Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 425

After arranging Long Yubing to train in the training room, Lu Xingye did not stop. Immediately and non-stop, Zhu Xiaonong and Tony were registered for the Shenlong gene.

Of course, the Shenlong genes they registered are all full versions of the Shenlong genes.

When the Shenlong gene is completely integrated with the human gene.

Humans can gain power comparable to dragons.

After all three of them were injected with the Shenlong gene, Lu Xingye started the next round of planning.

That is the Biosoldier Forging Project.

What he just injected into those three family members was the complete version of the Shenlong gene.


He injected a reduced version of the Shenlong gene into some clones and creatures.


"You immediately select a group of outstanding organisms and clones in the Hive Laboratory."

"Teleport them to the biochemical lab."

"I'm going to inject them one by one with the reduced version of the Shenlong gene." I

Jarvis nodded and went to get ready.

After Jarvis left, Lu Xingye raised his head and looked at the ceiling, his eyes wandering.

"Zhao Dawei."

"I'll come to rescue you right away."

"Now that the enhanced reagent has been developed, I can immediately mobilize a biochemical army and lay a dragnet to make the mastermind fall into the trap."

Lu Xingye murmured to himself.

338. Entering the Kunlun Mountains again, trying to find evidence of the existence of theology

Morning of the 2nd day.

Lu Xingye had already strengthened all the biochemical armies. To put it simply, all the biochemical armies were given the Shennong gene enhancement reagent.

Although they are taking the reduced version, their strength cannot be underestimated.

Each biochemical soldier has the strength of a mechanized force, the T-1000.

It can even tear apart robots by hand.


Although Lu Xinyue withdrew the mechanized troops from Death Canyon and replaced them with biochemical troops.

But its strength has not weakened at all.

On the contrary, the strength has been slightly strengthened.

Use these biochemical troops to lay a dragnet in Death Canyon, and wait for the masterminds behind the scenes to fall into the trap.

This is a very correct choice.

Lu Xingye came to the training ground.

At this moment, Zhu Xiaonong, Long Yubing and Tony were venting their strength on the training ground.

Everyone is facing the mechanized army robots.

Attack each other.

Sparring with each other.

Because they took the Shenlong gene.

It's comparable to all liquid robots.

He even defeated liquid robots many times.

In particular, Long Yubing's performance was the most outstanding.

He has very powerful fighting skills and fighting awareness. It is not weaker than the T1000 liquid robot's combat skills.

Moreover, Long Yubing has more powerful strength and speed.

So he won't lose in a fight against five.

Instead, he often hits the liquid robot's head, twists its head and breaks its legs.

A girl with a real violence factor.

Lu Xingye caught Long Yubing's gaze and admired him very much.

In fact, although the bodyguard Long Yubing looks very good-looking, he is not as showy as in the novel. He is still very strong.

Back then, Long Yingtian sent Long Yubing to come to him.

On the one hand, he asked Long Yubing to monitor him to see if he had done anything illegal.

On the other hand, it is to protect yourself.

Lu Xingye always remembered the importance of these two things.

The main purpose of Long Xingtian from the mysterious department is to monitor himself, and then protect himself incidentally.

But behind. …

Maybe Long Yingtian couldn't even think of it.

He actually instigated Long Yubing's rebellion and made Long Yubing completely surrender to the hive.

after that.

Long Yingtian almost didn't send someone to monitor him.

Because Suihuo Technology has grown into a towering tree. Even if Long Yingtian wanted to monitor him, he was powerless.

In fact, in Lu Xingye's heart, he had always known that this little girl Long Yubing had a crush on him.

But no one has pierced this layer of window paper.

Now Long Yubing has taken the Shenlong gene, and Lu Xingye has also taken the Shenlong gene.

Both of them took the Shenlong gene and their physical fitness increased significantly. What's more important is that they will have some dragon-like side effects.

The dragon is obscene.

In the records of the Book of Mountains and Seas of Kyushu, every dragon is lustful and full of desire.

Therefore, after integrating the Shenlong gene, Lu Xingye and Long Yubing will slowly change their personalities.

Integrate Long Ben's yinous character into your own body.

Of course this effect is very weak. ,

After all, the human body is still dominated by human genes.

Therefore, the impact of Shenlong's genes on humans is extremely limited.

But a drop of water wears away a stone.

If Lu Xingye was under the influence of Shenlong genes for a long time, his personality would definitely change.

For example, his need for desire has become stronger.

But there is nothing that can be done about it. Since he chose powerful power, he must bear the side effects of powerful power.

"You have been training all night on the training ground and have started to challenge yourself. Are you tired now? How do you feel when all the strength in your body is revealed?"

Lu Xingye looked at his three subordinates, smiled lightly, and greeted them cordially.

At this time, Long Yubing recovered the fastest.

Long Yubing suddenly jumped up, picked up the scimitar next to him, and cut it in half like five liquid robots.

Although these five liquid robots could still recover slowly, it would take some time to recover, so Long Yubing took the opportunity to end the battle.

Long Yubing walked up to Lu Xingye, his eyes were very excited, so he showed a faint smile, making him look very charming.

"It feels great."

"The Dragon Gene is much more powerful than the Super Soldier Serum. Now I feel like I can defeat 10 of my previous selves."

Lu Xingye stretched out his hand and touched Long Yubing gently.

He gently touched Long Yubing's forehead.

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