Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 441

Lu Xingye replied affirmatively: "It's what you think."

"Rather than just attacking one Predator, it's better to attack them all at once."

"Ten Predators will attack together."

"..." Long Yubing was silent for a moment and nodded slightly.

Then he spoke calmly.

"Then let's attack together, 10 of us."

"That's fine."

He said he was looking for Long Yubing, so he turned around and walked outside the tent. He was preparing to lay out a plan to attack the Predator.

What he never expected was.

At this time, he was stopped by Lu Xingye again.

"Wait a moment."

"I have an air fluctuation detection device here, a tiny version."

"This tiny version of the spatial fluctuation detection device is linked to the main server of our hive. It has the same functions as the full version of the air fluctuation detection device."


Lu Xingye directly handed the tiny version of the space fluctuation detection device to Long Yubing.

I saw this tiny version of the air wave device.

It's only as big as the palm of your hand.

Lu Xingye set it up as a miniature watch.

Can be provided to biochemical soldiers.

There is a screen on the threat watch, which can display the location of the Predator in real time.

Long Yubing was stunned for a moment and reached out to take it.

"I didn't expect you to have such a good thing,"

"With this kind of good thing, we can greatly reduce the death of our soldiers."

"On behalf of all the soldiers, thank you."

"You're welcome," Lu Xingye cupped his hands towards Long Yubing.

Immediately afterwards.

Long Yubing left directly.

He found the captains of all the biochemical soldiers, secretly summoned them, and held a mysterious meeting.

Of course if he holds this meeting.

Covering has been done.

To make sure the Predator doesn't overhear their meeting.

During the meeting.

Long Yubing determined how to attack the Predator.

Then the meeting adjourned.

It was 12 o'clock that night.

The battle between the biochemical soldiers and the Predator finally came, and everything developed according to Long Yubing's planned plan.

Nothing unexpected happened.

After a period of fierce fighting.

10 Predators were directly captured alive by biochemical soldiers.

have to say.

Predator's equipment is much ahead of Hive's.

But Long Yubing still won.

He was victorious for two reasons:

One is unexpected.

The second is that the Shenlong gene is too powerful. The Predator simply couldn't stand it.

Long Yubing spawned 10 Predators.

Came to Lu Xingye.

The Predator looks very ugly and looks like an alien.

do not know why.

Lu Xingye named this group of invisible monsters Predator.

These invisible monsters really look like warriors.

The one set outside is all a suit.

Plus an invisibility cloak.

There is also an iron-blooded individual suit on the body.

A real look like the Predator in the movie.

What a sin!

Could this alien really be the Predator in the movie?

345. Release the iron-blooded suit and analyze the cloaking device

Lu Xingye was confused for a moment.

Don't know what's going on?

Isn't the Predator something from the movies?

Why did it happen in reality?

A capital question mark comes to mind.

"Can you open the Iron-Blooded Suit? I want to see what it looks like inside. Is it the same as in the movie?"

"If that's the case, then the joke is too big."

Lu Xingye murmured to Long Yubing.


Just pick up the chainsaw next to you.

Prepare to cut against the bionic shell outside the Predator.


The roar of a metal chainsaw came.

It looked so terrifying.

Kind of like Saw.

"No need to try."

"A chainsaw cannot cut through the bionic shell inside."

"I already tried it just now. If it could be cut, I would have cut it long ago."

"It's really troublesome."

"You've been working with me for so long."

"I would like to take a closer look at the Predator's true face. Having been against them for so long, it would be such a pity if we can't even see their true face."

Long Yubing looked at Lu Xingye and murmured.

Somewhat angry.

"How will you know if you don't try?"

"I'll use a super-powerful electric saw to cut it, just in case it works!"

It was the first time Lu Xingye saw an alien with blue blood. He wanted to try it for himself.

The roar of a chainsaw came.


The sharpest point of the chainsaw cut on the iron-blooded suit, and a burst of sparks flew out.

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