Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 456

I don’t know why, but what Lu Xinyue said was very contagious. Before he finished speaking, he gained great recognition among people all over the world. They all repeated Lu Xingye’s words in the live broadcast room.

"If you choose to enter Blue Star, then you have to work, the effects from humans."

"Alien, please think carefully. If you choose to enter Nanjing, you will have to bear the wrath of us humans."

"Alien, please think carefully. If you choose to enter Nanjing, you will have to bear the wrath of us humans."

"Alien, please think carefully. If you choose to enter Nanjing, you will have to bear the wrath of us humans."

The neat sounds in the live broadcast room filled the screen.

Lu Xingye lowered his head and took a look.

I felt very pleased.

Humans are aggressive though.

And they often like to fight within themselves, fighting to the death over ordinary things.

But at critical moments, the human race is still very reliable.

If you encounter other places.

Human civilization can unite tightly and work together to resist aliens.

This made Lu Xingye very proud.

If you want to establish a super multi-power, you must not only have powerful technology, but also need a powerful suzerain to support you. Race is the population and the living force. If there is no race, no matter how powerful your technology is, there will be no race to control technology. population.

This is empty.

Very lucky thing.

Lu Xingye is a member of the human race.

He has the most amazing race of humans.

Maybe he doesn't know either.

When he enters the interstellar age in the future.

How much help did human civilization give him, and what kind of power did it have?

Lu Xingye continued to walk around the live broadcast room and continued to talk to the fans for a while, but they all talked about simple contents and did not talk about aliens in depth. However, the fans reacted very excitedly and almost regarded Lu Xingye as The divine man worshiped him, and Lu Xingye was also very happy about this.

Because Lu Xingye was very at ease in human civilization, they were almost not afraid of the discovery of powerful aliens. Their inner sense of security was also very sufficient. Why did they have such a strong sense of security? Because Lu Xingye gave them a strong sense of security, because Lu Xingye had very powerful technology.

When technology is strong, there is a sense of security.

After Lu Xingye turned off the live broadcast, he directly asked scientists to disassemble the alien and let the monster be recycled.

Gene series scientists study alien genes,

Experts in the bioweapons series study alien race-destroying devices.

There are also some scientists who conduct various studies on aliens.

Of course, because these people were more in-depth, there was no live broadcast. The second-generation rich man said calmly to 10,000 steps. Even if he did the live broadcast, the people in the live broadcast room might not be able to understand it. Moreover, it involved There are high-level secrets in the hive, so it is impossible for him to broadcast live.

After finishing all this, Lu Xingye just had some time to spare. After sitting in the office for a while, he heard the very happy voice of Jarvis, the artificial intelligence.

"Commander, I just saw something that made me very angry. Isn't Zhu Xiaonong your default wife? Now she is being teased. I can't stand it."

Jarvis walked into Lu Xingye's office and spoke calmly.

"What's going on??:"

Lu Xingye frowned and spoke in disbelief, because the hive was his base camp. Suitable for technology, capital controls everything in the hive. Now there are unknown cat-headed chickens who dare to come around the hive to provoke him. This is impossible.

Because the hive is under his control with a radius of hundreds of miles, most people would not dare to cause trouble here.


Unless it is an insider of the hive, but an insider of the hive would not be so bold.

For a moment, Lu Xingye couldn't think of anyone who dared to tease his secretary.

But in addition to Zhu Xiaonong being teased and played with by Lu Xingye, what Jarvis said made Lu Xingye even more angry.

"Jarvis, please speak to me carefully, who is my default wife???"

"When did I say that Zhu Xiaonong is my default wife? Please don't tell me nonsense, okay???"

Lu Xingye frowned and looked at the other person and spoke calmly.

There was a flash of anger inside.

"Cough cough cough cough..."

"Is not it???"

Jarvis spoke with an aggrieved face.

She looks like a resentful woman who has done something wrong.

There was a black line on Lu Xingye's forehead. You have been wronged emotionally, right? ? ?

"Say it to me again???"

It was like this last time. Yes, Lu Xingye is his highest authority holder.

Jarvis could not resist any of Lu Xingye's instructions.

Originally, his core code also stipulated that he could not quarrel with Lu Shijie, but as Jarvis became more and more intelligent and the artificial intelligence became more intelligent, his quarrel mode had to exceed a certain level of authority. .

Or rather than bypassing a certain procedure.

Instead, the core code was reinterpreted to make the core code look more rational.

Of course, this kind of reinterpretation of the core code is different from the reinterpretation of the core code by the Red Queen in the Resident Evil movie. It’s my consciousness that Skynet was born in The Terminator, which is also different.

Then Jarvis had more authority.

Of course, Jarvis would never betray Lu Xingye.

"No, no, don't talk anymore."

Jarvis smiled slightly, then called up a video and projected it on the projector.

"Stop saying anything. Commander, watch the video yourself."

This is what I saw in the video.

Zhu Xiaonong was outside the hive. A rich second generation came to Zhu Xiaonong with large and small bags of clothes.

The rich second-generation boy was naked and his neck was shining.

Suits and leather shoes.

From the outside I look like a scumbag.

But he's the kind of guy who knows how to make girls happy.

Holding a flower in her hand, she came to Zhu Xiaonong and knelt down on one knee, like a prince charming expressing love.

"Zhu Xiaonon, I like you."

"I know you like clothes very much. I would like to buy the entire length of clothes for you. I hope you can give me a chance."

"And I'll give you all the money you can spend."

The second-generation rich man spoke calmly.


Zhu Xiaonong looked a little at a loss.

His face was flushed, his hands were intertwined and he grabbed a corner, constantly alternating transmissions.

It seems that he doesn't know how to reject the pursuit of the rich second generation.

Lu Xingye looked forward.

There was a flash of anger in his eyes.

After acquiring the Shenlong gene, his physical desires became much stronger.

Although he has no plans to pursue Zhu Xiaonong yet.


Zhu Xiaonong has already identified one of the women as his own.

No, I will never allow others to taint the woman I have chosen.

Not even if someone else confesses.

Lu Xingye didn't care about anything else and put on a coat. Then when I came to the underground garage, I still had my own monster supercar, and when I stepped on the accelerator, it was like going out.

He deliberately did not drive his own car.

Because many people know about his exclusive car.

Once he drives out, he no longer feels like he is pretending to be a slap in the face.

Now he finally saw the tricks of the rich second generation in pursuing beautiful women.

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