Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 399

Immediately afterwards,

He picked up the communicator from the side and called the bodyguard, Long Yubing, who was standing in his bedroom doing yoga.

About five or six seconds later.

Lu Xingye finally heard Long Yubing's voice answering the phone. The other person seemed to be still doing yoga, and there were some subtle footsteps coming from the side.

"Long Yubing, you add some super soldiers and enhanced robots to the training ground and stand by. I will be here right now."

"Okay." Long Yubing didn't ask why. He would unconditionally execute any order given by Commander Lu Xingye.

Long Yubing immediately returned to his room, changed into a set of sportswear, and then took his ten super soldiers and three liquid robots and rushed to the training ground.

About 10 minutes later, Long Yubing finally arrived at the training ground.

When he arrived at the training ground, he found Zhao Yinyun and Lu Xingye already standing next to the training ground.

"Report to Commander, I have brought a total of 10 super soldiers and two liquid robots here. Please give me any instructions next."

Long Yubing came to Lu Xingye's back and cupped her hands.

But when he saw.

Lu Shengye and Zhao Yunyun stood together.

And he could only follow Lu Xingye like an ordinary soldier.

When he could only obey Commander Lu Xingye's order, he suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Why can't I stand with Lu Xingye?

Or maybe he was a little jealous of Zhao Yinyun.

But Long Yubing did not express this idea. He hid this idea well in his heart.

Because he knew that Lu Xingye didn't like him like this, so he would slowly change himself and try not to show his envious side.

"First release all the blockades of the super soldier and let him attack me regardless."

Lu Xingye stood in the center of the training ground and waved to all the soldiers.

When Long Yubing heard this order, he hesitated immediately.

Because he lives with Lu Xingye every day, he also knows Lu Xingye's physical condition very well. Although Lu Xingye is not a particularly weak person, he is not particularly strong either.

Lu Xingye couldn't defeat the super soldier who had been strengthened with the super soldier serum.

Not to mention 1 against 10.

Just now, he actually heard the commander telling him that he wanted to fight 1 against 10.

In Long Yubing's eyes, this was a very incredible thing.

Perhaps seeing Long Yubing's hesitation, the people next to him helped to speak.

"Long Yubing, don't worry. Now our commander Lu Xingye has taken strengthening reagents to improve his physical fitness."

"Now Lu Xingye's physical fitness has increased exponentially. So let alone 10 super soldiers now, maybe 100 super soldiers can't do anything to him."

"Real or false?" Long Yubing was a little doubtful after hearing this.

But he finally agreed to give it a try, and he put a command in the super soldier's mind.

If you find that Lu Xingye is defeated, stop all attacks immediately.

The first one to take action was a super soldier wearing a black robe.

The superpower holds a machete in his hand. His feet kept moving in an S shape, and he kept approaching Lu Xingye quickly.

The speed of the super powerful person was already very fast, but in Lu Xingye's eyes, it became very slow, even slower than a snail.

Lu Xingye's brain and body were perfectly strengthened.

The increase in physical fitness he gained,

Much stronger than these clones enhanced with super soldier serum.

Because of death, Lu Xingye didn't even have to think about it and just stood there.

When the machete flew over, he turned to the left and dodged behind the machete.

Gently sweep his right foot towards the super soldier's legs.

The super soldier was swept away instantly.

Originally, the contempt should have ended here, but now that Lu Xingye has merged with Shenlong's genes, his body has become greedy and easy to kill.

Moreover, the power factor in his body has not been fully exerted by him.

Lu Xingye jumped on the spot, instantly catching up with the flying super soldier, and then kicked his leg directly to the super soldier's waist.

Cut the super soldier in half.

324. In addition to the successful strengthening of the body, other parts have also been successfully strengthened.

"Who else????"

Lu Xingye shouted, and then waved to the nine clones, gesturing for them to come over and die.

Long Yubing was stunned when he saw this scene.

In his impression, Lu Xingye had always been a gentle gentleman. I have never seen such a violent side of the other party.

How could Lu Xingye do this?

How could a super soldier be killed like this?

this is not right.


Lu Xingye, however, seemed to have not heard Long Yubing's prayer and rushed straight towards the remaining nine super soldiers.

These super soldiers became cautious for a while. When they got up and saw Lu Xingye rushing over, they also put on various forms to formally defend themselves.

However, these fancy defenses all become in vain in the face of absolute power.

Lu Xingye rushed into the group of super soldiers.

Then began an unprecedented massacre.

No super robot is Lu Xingye's enemy.

Basically, just after the encounter, a super soldier loses his hand or arm.

Immediately afterwards.

If we encounter him again, a super soldier will be kicked to death.

In less than three minutes, Lu Xingye slaughtered all the super soldiers.

The entire training ground was filled with the smell of blood, and the floor of the training ground was dyed red. This scene looked extremely terrifying.

Lu Xingye was like the King of Hell in the Eighteenth Level of Hell, asking for his life from the super soldier.

"Long Yubing, release the liquid robot here."

do not know why.

After Long Yubing heard Lu Xingye's voice, he couldn't even think of rejecting him. He couldn't help but nodded, and then waved to the two robots he brought over, signaling them to attack Lu Xingye.

Long Yubing comforted herself in her heart.

The T1000 super liquid robot was modified by Hive based on the liquid robot in the Terminator movie.

T1000 robot made by Hive.

Although inspired by the Terminator's super liquid robot, the T1000 robot manufactured by Hive is completely different from the robot in the Terminator.

The attack power of the T1000 robot manufactured by Hive is more powerful than the liquid robot in the Terminator.

Moreover, Jarvis has selected the world's top martial arts and injected it into the brain of T1000. In other words, to put it simply, the T1000 liquid robots have the most superb top martial arts and killing skills in the world.

To put it simply, in these two sentences, the T1000 robot is countless times more powerful than the 10 super soldiers just now.

Because the T1000 robot is made of recoverable liquid metal.

This restorable star is liquid metal, so you have very powerful restorability.

If I remember correctly, in the Terminator movie.

The protagonist, Kangna, has sucked the 1000th Liquid Limit into pieces with liquid nitrogen. Each piece is as big as a fist.

Everyone originally thought that the liquid robot was already dead.

Unexpectedly, the liquid robot in the movie did not die.

In the liquid state that had been shattered on the ground, each piece of the robot began to move slightly, and then slowly joined together to form a super robot again.

One can imagine how recoverable the super robot is.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is simply an immortal existence.

A robot with such powerful resilience and invulnerability is Lu Xingye's best training tool right now.

Long Yubing comforted herself in her heart.

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