Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 448

"Hurry up and peel off the alien's disguise. I have already seen through the other person. Peel it off for me."


"It's so disgusting."

"An alien is so disgusted that he wears a bionic mask. No, he wears a mask of pain."

Lu Xingye smiled faintly and looked forward indifferently.

Although there was a screen across the screen, the sharp gaze seemed to penetrate the screen and look directly at the many fans.

Especially shocking!

"Don't be anxious, everyone."

"I will start cutting the appearance of the Predator now, and let everyone take a look at the ugly appearance of the Predator."


Lu Xingye took out the chainsaw.

The sizzling sound of a chainsaw could be heard.

Fans in the live broadcast room were a little shocked when they saw this scene.

What exactly are these bionic appearances of the Predator?

So hard?

I actually had to use a chainsaw to cut it.

Everyone opened their mouths in an O shape, looking in disbelief.

Xu could see the fans' disbelief, or in other words, shock.

Lu Xingye didn't sell things anymore.


Speak directly and slowly:

"Don't be shocked."

"The Predator's outer shell is terrifyingly tough."

"It's so tough that you can't cut it with a chainsaw."

"Actually, I have tried to use a chainsaw to cut the shell of the Predator before, but it couldn't be cut at all."

"The reason why we are still cutting with a chainsaw now is to prove to everyone the toughness of the Predator's shell."



The roar of a chainsaw came.

Lu Xingye placed the chainsaw on one of the robotic arms. The precision robotic arm held the chainsaw and slowly moved towards the Predator.

The robotic arm is a high-precision robotic arm.

Operations far beyond the level of surgery can be performed.



Through the live broadcast footage, everyone can see sparks flying between the chainsaw and the Predator inside.

But the chainsaw did nothing.


Sparks kept coming out, but there was no trace inside.

"Oh my God!"

"There's no trace at all."

"What the hell is this material made of? It's actually harder than a chainsaw."

Unlike the fans in the live broadcast room who were amazed, Lu Xingye seemed to have known about this for a long time and was not surprised at all.


"The shell of the Predator is so hard that it seems that the chainsaw cannot cut it open at all."

"No wonder the Predator wasn't afraid at all. Even if we captured him alive, his expression remained unchanged. It turned out that we thought we couldn't break through its shell."

Lu Xingye smiled to himself.

Then what!

It made all the fans in the live broadcast room burst into laughter. Sometimes Lu Xingye can also be very humorous.

What a good anchor.

have to say:

Lu Xingye also has the potential to be an anchor.

"Director Lu, what else is powerful? A tool? Just take it out and cut it on the Predators to let them know how powerful we are."


"Cut right through."

"Deploy our black technology and let them taste the power of human civilization."

"Hehe... If I remember correctly, Suihuo Technology should have laser technology! Next, Director Lu should use laser weapons!"

One of the fans spoke calmly.


Not to mention, this fan really got it right.

Lu Xingye is really planning to do laser cutting next.

"Dear fans."

"The passerby's guess was indeed good."

"I'm going to use laser weapons to cut next."


A super-powerful laser emitting device next to it moved over.

The basis of this laser weapon is a space-based weapon.

The power is terrifying.

Able to reach the infinite deep space directly from the home star.

Some foreign friends were deeply shocked when they saw this laser weapon.

Kyushu is no longer the same Kyushu as before.

Kyushu began to become stronger.

Until they can't keep up.

The laser weapon paused for a moment, then slowly stored energy and turned into a huge bright light.



The bright light of the laser weapon illuminated the entire laboratory.


There was a loud noise.

Laser weapons create huge bright lights.

Secondary to the Predator.

The Predator's face remained unchanged, his ugly eyes looking at everyone with a hint of ridicule.

Seems to be laughing at everyone's overestimation.

Immediately afterwards.

The laser came to the shell of the Predator.

A stronger sizzling sound came.

Let everyone be shocked.

What the hell is this!

When the laser weapon hit the Predator's shell, there should have been a sizzling sound of ice and snow melting.

The results of it!

and has no effect.

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