Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 409

As if asking Lu Xingye if this is what you just said?

What Jarvis didn't expect was.

At this time, Lu Xingye nodded slightly.

"Jarvis, that's what I wanted to ask just now."

"You will use the big data model to make statistics later, and by the way describe the address of the Kunlun Mountains related to Kyushu myths and legends. When we rescue Zhao Dawei again, we will explore the history of these myths and legends to see if there are any special discoveries. "

Lu Xingye touched his chin with both hands.

By the way, he explored the places related to mythology in the Kunlun Mountains, which was the result of his careful consideration.

The remains of Shenlong have been discovered during lunar exploration.

This shows that most of the myths and stories in Kyushu are true.

The remains of Shenlong can be found in the moon.

So what about the mythical story of Kyushu being discovered in the Kunlun Mountains now?

330. Lu Xingye was camping in the wild and met the farmer again.

"Okay, got it Commander."

"I have created mythological stories and analytical models on my mastermind. If once we pass near the Kunlun Mountains and my father owns a mythical and legendary place, I will lead everyone to explore the surrounding ruins."

Jarvis spoke calmly.

"That's good."

Follow Lu Xingye all the way deeper.

They also went deep into the Kunlun Mountains from the other side.

Nothing was discovered during this process, not to mention the mastermind behind the scenes, and there was no trace of Zhao Dawei.

This made Lu Xingye a little frustrated.

Originally, they entered the Kunlun Mountains with high spirits, just to let Zhao Dawei rescue them back.

What they never expected was that they had been searching in the Kunlun Mountains for a long time and found nothing.

At this time, the man behind the scenes seemed to know. Lu Xingye had arrived deep in the Kunlun Mountains.

I don’t know why, but the man behind the scenes actually gave Lu Xingye some instructions.

The farmer they spotted last time on the surveillance video suddenly appeared again.

The farmer was carrying a basket of herbs on his shoulders. It seemed that he had been collecting herbs from the depths of the Kunlun Mountains just now and had just returned.

When the farmer saw Lu Xingye and the others with a smile on his face, instead of being afraid, he walked over with a smile on his face.

"I finally found you, this strong man."

The farmer saw Lu Xingye speak calmly. In fact, when he spoke, he was still out of breath. It could be seen that the farmer had been wandering around the Kunlun Mountains for a long time in order to find Lu Xingye.

“Are you looking for us???”

Lu Xingye was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and felt a thump in his heart. When he saw the farmer, his eyes gradually became dangerous.

He always thought there was something wrong with the farmer.

Otherwise, why would this farmer keep following me?

Lu Xingye vaguely remembered that when he found Zhao Dawei, it was this farmer who revealed Zhang Dawei's clues to him and led him into the Kunlun Mountains. It can be said that without this farmer, they would not have been able to advance into the Kunlun Mountains. .

The more Lu Xingye thought about it, the more he felt that there was something wrong with this farmer.

But what he didn't expect was.

Instead of covering up, the farmer directly and openly admitted what he had done.


"I have been looking for you, this strong man, this whole journey."

Lu Xingye also frowned and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

At this time, the farmer slowly stated his purpose.

"I am a farmer near the Kunlun Mountains."

"After I separated from your people just now, I went into the Kunlun Mountains to collect herbs. As a result, I met the mastermind you mentioned again. He asked me to transfer something to you."

The farmer smiled slightly, revealing his small white teeth, and then took out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket.

The paper has become very wrinkled due to being kept in the pocket for a long time, but it can be vaguely seen from the inside of the paper that something seems to be recorded in the paper.


Have you met the mastermind again?

Lu Xingye frowned and looked at the farmer with an increasingly dangerous gaze.

Is it such a coincidence that I encountered someone shady twice in a row?


Because Lu Xingye had no actual evidence, it was difficult for him to doubt the farmer.

Because he was afraid that what the farmer handed over might be dangerous, Lu Xingye did not directly reach out to take it.

Instead, he gestured to Jarvis next to him.

Jarvis next to him understood what Lu Xingye meant and quickly sent out a flying robot.

The flying robot flew in front of the farmer and reached out to take the paper.

Then scan and upload the contents of this paper through a scanner and send it to Jarvis.

After Jarvis received the contents of the paper.

Don't dare to neglect again.

He directly opened the screen on his computer and started watching it with Lu Xingye.

This is what I saw on the screen.

Someone wrote a paragraph on the paper with a brush.

[Dear Mr. Lu Xingye, it is really remarkable that you are here. But since you entered the Kunlun Mountains, the game between us has begun. Come on, look for your brother Zhao Dawei. If you can't find your brother Zhao Dawei, I may take action. 】

[Of course, if you don’t care about the life or death of your brother Zhao Dawei, you don’t have to worry about us. 】

[But if you care about your brother's life and death, please be sure to find your brother as soon as possible. After all, you don't have much time left. 】

There were only a few words on the note.

Lu Xingye read the contents on the note and summarized it, and found that there was no meaningful content at all.

I really thank you.

I wipe it!

Since the establishment of Ruohao Technology, it has grown rapidly and has become a towering tree in the world. Lu Xingye's status has also risen accordingly.

It had been a long time since he had felt threatened.

Now he saw what was on the note.

I was very angry.

Lu Xingye swore in his heart that if he was asked to be the mastermind behind the scenes, he would definitely tell the story of the mastermind behind the scenes.

Lu Xingye continued to search inside the Kunlun Mountains.

Time flies very fast.

Soon night fell.

The setting sun hung over half of the mountain in the west, revealing a smiling face. The orange sunlight shone in the forest, twinkling with starlight.

Lu Xingye raised his head and looked at the sky. Seeing that it was getting late, he stopped exploring.

Because it is much more dangerous at night in the Kunlun Mountains than during the day, I cannot guarantee whether there will be any other dangerous things in the Kunlun Mountains.

Lu Xingye planned to rest in place for the night and continue exploring tomorrow.


"You ask all our soldiers to gather together and guard the surroundings. Any animal with a heartbeat that comes over will be hunted by me."

"At the same time, we must be wary of those mechanical life forms. If any mechanical life forms with electronic fluctuations are found coming over, I will kill them all."

Jarvis nodded. "Copy that, Commander."


Under the guidance of Jarvis, the soldiers carried out surrounding vigilance and related camp work.

Originally, Lu Xingye could activate the particle transmission device to teleport himself back to the space battleship above or teleport him back to the hive for repairs.

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