Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 369


A nurse passing by heard Zhu Xiaonong's request to be transferred to another hospital. The nurse suddenly came over and Yan Zhengxi refused.

"The patient is now in a critical period and is not allowed to be transferred."

"But if you transfer to another hospital, you won't be able to find a better hospital than ours for treatment."

Seeing that Zhu Xiaonong was crying sadly, Lu Xingye simply answered the head nurse's message for him.

"I won't bother you. Of course we will choose to leave the hospital after we find a good treatment method. Otherwise, why would you stay here?"

The head nurse was completely silent for a moment, seeming to be hesitating, but in the end she had no choice but to reluctantly agree. Because it is the patient's free right to choose which hospital, and the hospital has no way to interfere. He only needs to ensure that the patient can reach the next hospital safely.


"But you have to pay the medical bills first, and you have to tell us which hospital you choose to go to. After all, we have to be responsible for the patient."

Lu Xingye smiled: "We are not planning to send him to another hospital."


The head nurse's voice suddenly turned up several decibels.

"If you don't find another hospital to accept you, we will not allow you to be discharged. Please forgive me for not agreeing to your unreasonable request."

At this time, Lu Xingye's faint voice came again.

"Listen to what I have to say first. Although I am not planning to transfer the patient to other hospitals, we have found a medical department that is more awesome than other hospitals."

"That's the medical laboratory owned by Suihuo Technology."

"At that time, we will transfer the patient to the medical laboratory of Suihuo Technology and perform smoking treatment there. The patient will be cured in about half an hour."

"Do you think this is a better treatment plan?"


"Do you still have any reason not to discharge the patient?"

Gene therapy?

The head nurse was silent for a moment after hearing this.

These four words, gene therapy, can be said to be a name that all traditional hospitals both love and hate.

The reason for love is that gene therapy is really effective and can cure all diseases quickly.

The reason for the hatred is the ventricle, which is so good that traditional treatment of squeezing has no way to survive. The reason why traditional medicine still exists now is because all hospitals have united to form a united front against gene therapy.

But this had little effect.

Except for some remote areas with limited information and inconvenient transportation, everyone else has chosen gene therapy.

The reason why traditional medicine is so developed here.

It's because there is no hospital here for gene therapy.

The head nurse can imagine that if the company chooses to open some hospitals here that can perform gene therapy, then their traditional hospitals will basically be abolished.

Survival of the fittest, the winner survives.

The head nurse also knows that quartz treatment is an unstoppable trend in this era.

Traditional healing is bound to die.

But the head nurse was just not happy.

Gene therapy has saved thousands of patients. However, doctors and nurses with traditional medical skills will be unemployed on a large scale. This is equivalent to the rise of gene therapy, which has destroyed the jobs of traditional treatments.

How could the head nurse be so happy?

"Okay, since you have chosen consultation and treatment, I agree with you to go through the discharge procedures, but the premise is that you must pay off the outstanding medical bills first, otherwise I will not let you go."

The head nurse was silent for a while and then spoke helplessly.


"We will definitely pay all medical bills before we pick up the patient."

Lu Xingye followed the head nurse and went to pay the fee with him. After paying the fee, the hospital finally agreed to discharge them.

After a while.

The head nurse and Lu Xingye returned to the ICU ward again.

Because according to traditional practice, patients need to be transferred by the original hospital to deliver an ambulance, and then the nursing doctor will deliver the entire process.

To put it simply.

Should the original hospital dispatch an ambulance to take the patient to the new hospital?

"When are you going to be discharged from the hospital? I'll arrange an ambulance to take you there."

The head nurse looked at Lu Xingye's calm opening.

Just now he saw Lu Xingye looking like a student and looked down on him, but when he saw him making payment just now, he paid more than 1 million without blinking an eye.

He couldn't help but give this young man a high look.

The head nurse secretly sighed in her heart. In front of her, this person is really lucky to be favored by a rich second generation. You have to be kissed by me instantly, otherwise this girl's voice may be ruined.

However, what he didn't expect was what Lu Xingye said next.

"We don't need a transfer ambulance from your hospital."

“We have our own transportation.”

"It's just the patient's infusion, ventilator and some other vitamin equipment. Your hospital will temporarily lend it to us because we must ensure the safety of the patient during transportation."

The head nurse was silent for a moment and then agreed. "This is no problem at all. We can lend some of these tools to you first, as long as you return them to us when the time comes."

"It's just that you have to tell me how you treat patients when they leave."

"Because our hospital needs to re-examine the patients."

291. After bringing his relatives to Fengcheng, Lu Xingye no longer has any weaknesses.

Lu Xingye smiled:

“Did you watch the launch video of Tunhuo Technology Spaceport?”

The head nurse nodded slightly and looked at Lu Xingye with doubts in her eyes, although she didn't know what the other party was going to say.

"Although you saw the press conference at the spaceport."

"Then you should know that Tunnel Fire Technology has a particle transmission technology that can transform a person into photons and electrons, and transfer them from one place to another instantly."

"We use this advanced technology to transfer patients."

When the head nurse heard this, she immediately covered her mouth, looking frightened.

Originally, he thought that the particle conveyor of the spacecraft could only be used in the aerospace industry, but he did not expect that it was now ready to be widely used by civilians.

Use a particle conveyor to transfer patients to another place in one second.

This was something he had never dared to think about before.

The head nurse agreed to the transfer method mentioned by Lu Xingye, but he made a very simple request to Lu Xingye, that is, he wanted to watch the other party transfer, because he was curious about this high-tech and wanted to do it himself. See for yourself what this advanced technology is like.

Lu Xingye didn't have any reason to refuse.

Immediate transmission technology has been invented. Although it is temporarily applied to the aerospace industry, it will be promoted to the whole people sooner or later.

If it is promoted to the whole people by then, everyone will know about the particle conveyor.

So since the particle conveyor was exposed.

He no longer has to hide the particle conveyor and can openly introduce it to the public.


Lu Xingye also has a bold plan, which is to find ways to reduce the manufacturing cost of the particle conveyor.

Then coupled with very powerful confidentiality technology.

In this way, he can promote the particle conveyor to the whole people.

It would be best if everyone has a particle conveyor at home.

In this way, no matter where people want to go, they can reach it instantly.

It is equivalent to completely abolishing traditional transportation methods.

This is a completely new mode of transportation.

By then, those railways and highways will be completely useless, because people don’t need to use cars at all. They can directly transmit particles at home and reach anywhere in the world.


When Lu Xingye was about to reveal this technology.

To be more precise, it should be the time when we are preparing to start selling particle conveyors. I will definitely come up with a perfect solution.

Because the invention of the particle conveyor touched the cheese of too many people.

Highway Department.

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