff, forcing him to fall off the cliff."

"On this dark and windy night, if there are two people missing, no one will notice."

275. Anti-gravity flying sports car, emergency levitation

"Brother Yan."

"Don't worry, we haven't been with you for a day or two. We all know what you said. We will push that Lu Xiaoman's brother off the cliff together later."


"It's really disgusting. Originally, we thought it was just the girl Lu Xiaoman who came here alone, but we didn't expect that he brought a man here. Otherwise, we brothers would have been happy tonight."

The man in the other red sports car spoke calmly.

These five yellow men have been talking about how to kill people.

Little did I know.

Everything they said was monitored by Lu Xingye's artificial intelligence.

No, to be precise it shouldn't be detected.

Their sports cars themselves use Tunfire Technology chips. There is a certain amount of smart code inside the chip.

When the chip detects that they have the intention to kill, this skill code will upload the killing intention to the artificial intelligence Jarvis host.

The artificial intelligence Jarvis then decides whether to call the police or respond in other ways.

Jarvis detected this sentence and immediately sent it to Lu Xingye.

Listening to Jarvis' report coming from the headset.

A faint smile appeared on Lu Xingye's lips.

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