Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 459

Zhu Xiaonong was moved by the delivery of the car just now. If he gives away a room now, Zhu Xiaonong will definitely not be able to control it anymore.


Why are you pretending to be noble?

It’s not like I was defeated by my material things.

No woman is immaterial.

at this time.

Zhu Xiaonong was even more hesitant.

no way.

The other party gave too much, so much that he had no way to refuse.

But Fan refused.

Zhu Xiaonon felt that it was disrespectful to him.

Promise him.

He must be promised.

Just when Zhu Xiaonong was about to agree to the other party, the familiar figure in his mind came out to act strangely again.

Lu Xingye's handsome face.

And the violent memories of himself and Lu Xingye came,

This left Zhu Xiaonong at a loss as to what to choose.

Zhu Xiaonong blushed.

He hesitated for a few minutes.

Finally, he shook his head slightly.

All little peasants, all little peasants,

You are a woman with integrity, how can you bend your back for a mere five buckets of rice?

No matter how much money you have.

Is it important to have your body clean?

Not much money.

Just spend enough.


Zhu Xiaonong, who has always been keen, knew that he could no longer refuse the other party.

She noticed the change in Zhang Qiqing's expression.

Especially when she said that ugly rejection, Zhang Qiqing's face changed and became very ugly. Although Zhang Qiqing concealed it very well at that moment, Zhu Xiaonong still saw it.

At that moment, the change in his expression was clearly extremely vicious.


Zhu Xiaonong was a little worried that if he rejected the other party again, he would arouse the other party's huge anger.

The other party might destroy him.

You have to find a better reason.


The other party will really destroy themselves.

Chou refuses something.

Anyway, Zhu Xiaonong didn’t dare to say anything anymore.

Except this.

Zhu Xiaonong's eyes moved wildly, and he suddenly saw Lu Xingye who was wearing a yellow robe.

I’ll just say it!

Why is this delivery boy so familiar?

It turned out to be Commander Lu Xingye.

At first.

Zhu Xiaonong thought he was mistaken. After all, the commander was the most powerful person in the hive, with hundreds of thousands of people per second.

How could he possibly play these pretending tricks with himself?

When Zhu Xiaonong saw Lu Xingye wearing a yellow robe and looking extremely monotonous, he immediately understood.

Things get interesting.

The commander is pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger.


Zhu Xiaonong, who was naturally quirky, understood what Lu Xingye meant in an instant.

Zhu Xiaonong couldn't help but patted his chest.

Fortunately, I didn't agree to Zhang Qiqing's confession just now, otherwise I would be doomed.

Isn’t this losing the sesame seeds and picking up the watermelons?


It should be said that the TV was lost and the antenna was recovered.

No one knows that Lu Xingye is more powerful than the Great Demon King.

This thing is not to be messed with.

Don’t you see that Lu Xingye has put on a yellow robe? ? ?

Zhu Xiaonong has been Lu Xingye's secretary for so many years, but he has never seen Lu Xingye be so serious.

Looks like someone is going to be in trouble.

Zhu Xiaonong's eyes moved slyly.

Suddenly an idea came to me.

That is to directly involve Lu Xingye in this Shura field.

Aren't you getting ready to watch a play?

Don’t you want to stay out of it?

Don’t you want to enter the venue last?

I prefer not.

With my Zhu Xiaonong’s character, if you don’t want to come in, I still want you to come in.

hey-hey! ! ! !

Then things get even more interesting.

Zhu Xiaonong walked up to Lu Xingye with a smile on his face and showed a sly smile reluctantly.

Then he spoke calmly.

"Zhang Qiqing. I tell you that I already have someone I like. Please don't pester me anymore. One day the person I like will come to me on colorful auspicious clouds and be my Prince Charming. Just die. One heart."

"The person I like is a great hero, not a rich second generation like you."

Zhu Xiaonong walked up to Lu Xingye and showed a simple smile.

Then he looked at Lu Xingye lovingly.

I have to say that his acting skills are really high.

If others didn't know, seeing the two of them shouting silently, they would really think that the other party was a couple.


Zhang Qiqing was not surprised either.

When he saw the woman he loved loving looking affectionately at a strange man, he became angry on the spot.

He can tolerate falling in love with other women.

But he does not allow the woman he likes to like other men.

Isn't this cuckolding yourself? ? ?

Zhang Qiqing was extremely angry.

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